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What do you know about Islam?
Classic Mr Briggs fast facts!
Probably the most talked about religion, but one we (us) know the least about
● Women and men are equal in Islam: "Each of you is equal to the other" (Qur’an).
It is true that inequalities exist in many Muslim societies, but it is also true that
gender inequalities exist in many non-Muslim societies as well.
● Islam shares many religious figures and historical events with Judaism and
Christianity. Muslims greatly respect Jesus. He is considered a prophet in Islam.
Islam is a religion of peace. The Quran mentions "the paths of peace" and states
that God dislikes any disturbance of peace. There has been a fatwa (a religious
decree) speaking directly against terrorism, stating they are evil and have no
place in Islam. People who perpetuate violence in the name of Islam are no
more true to their faith than Christians who blow up abortion clinics.
A Brief History of pre-Islamic religion
and society in the region
Pre-Islamic beliefs:
Polytheism - belief in many gods
Idolatry - worship of objects or pictures,
represents specific
spiritual quality.
● Pre-Islamic
Belief that the Ka’bah
was filled with idols.
● Ka’bah = a cube-shaped building that Abraham built to
honour God. Part of pilgrimage, prayer, and ritual.
● Who was Abraham? We’ll get to that in just a sec’.
● Idols act as a reflection of polytheism in Arabia.
● Believed that idols grant good fortune and success;
protection from enemies and disasters.
What was life like in Arabia?
We’re talking 570 CE (Common Era) and earlier
Social Systems:
● Many nomadic tribes
- nomadic = A person with no settled home, who moves from place to place as a
way of obtaining food or making a living.
● tribes to clans to alliances to rivalries
● What roles do you think men, women, and children played in this sort of society?
Social Systems - Bedouin Nomads
What do you
notice in the
Oh I come from a land, from a
faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where it's flat and immense
And the heat is intense
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home
Economic Systems
● Makkan merchants traveled along with nomads.
● Danger of raids and attacks because of resources.
● Sometimes raided other caravans to forge alliances.
● Revenge and honour killings seen as form of justice.
Now let’s get Into Islam!
Main prophet is Muhammad, born in 570 CE.
City of Makkah was largest in area.
Still practicing Polytheism.
Born to tribe of Quraysh, most respected tribe in
Makkah (Mecca).
Both parents die before he reaches age 6.
Cared for by grandfather and uncle, leaders of
Quraysh tribe.
As a youth
Traveled with uncle as a merchant.
Traveled to far off lands away from homeland.
Met with many different spiritual leaders.
As a young man
Started to show a preference for monotheism.
Saw Idolatry as superstition and amoral.
Spent time away from city and business to meditate and try to
find solutions. (sound familiar?)
Married a young woman named Khadija.
They would often give away wealth to the sick and poor.
This is where the ‘religion’
In 610, meditating in a cave
on Mount Hira.
Muhammad meets the Angel
Aren’t these Christian or Jewish
Angel Gabriel?
The ‘Big Three’ monotheistic religions share
some common names, places, and events.
Religion, religion everywhere
According to the narrative of Islam, God (Allah)
sent many prophets to guide humanity (over 140,
000). pg. 323 in text
Starts with Adam and goes from there.
-In this regard, Jesus is accepted in Islam, as are
other elements of the Jewish and Christian
Back to the Revelation
After three embraces and three requests from
the Angel Gabriel, Muhammad reads a passage
that is then burned into his heart.
For the next 23 years, he receives revelations.
These would be assembled by scribes and form
the Qur’an.
The Qur’an
Holy text for Muslims.
Chapters are called suras and
verses are called ayahs.
Transmitted by God through
Muhammad and noted by scribes.
Incorporates Jewish and Christian
2:136 We believe in Allah, and the revelation
given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac,
Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to
Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all)
prophets from their Lord: We make no
difference between one and another of them
“Muhammad (PBUH) is not the father of any
man among you, but He is Messenger of Allah
and the last of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever
AllAware of everything." (Surah Ahzaab Ch33
“Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except
those who give mercy to other creatures.”
Back AGAIN to the Revelations
Muhammad would frequently return to Makkah
to share his messages with anyone who would
Spoke in favour of monotheism and against
The Quraysh saw him as a threat to their
social, political, and economic status.
Muhammad on the Move
Wife and uncle died in 619. “Year of Sorrow”
God instructed him to move to Yathrib in 622
CE in order to protect his life.
City would eventually be named Madinah alNabi, “City of the Prophet.”
Becomes large epicentre of Muslims, those
who follow the teachings of Muhammad.
Trouble’s-a brewin’
Madinah united under Islam and Quraysh of Makkah
under idolatry.
What do you think is going to happen?
Sometimes translated as “holy War,” better
translation is “Struggle.”
Three large battles: Badr, Uhud, Battle of the
Muhammad and Madinah win each time.
Conversion to Islam grew as Muhammad and
Madinah start to be seen as a militarily and socially
successful state.
Muhammad would win over all of Makkah and
appoint a chief.
So now not only is Muhammad a up-and-coming
religious prophet, but he also became a respected
leader and military officer. In this way he is
different from Jesus, Buddha, and other religious
Continued his life by spreading Islam and preaching
in a mosque.
Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims.
Muhammad dies of a fever in 632 at the age of 63.
Not dictated to convert others to religion.
God’s proper name is Allah.
Similarities to the God of Christianity and Judaism.
- omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
The ‘proper’ belief of Allah should lend itself to
personal, economic, political, and religious life.
Practices, Rituals, Festivals, and
Pillars of faith
Shahadah: Declaration of faith
Announcement to the world that they sincerely believe in and follow the Qur’an
Salat: Mandatory prayer five times daily
takes place before dawn, mid-day, late afternoon, after sunset, and after dark
Zakat: Mandatory almsgiving
A person should give alms (donation) valued at 2.5 per cent of their surplus wealth
Sawm: Mandatory fasting
For the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn to dusk
Haji: Mandatory pilgrimage to Makkah
Pilgrims throw pebbles and three pillars that represent Satan
Every Friday afternoon, Muslims worship at a mosque.
Most feature domes and tall towers called minarets from which prayer is issued from a
loudspeaker. (remember the video from our first class?)
Steady flow of water in order to perform Wudu, washing hands and arms in order for a
clean prayer.
Muslims take off shoes before entering to show respect.
Women and men pray in separate chambers to avoid distraction and concentrate on
Prayers are led by an imam.
Muhammad stated that people should not revere
pictures or sculptures of animals or humans, so
these are not present in places of worship.
It was Allah who created the world and it would be
wrong to try and make imitations.
So they create stylized texts and geometric
Birth, Death, and Everything In the
Children are born free of sin and with an inclination
towards goodness and virtue.
The Adhan is performed after a child’s birth, same
call to prayer spoken from minarets.
They are then washed and the prayer is whispered.
Like in many cases, marriage has religious and
social implications.
Weddings are not arranged. They are usually
paid for by the parents, but the details are
decided on by the bride and groom.
No religious officials needed for officiation,
but must be witnessed by two Muslims.
Something we might find strange in our life, but can
be found all over the world in many different
Sometimes it can be a positive for everyone
involved, and sometimes not… just like anything
else, really.
Men can have up to four wives.
Under 2% of Muslim marriages are polygamous.
Decreed after the Battle of Uhud, in which many
Muslim men were killed, leaving widows and
As we can see, historical context is important for
religious beliefs and behaviours.
Belief in Heaven and Hell.
After they die, they are visited by two angels
you question them about their life and faith
on earth - screening for entry into Heaven or
Branches within Islam
Three main branches:
Sunni, Shi’ah, and Sufi
85% of Muslim pop. is Sunni.
Shi-ahs have political voice in Iraq, East Africa, and
Sufi’s emphasize sincerity through frequent prayer
and dancing.
Islam, Development, and Science
Grew into Africa and Asia after Muhammad’s death.
During middle-ages, beacon of science,
mathematics, and engineering. Studied aspects of
all conquered cultures. Why?
Saw world as God’s perfect creation, so its study
could not go against the Qur’an. Also wanted to
avoid invasions.
Muslims in Canada
Immigrants for Arabic countries attracted to Canada
because of Gold Rush, farming, and building the
Academic interest during mid-century.
Now up to 650 000 Muslims in Canada.
Many African-Canadians and African-Americans
were drawn to Islam during the Civil-Rights
movement. Any guesses as to why?
“There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all
colors, from blue-eyed blonds to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating
in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in
America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and non-white.
America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from
its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met,
talked to, and even eaten with people who in America would have been considered
'white'--but the 'white' attitude was removed from their minds by the religion of Islam.
I have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all colors
together, irrespective of their color.”
"I am and always will be a Muslim. My religion is Islam."
"I am not a racist in any form whatsoever. I don't believe in any form of
discrimination or segregation. I believe in Islam. I am a Muslim and there is nothing
wrong with being a Muslim, nothing wrong with the religion of Islam. It just teaches
us to believe in Allah as the God. Those of you who are Christian probably believe in
the same God, because I think you believe in the God Who created the universe.
That's the One we believe in, the One Who created universe--the only difference
being you call Him God and we call Him Allah. The Jews call Him Jehovah. If you
could understand Hebrew, you would probably call Him Jehovah too. If you could
understand Arabic, you would probably call Him Allah...."
- Malcolm X
Remember that Islam draws upon the Jewish and Christian narratives and sees them
all as true and Good.
Islam today
What do we see in the media?
B’ys with beards flying planes into buildings, hate
freedom, women, democracy, and anything fun.
This idea as we know it started after Cold War ended
September 11th, 2001
3,500 deaths of Coalition Military in Afghanistan
22, 000 Afghan deaths; also from after-effects of war
4, 807 deaths from Coalition Military in Iraq
111, 000 Iraqi deaths; also from after-effects of war
141, 307 men, women, and children have been killed in
these wars. The worst thing most of these people did was
pray for peace.
But if events like this can happen, then so can
Taken during the Arab Spring, a series of
events like these:
revolutions and demonstrations that started
in 2010.
A group of Christians joined hands and faced
out surrounding hundreds of Muslims
protesters left vulnerable as they knelt in
These Christians and Muslims may have some
different beliefs, but if we act on a desire for peace
over prejudice , then it is behaviour that we should
concern ourselves with.
Malala Yousafzai
17 year old woman
from Pakistan.
Fights against Taliban
and promotes the right
for women to attend
school in Pakistan and
around the world.
Malala herself is a Sunni Muslim.
We often here that Muslims are against the right’s
of women, but remember, there is a difference
between beliefs and behaviours. - ‘Islamophobia’
The Qur’an promotes peace, it is through political
agendas that texts can get warped.
Remember the ‘Golden Age’ we talked about?
What Mr. Briggs is
all about