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How are species on our planet
Layers of our Planet
Geosphere: solid part of
earth that consists of soil,
rock and sediments.
Atmosphere: mixture of
gases surrounding earth.
Hydrosphere: All water
found on earth.
Biosphere: All areas on
the planet that life can
How does Energy flow in the
Food Chain
Food Web
Producers: Make their own food (plants)
 Consumers: Consume or eat their food
 Herbivores: Eat only plants
 Carnivores: Eat only animals
 Omnivores: Eat both plants and animals
 Decomposers: Break down dead
organisms, absorb their food (bacteria,
Fill in the Food Web
What are Biomes?
A large region of the planet characterized
by a specific climate and certain types of
plants and animal communities.
Carbon & Water Cycles
How Ecosystems Change
Ecological Succession:
gradual change and
replacement of species in
a community.
Primary Succession:
occurs on a surface
where no ecosystem
existed before.
Secondary Succession:
occurs where an
ecosystem already
existed (disrupted by
humans, animals, storms)
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