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From: 40-Hz Sinusoidal Auditory Steady-State Response and Tone Burst Auditory Brainstem Response Using a
Kalman Filter to Determine Thresholds Pre- and Post-Myringotomy With Grommet Tube in Children With Mild,
Low-Frequency Conductive Hearing Loss
Am J Audiol. 2016;25(1):41-53. doi:10.1044/2015_AJA-15-0052
A recording at 500-Hz tone burst ABR (left panel) and 500-Hz 40-Hz sASSR (right panel) from the right ear of one of the children with OME.
ABR wave V was marked, as were the statistical start (SS) and statistical end (SE) markers of each waveform. The 40-Hz sASSR wave M1 and
M2 were marked for each wave. The 500-Hz ABR threshold is poorer (50 dB nHL) than the 500-Hz sASSR threshold (20 dB nHL).
Date of download: 5/13/2017
Copyright © American Speech-LanguageHearing Association
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