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I. e. Biological Control of
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Biological Control of Fire Ants
Researchers have identified at least 21 species of phorid
flies that attack fire ants in South America.
Four species are established in the United States.
Phorid fly
from fire ant
Infectious Protozoa
Disease agent
decreases populations
in South America
It also is establishing
in some states
 Fewer than the
phorid fly
More effective in
multiple queen
Kneallhazia solenopsae
Biological Control
Researchers are always evaluating new biological control
agents, such as microsporidians, viruses and nematodes.
Allomermis, a new species of
nematode in fire ants from
Electron micrograph of
Solenopsis invicta virus 1 (SINV1) purified from infected fire ants.
40 nm
Photo courtesy Sanford
Porter, USDA ARS
Photo courtesy
S. M. Valles, USDA-ARS
Natural Control
Native ants can help control fire ants
New fire ant queen under attack by another ant species
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