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25 centuries ago, the ancients came up with theories such as:
a) earth is the center of an unchanging universe
b) the sun rotates around the earth in 365 days
c) the sun and the moon had shape of spheres
d) the sun is the smallest star in the galaxy
e) man and nature were created by a celestial power
Why do we have to measure in light years?
a) Because stars are so distant from the earth in the universe
b) Because a light year is smaller than an AU.
c) Because light speed is 11,000 AU
d) The light year is a way to measure units of flight
According to the film, what were the critical components for the birth of the earth?
a) Water
b) Carbon
c) Energy
d) All of the above
What makes a black hole so powerful?
a) Nuclear fusion
b) Supernovas
c) Gravity
d) Rotation of Galaxies
In what century did Galileo Galilei invent the telescope?
a) 15th century
b) 16th century
c) 17th century
d) 18th century
e) 19th century
Why do galaxies collide with each other?
a) Because the Universe contracts.
b) Because the Universe expands.
c) Due to their natural gravity.
d) They were headed on a course and happened to meet.
The telescope was invented by:
a) Galileo
b) Kant
c) Aristotle
d) Columbus
When looking at a star, the image you see is out of date because:
a) our ancestors wanted to preserve the constellations
b) the star’s light is very hot and appears different than what it is.
c) The star is so far away it takes a long time for the light to reach earth.
d) Atmosphere absorbs most of the image.
What is a star that explodes?
a) A supernova
b) A galaxy
c) A dead star
d) A super star
What was the approximate size of life as we know it now before the “big bang” theory?
a) The size of a grapefruit
b) The size of a tennis ball
c) The size of a pool table ball
d) The size of a golf ball
Who invented the telescope?
a) Newton
b) Van Leeboohook
c) Galileo
d) Da Vinci
How long since the beginning of the earth until the first sign of humans?
a) 20,000 light years
b) 2.15 million years
c) 15 billion years
d) 20 light years
How many km are in one light year?
a) 109
b) 107
c) 1013
d) 102
What year did Galileo invent the telescope?
a) 1609
b) 1537
c) 1984
d) 1701
What are the basic ingredients of life?
a) oxygen, water, and carbon
b) bacteria, energy, and carbon
c) water, energy, and carbon
d) water, ozone, and carbon
An atom is to the universe as Earth is to _______________.
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) the moon
d) galaxies
What are the basic ingredients of life?
a) water, dirt, plants, sun
b) bacteria, water, stars
c) water, carbon, energy
A(n) _________ is the distance light travels in one year.
a) astronomical unit
b) kilometer
c) light year
Where was the first telescope invented?
a) Delft
b) Venice
c) Athens
d) Rome
e) Chicago
What does keep galaxies together?
a) gravity
b) stars
c) heat from the sun
d) quarks
e) tape
What did Galileo discover after looking at the stars with his telescope?
a) Galaxies
b) Jupiter had its own moons
c) The sun was a large star
d) The moon had mountains
e) B and D
The basic elements of life are:
a) oxygen and water
b) water, oxygen, energy
c) hydrogen, carbon, water
d) water, carbon, energy
e) none of the above
The galaxies are flying away from one another. This means that:
a) the universe is condensing
b) the universe is expanding
c) the universe is dissolving
d) the universe is remaining the same
A black hole is ____________.
a) a collapsed star
b) a galaxy
c) a hole in the universe
d) fictional
e) a rock band
Who invented the 1st telescope?
a) Morgan Freeman
b) Einstein
c) Galileo
d) Newton
e) Michael A. Seeds
What was the first living organism discovered on earth?
a) Algae
b) Parasites
c) Photoplankton
d) Bacteria
e) Water
A. How long (time) from “Big Bang” to the existence of human life on earth?
1 billion
365 million
15 billion
52.5 million
15 million
B. How long in Scientific Notation?
What is a Supernova?
a) A PBS television show
b) Dying stars in a black hole
c) Exploding stars to give elements that form new life
d) A space shuttle
e) A planet exploding into the sun
What is a quark?
a) A basic element
b) Smallest known organism in a particle
c) An animal
d) Something that seals a bottle
What happens to stars that come in contact with a black hole?
a) Expand
b) Condense
c) Split in half
d) Explode
e) Sucked in
Who invented the first telescope?
a) Socrates
b) Neil Armstrong
c) Galileo
d) Leonardo Da Vinci
e) George Gamow
What is the popular thought among scientists about how the Universe formed?
a) Two stars collided in outer space.
b) A small mass, the size of a golf ball, containing all matter, exploded and began
the expansion of
c) A planet exploded
d) The universe always existed
What invention allowed for us to view the smallest particles of our world?
a) telescope
b) microscope
c) spectacles
d) 3D goggles
What is the smallest known piece of matter?
a) Atom
b) Atomic nucleus
c) Electron
d) Quark
e) Proton
Explain the big bang theory.
a) Two stars collided, exploded, and created the universe
b) All the matter now in the universe was compacted into one extremely dense place
that exploded, creating the universe
c) All the matter was there spread out in space, it exploded making the universe
bigger and creating life.
d) A chemical reaction that created life.
How far is it until the end of the visible universe?
a) 20 billion light years
b) 15 billion light years
c) 15 million light years
d) 20 million light years
Which of these is not a building block for life?
a) water
b) carbon
c) energy
d) UV light
How long did it take from the Big Bang to civilization?
a) 12 billion
b) 15 billion
c) 11 billion
d) 16 billion
How did bacteria contribute to the formation of our atmosphere?
a) The strong nuclear force created the continuation of transfunctioner
b) It blocks ultraviolet rays from the sun
c) It prevented the Emperor from completing the Death Star
d) Bacteria created air which added to the atmosphere.
How do scientists believe black holes formed?
a) In the movie “Black Hole”
b) Collapsed core of a dead star
c) Space hurricanes
d) None of the above
How many electrons are in a carbon atom?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
What is the smallest unit of matter known to man?
a) atom
b) quark
c) proton
d) electron
e) nucleus
How far to the power of ten is the limit of what we can see?
a) 1014
b) 10100
c) 1073
d) 1023
e) 100
After the Big Bang, how long did it take to form the galaxy?
a) 2 billion years
b) 12 billion years
c) 9 billion years
d) 14 billion years
How was the ozone layer formed?
a) Rain
b) CO2 from plant life
c) Radiation from the sun
d) O2 released from blue green algae
What are the three components of a nucleus?
a) Electrons
b) Protons
c) Quarks
d) Neutrons
e) Isotopes
When do we know black holes are there?
a) When it’s dark
b) While inhaling a star
c) It looks like a lit up toilet bowl while consuming matter
d) While giving birth to a galaxy
When galaxies collide from their mutual gravity, approximately how many years does it
a) one hundred
b) one thousand
c) one hundred million
d) one billion
e) ten billion
When studying the universe and the distance between objects, what other part of nature is
good to analyze to get a feel for how large the universe actually is?
a) an ant colony
b) leaves on a tree
c) a drop of water
d) cloud formation
What are the smallest building blocks of life?
a) molecules
b) atoms
c) quarks
d) protons
e) neutrons
Why are the blue and green molecules so important?
a) They release oxygen to form ozone.
b) The oxygen created life on our planet.
c) They turned into the first life forms
d) a and b
e) none of the above
How much passed between the time of the Big Bang and the appearance of humanity?
a) 1 year
b) 5,000 years
c) 10 million years
d) 15 billion years
What are supernovas?
a) Collapsed stars
b) Shooting stars
c) Bright stars
d) Exploded stars
e) A song by Liz Phair
Who invented the telescope?
a) Morgan Freeman
b) Aristotle
c) Galileo
d) Benjamin Franklin
e) Newton
Relative to the universe, how important are we?
a) The most important planet
b) Very significant
c) Moderately significant
d) Just one of the billions of planets out there
The smallest identified matter is:
a) electrons
b) protons
c) atoms
d) quarks
e) cell
What evidence supports the likelihood of other “earths” in other galaxies?
What is a supernova?
a) A type of galaxy
b) An exploding star
c) A massive collection of stars
d) Another universe
How many planets are in our solar system?
a) 12
b) 4
c) 10
d) 9
e) 8
How can black holes be detected?
a) We listen for them
b) We detect their gravitational effects on other stars
c) We can see them through telescopes
d) We can’t
Why do scientists believe in the Big Bang theory over others?
a) Because sound travels slower than light so we can still hear it.
b) They couldn’t think of anything else.
c) If you reverse the expansion of the universe, the logical result is an infinitely
small, dense point.
d) It’s in the Bible.
What is an atom made of?
a) matter
b) protons and neutrons
c) protons, quarks, electrons, and neutrons
d) carbon
e) electrons and quarks
According to the Big Bang theory, what is the universe continually doing?
a) contracting
b) exploding
c) degenerating
d) expanding
e) screaming
What are the elements of life?
a) oxygen, iron, energy
b) carbon dioxide, water, thiamine
c) hydrogen, helium, neon
d) water, carbon, energy
How many years after the Big Bang did human life form?
a) 10 years
b) 15 million years
c) 15 billion years
d) 4.6 billion years
What year was the telescope invented?
a) 1492
b) 1704
c) 1609
d) 1856
Which of these is a sub-atomic particle?
a) molecule
b) DNA strand
c) Proton
d) Atom
How many factors of 10 of 1 meter would form a circle encompassing the solar system?
a) 8
b) 3
c) 13
d) 5
e) 17
What method do we use to determine large/small?
a) scales
b) measuring
c) guessing
d) asking experts