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Service Learning Certification Form
___ On Campus
___ Off Campus
Course: United States History
Department: Social Studies
Period(s) Participating
Grade Level(s): 11th Grade
Project Name: Global Power Project
Anticipated # of students:
Date Submitted:
SECTION 2 Project Description:
While studying the rise of the United States as a global power after World War II, the students
will focus on global problems such as hunger, AIDs , and global warming. They will research
the problems and then write letters to U.S. government officials and newspapers suggesting
action the United States could take to solve these world problems.
SECTION 3 Community Need(s):
The global community faces serious problems. The United States, as a global power, has
the ability to contribute to the solution to those problems. Students need to begin to think
of their role, and the role of their government, in solving these problems.
SECTION 4 Community Partner(s):
United Nations, World Affairs Council, World Trade Organization, Amnesty International
SECTION 5 Student Voice
Students will determine the problems on which they wish to focus.
Students will decide the course of action that is best for both the United States and
other nations.
Students will select the officials and newspapers which will receive their letters.
SECTION 6 California Content/Skill Standard(s)
History/Social Science
11.4 Students trace the rise of the United States to its role as a world power in the twentieth
Language Arts-Written and Oral English Language Communication
1.0 Students write and speak with a command of standard English conventions.
1.1 Demonstrate control of grammar, diction, and paragraph and sentence structure
and an understanding of English usage.
SECTION 7 Project Components:
Students will research the ways the U.S. has used its power to help other nations.
Students make a list of global problems that the United States can help solve.
Students decide on three or four problems upon which they wish to focus.
Students research the extent of the problem and ways in which the U.S. might help.
Students determine which government officials would be in a position to influence
U.S. policy.
Students decide what to include in letters to officials and letters to the editors of
Students will write a reflective essay.
SECTION 8 Reflection Prompts
Students will write an essay evaluating whether the United States does enough to solve
global problems.
Students will write an essay evaluating the responses they received from government
officials and suggesting further steps that might be taken to solve the problem.
SECTION 9 Outcomes and Assessments:
Students will be able to identify instances in which the U.S. has used its power to help
other nations.
Students will demonstrate an ability to research an issue by determining which global
problems the United States might help solve.
Students will exhibit an ability to think analytically by suggesting ways the U.S. can help
solve a global problem.
Students will display the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively by writing a
letter to a government official or editor of a newspaper.
SECTION 10 Accommodations/Support for Diverse Learners:
Appropriate tasks will be assigned to all students.
Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively and respect the talents of each of
the members of their group.
Locations will be accessible. When not available alternative sites will be sought.
Each member of the group will have an equal opportunity to make significant
contributions to the project.
Students with IEPs will be identified and individual needs will be addressed.
I agree to the above accommodations for diverse service learners. Initials______
SECTION 11 Administrator Comment(s) / Recommendations:
Submitted by: _________________________________________________
Teacher Signature
Date: _____________
Date: ________________
Principal or designee Signature
Original to: ______APSCS
Copies to: _____ SIS Coordinator
_____ Teacher(s)