Download Deltex® wire vs. Steel wire Steel Wire DELTEX® wire

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Deltex® wire vs. Steel wire
Steel Wire
DELTEX® wire
When the temperature changes, it stretches.
Provides less support for vegetation, needs to be retightened,
large quantities of staples are needed.
It is conductive to electricity, and thus can burn leaves or fruit
during severe storms.
Deltex® is neutral to temperature changes (-40°C +70°C)(104°F +158°F). As it is polyester treated with carbon black,
Deltex® is not conductive to electricity.
In its winter position, regular wire often left on the ground risks
being picked up in agricultural machinery.
Extensive handling : stretching the wire for lowering and restretching for rising, never having the security of correct vine
Because of its permanent tension, Deltex® wire does not
touch the ground. It stays tight under the support wire. Easy
to work with and a time saver, Deltex® wire stays attached
to the posts.
Slack wires are a risk for machines as they can cause very
expensive mechanical breakdowns.
Deltex® wires are adapted for existing machines (automatic lift-up, pre-pruning machines, harvesting machines…)
and facilitate their passage because they are always tight.
The weight of steel wire and its aggressive texture make a
product which is difficult to handle and sometimes dangerous.
In the galvanised range, wire often cuts branches, leaves or
fruit. Wire breaks frequently and is more difficult to retie with
Deltex® diameters do not injure plants and are neutral to all
corrosion. If the wire is severed, Deltex® returns to its normal
state, regaining its elasticity and falling to the ground without causing serious injuries.
Reattachments are done with a simple knot (more economic), by using a gripple or metal cap.
Tightening a galvanized wire creates micro-lesions which
accelerates corrosion, although it was purchased specifically
for avoiding corrosion.
Rust is an enormous problem, as it stays on the plants or fruit.
This corrosion is noxious for the grape. The life span of the wire
is reduced.
With permanent tension, there is no need for retightening.
No micro-lesions occur during handling because of its elasticity and its polyester material.
Personnel and material are needed for retightening the wire
at least once a year.
Installation and handling are difficult due to its weight and its
No need for personnel nor systems for retightening.
Great ease in installation because of its light weight and
Lifting-up is difficult and long on very vegetative grapes (vinestocks after vine-stocks).
Loss of suppleness during the lift-up.
Drawing off is made difficult because of attaching tendrils.
The lift-up is much faster because of its permanent tension
(5-12 times quicker). The time saved and ease of utilisation
allow for a savings of labour and a transfer of activity 5-12
times superior to that when using regular wire. The texture of
Deltex® does not facilitate the attachment of tendrils.
Difficulties in handling and tension in very damaged, hollow
or bumpy ground.
Its lightness and permanent elasticity allows Deltex® to
adapt itself to all types of ground surfaces. There is no need
to retighten it or to put it on the ground.
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