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P.M. Suleimenov
Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
E–mail: [email protected]
The problem of being in the philosophy of Al- Farabi (ontology)
Genesis - a philosophical term used to refer to the objective world, living independently of
consciousness, matter and nature of the material life of man. Due to the fact that the main problem
of philosophy is the relation of thinking and being, its decision is connected with the value taken
as the concept of being. The concept of being in materialistic philosophy means the matter
perceived by the sense and sensation, living of materialistic objects, their appearance and
destruction. But in idealistic philosophy the concept of being was given in terms of logical
categories, as a simple sense, countless aggregate. The notion of being is one of the oldest and
most important categories of philosophy. In general, it covers the problem "to be" and "to live."
There are two senses of being. In a narrow sense, being denotes the objective material world living
out of the mind of man. And in the broadest sense, the concept of being encompasses all that exists,
and the spiritual world along with the material, that is consciousness, intellect and soul. According
to one of the great philosophers of ancient times Plato, being - this is the world of the eternal,
unchanging, spiritual ideas akin consciousness. The idea is the basis of things and events that
define and materialize them. As for the world of things, it is passing in that it appears, gets old,
dies, that is not a real being, but only a dim image of the world of ideas. The basis of medieval
philosophy, where was dominating religious views, is the existence of God. God – eternal and is
outside of time and space. He is the creator of the whole universe, nature and humanity. The
representative of the German classical philosophy Hegel concludes that the real existence - is "the
absolute idea." Although he approached the question of being from the perspective of objective
idealism, he continued the trend of Plato, and most importantly, he gave dialectical character to
the concept of being and considered the process of its development. L. Firebaugh, in turn, believes
that the real existence - the nature and the perfect creation of nature - a man. Now consider the
kinds of being. There are 3 main types of being: 1) Existence of nature or things and processes;
in turn, it is subdivided into natural things and processes, and things made by man. 2) Human
being: is divided into human being in the world of things and the human being itself. 3) Spiritual
(perfect) being.
Nature existed before the emergence of mankind. It maintained its independence and after
the appearance of the human and his mind. Concerning about
Human being, it is important to think about the question: "How does man live for philosophical
doctrine?". First and foremost, the person is a living being and lives as a specific individual. His
body is part of nature. The premise of human existence is the fact that his body lives as a part of
nature and as an organism. But the main peculiarity of human being is that he is the owner of the
intellect, the mind, so it is not only the owner of the body but also the soul, and the spiritual world.
Now focus on the spiritual being. Spirituality - is integrity varieties, covering the processes of
consciousness and unconsciousness that is different by types of its existence and manifestation. It
consists of knowledge, implemented and materialized in the form of language and sign systems.
Also, they include the relationship between people, kindness, creativity and legal dimensions and
processes [1].
Based on the requests of the current time, we have a new way to consider the legacy of
science, comprehensive study of various problems such as ontology and epistemology, existence
and knowledge, categories of mind in the understanding of the meaning of existence, the
foundations of the methodology. All problems, giving birth to disputes between scientists and still
have not found a solution, concerns the definition of the cognitive areas of Al-Farabi. Specifically,
Ibn Nasir adheres to this opinion: "Al-Farabi did not recognize the eternity of the universe (" Halyk
"), he describes the soul (" nafs ") and body (" jeans "), contrasting them to each other and denies
all collective and paradise "[2], so that does not take into account the religious beginnings of AlFarabi. Of course, the idea that can be the basis for the views of Ibn Nasir can be found in the
comments of Al-Farabi, written to the works of Aristotle: "The best of the good things given to
man, people get in this life, all the virtues nothing but a simply wonderful miracles."
Particularly noticeable that the philosophical foundations of Al-Farabi concerning the
importance of studying the differences of material things, then found a continuation in the
Andalusian philosophy, including that directly affected the philosophical views of Ibn Rushd.
Proof of this are his words: "a thing born in the beginning, then die, cannot be eternal by the
difference." However, such scholars as Naji Maruf Ishakh Abd әl -Әlludzhi, Abd әs -Sәlam have
completely different opinion on this matter, they fully prove the believe of Al-Farabi in "eternity
of the universe, the eternity of the soul, the long suffering and enjoyment in another the world. "
Abovementioned views of Al-Farabi can be seen in the treatise "On the pursuit of happiness", "The
views of the residents of the virtuous city," "Words of edification statesmen."
Indeed, in truth , a respected and well-known teacher of East Al-Farabi - a child of his age,
he was - a true Muslim philosopher. Recognition of religion scholar did not prevent the pursuit of
science, in this case, Al-Farabi through combining religion and science, philosophy, came forward
in the scientific justification of religious foundations and raised one notch above the medieval
philosophy [3]. In the theme of Genesis says that although the foundation and being are equal, and
whether they are different, the first principle should be combined. This follows from the fact that,
perhaps, the first principle in the subject is required, that is, the absence of any reason not only
affects only one external cause, but also the lack of references to external and internal reasons. If
invoked, it would be a contradiction of his own cause. Thus, it takes by the loneliness on the side
of being and metaphysics. In the theme of Genesis says that although the foundation and being are
equal, and whether they are different, the first principle should be combined. This follows from
the fact that, perhaps, the first principle in the subject is required, that is, the absence of any reason
not only affects only one external cause, but also the lack of references to external and internal
reasons. If invoked, it would be a contradiction of his own cause. Thus, it takes by the loneliness
on the side of being and metaphysics.
The first and mandatory being substantially though not separate from each other, is not being,
appeared to gather in one place parts of a single element. Al-Farabi considers that there is no
ultimate beginning basics: if there itself, reason and essence of being, that is, if the basics are the
same things as the base, which distinguishes itself from the unit, the unit and being are equal
concepts [4].
Al-Farabi encourages mandatory being, as only one of nothing, which has its own
characteristics and divides them into three parts: - the characteristic determination as primitive and
unity. - Features links, all the characteristics of actions including the creation.- Features connects
each two, like freedom and power, they are derived from compounds with the knowledge and
nature. - Compulsory being the first principle (God). His obligation is not mandatory of one species
because, under this view, there are other members, but no member of his equal? - Subspecies
species considered, but it is not included in the bill.