Download Femoral-Popliteal Bypass - Greenslopes Private Hospital

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Patient Care Path
Femoral-Popliteal Bypass
Thank you for choosing Greenslopes Private Hospital for your surgery.
We appreciate that being in hospital can be a stressful experience. The staff caring for you have developed this
information so that you will know what you can expect during your stay.
This is however, only a guide and your progress may vary from this outline.
Please read this information and if you have any questions or concerns at any time, please discuss these with your
Nurse or Doctor.
Expected Length of Hospital Stay: Up to 6 nights
Our Expectations
1.You will be provided with written information about your rights and responsibilities whilst in our care at
Greenslopes Private Hospital.
2.If you have any concerns about your ability to cope after your surgery, please discuss this with Nursing staff over
the phone on 1800 777 101, or on admission to hospital
• Please note, community services are not always readily available and not all patients are eligible for funded services
3.Please bring your medications and any test results related to your surgery into hospital
4.Prior to discharge:
• your pain will be controlled with medication
• your wound will be clean, dry and continuing to heal
• you will be able to mobilise safely, with a walking aid if necessary
Your Expectations
On Arrival To Hospital
• You will be taken to the Day Of Surgery Lounge where a Nurse will complete a medical history if this was not
completed prior to your admission
• Your temperature, pulse, blood pressure and weight will be checked
• If you take regular medication, you will continue to do so throughout your stay unless otherwise instructed
by your Doctor
• If you have any concerns about how you will manage at home, please discuss this with your Nurse. You may
be referred to the Care Coordinator who will assess your situation for eligibility and availability of postdischarge services
If you have any questions about your surgery or hospitalisation please ask your Nurse or Doctor
Before Surgery
• You should not eat or drink for at least six(6) hours before your surgery
• If you are taking any blood-thinning or anti-inflammatory medication (such as warfarin, aspirin or alternative
medicines), please advise your Nurse
• You should have showered prior to coming to hospital. Please advise your Nurse if you have not done so
• You will have a blood test, heart tracing and other tests, if requested by your Doctor
• You will be dressed in a theatre gown and disposable underwear
• The Anaesthetist will visit you before you go into surgery
After Surgery
• You will:
– Be taken to the ward – Have your blood pressure, pulse, temperature, circulation, wound dressing and pain level checked regularly
– Have an intravenous drip in your arm which will keep you hydrated
– You can have regular medication for pain. It is important that you tell your Nurse if you have pain
– Be unable to eat or drink for at least four (4) hours after your surgery. Please check with Nursing staff before you
have anything to eat or drink
• Your wound will be covered with a dressing
• Nursing staff will help you with all of your hygiene needs as you will be required to rest in bed
Day 1 Following Surgery
• Your Doctor will visit you today
• Your blood pressure, temperature, pulse, circulation, wound dressing and pain levels will be checked regularly
• You will be able to have your normal diet and fluids, as tolerated
• You can have regular medication for pain. It is important that you tell your Nurse if you have pain
• Your wound will be closely monitored and the dressing will remain intact
• The Physiotherapist will visit you and show you deep breathing and other exercises to help your recovery.
They will assist you to mobilise with the help of a walking aid
• Early progression of your walking and regaining your independence in daily activities is essential to a good
recovery. To do this, it is important to advise your Nurse if you have pain and take regular pain relief
• Nursing staff will help you with your hygiene needs as required
Days 2 – 6 Following Surgery
• Your Doctor will visit you each day
• Your blood pressure, temperature, pulse, circulation, wound and pain levels will continue to be checked regularly
• Your intravenous drip will be removed when you are eating and drinking well, as ordered by your Doctor
• You can have regular medication for pain. It is important that you tell your Nurse if you have pain
• Your wound will be closed with clips or staples and these will be removed at your Doctor’s request
• The Physiotherapist will visit you regularly to continue your exercises and mobilisation to help your recovery.
You will be required to sit out of bed regularly, with your legs on a foot stool. If you have stairs at home, the
Physiotherapist will assist you to practice on stairs until you are safe to go home
• Nursing staff will help you with your hygiene and toileting needs
• Bowel habits are sometimes disrupted after surgery. If you are concerned, your Nurse can offer advice on ways
to resolve this common problem
Discharge Day
• Your Doctor will visit you today
• You will be mobilising independently, with an approved walking aid if necessary
• Discharge medications will be dispensed by the Pharmacist, if required
• If you have a drip in your arm it will be removed before you go home
• Arrangements for a follow-up appointment and wound care instructions will be explained to you before
you go home
• Discharge time is 10am. Please arrange for someone to collect you by this time
Discharge Instructions
You Should
Take medication for your pain, as prescribed
Leave steri-strips on your leg intact until your Doctor tells you to remove them.
Keep your legs elevated when sitting in a chair
Remember that you will tire easily for a couple of weeks after your surgery, so get plenty of rest, stay well
hydrated and eat a well balanced diet
Contact your Doctor if you begin to feel unwell or start to experience increasing pain, fevers, swelling or bleeding
from your wound
Observe for a change in colour or warmth in your affected limb. Notify your Doctor promptly of any concerns
You should avoid for a period of time as advised by your Doctor
Heavy lifting, straining or strenuous exercise
Sitting with your legs down for a period of time greater than 20 minutes
Standing for an extended amount of time
We thank you for the opportunity to care for you
PI7010E (05/15)
Greenslopes Private Hospital
Newdegate Street
Greenslopes QLD 4120
ph: 07 3394 7111 – fax: 07 3394 7322