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Blueprint for exam
make sure you know directional terminology
be able to describe anatomical landmarks with their anatomical name (brachium, antebrachium,
be able to describe the basic functions of all of the systems in the body and their organs
be able to describe which organs may take part in more than one system
be able to describe the difference between membrane bound organelles and nonmembrane
bound organelles
be able to describe the functions of the plasmalemma
be able to describe the different types of junctions found in cells
be able to describe the functions of each organelle in the body
be able to describe the components of the cytoskeleton, cytosol, and cytoplasm
be able to describe the types of transport in the cell (active vs. passive and their examples)
be able to describe the four main tissue types
be able to give a description of the function of epithelial tissue
be able to describe where epithelial tissue is found
be able to describe all types of epithelial tissue, their function, and location
be able to describe the characteristics of epithelial tissue (including the apical projections)
be able to describe the difference among serous, mucous, and mixed glands
be able to describe the function of connective tissue
be able to distinguish among connective tissue proper, fluid connective tissue, and supportive
connective tissue
be able to describe the location of each of the connective tissues
be able to distinguish between fixed cells and wandering cells of connective tissue
be able to distinguish the different types of cartilage and where they are found
be able to compare and contrast one tissue type to another (connective vs. epithelial etc)
be able to describe the main functions of the integumentary system
be able to name the accessory structures of the skin
be able to name and describe the 3 layers of skin (epidermis, dermis, hypodermis…what type of
tissue do they have? Why are they important?
Be able to name the layers of the epidermis from deep to superficial or vice versa
Be able to identify the types of cells found within each strata of the skin and their importance
Be able to describe the function of keratinocytes and their importance
Be able to describe the function of melanocytes and their importance
Be able to describes the changes in skin as one ages
Be able to describe some of the receptors found within skin
Remember that hair follicles are surrounded by layer of the epidermis but extends into the
reticular layer of the dermis
be able to draw an osteon and describe the function of each part
be able to differentiate among osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteoprogenitor cells, and osteocytes
be able to describe the two components of bone tissue (hydroxyapatite salts and collagen fibers,
which one is the most abundant etc)
be able to describe the functions of bone tissue
be able to tell which bones are part of the axial and appendicular skeleton
be able to describe where and how intramembranous ossification occurs
be able to describe where and how endochondral ossification occurs
be able to describe how appositional growth occurs
be able to describe the periosteum and endosteum, where are they found and why are they
be able to recall bony landmarks learned in lab
be able to know what a primary and secondary ossification center is and their importance
be able to know the different types of bones and examples of each
be able to tell the difference among a diarthrotic, synarthrotic and amphiarthrotic joint
be able to describe all 4 possible structural synarthrotic joints and their location
be able to describe both possible structural amphiarthrotic joints and their location
be able to describe all 3 possible structural diarthrotic joints and their location
be able to describe the main subtypes of synovial joints and their location
be able to describe the main components (and functions) of a joint
be able to describe some of the important characteristics of synovial fluid
go over the diagram of the knee, label it, and describe the functions
know what the unhappy triad is
be able to describe in words all the actions muscles can do (flexion-decreasing the angle)
be able to describe the properties of muscles and their significance
be able to describe the functions of muscles and what system they work hand in hand with
describe the 3 types of levers and where you can find an example of each
describe what tendons, ligaments, and aponeuroses do
describe between myofilaments and myofibrils
be able to know the difference between epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium
be able to describe the sliding filament theory
be able to draw the sarcomere and label it
be able to define a motor unit
be able to describe what “keeps you warm”
describe muscles by their size, shape, location etc
be able to name all muscles learned in lab and the ones in the slides and their basic actions
Know the prime movement!!!
Be able to describe all types of fiber arrangement in muscles and examples of each
Nervous system
Be able to label and describe the functions of a neuron
Be able to label and describe the importance of the parts of the spinal cord
Be able to distinguish between CNS and PNS
Be able to distinguish between sensory afferent and motor efferent
Be able to distinguish between visceral and sensory
Be able to describe bipolar, multipolar, and pseudounipolar neurons and their functions
Be able to describe the function of interneurons
Be able to describe the functions of neurons and neuroglial cells
What do schwann cells do? What do satellite cells do?
Be able to describe the brachial plexus, its origins, its cords, its branches, and the muscles it
Be able to describe what a neurotransmitter is and where it is located
Be able to describe why most nerves are mixed
Be able to distinguish between a ganglion and a nuclei
Be able to describe the importance of myelin
Review the slides on all the plexuses