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Edgenuity Remediation
Content Selection
Analytic Geometry Semester A:
1. Unit 1: Similarity, Congruence, and Proofs
A. Transformational Geometry
• Introduction to Transformations
• Translations
• Reflections
• Rotations
• Dilations
• Compositions
• Topic Test
B. Congruency in Triangles
• Congruent Figures
• Triangle Congruence: SAS Postulate and SSS Postulate
• Triangle Congruence: ASA Postulate and AAS Theorem
• Congruence in Right Triangles
• Using Congruent Triangles: CPCTC
• Interactive: Proving Congruency Using CPCTC
• Construct Regular Polygons
• Topic Test
C. Proofs and Triangle Relationships
• Bisectors in a Triangle
• Medians and Altitudes of a Triangle
• Midsegments of a Triangle
• Isosceles Triangles
• Triangle Inequalities
• Pythagorean Theorem
• Pythagorean Inequalities
• Topic Test
D. Similarity
• Similar Polygons
• Similar Triangles
• Interactive: Proving Triangles Similar
• Special Segments and Proportions
• Perimeter and Area of Similar Figures
• Topic Test
E. Parallelogram and Angle Proofs
• Special Angle Pairs
• Congruent Angle Pairs
• Parallel Lines and Angles
• Properties of Parallelograms
• Proving a Quadrilateral Is a Parallelogram
• Special Parallelograms
• Topic Test
F. Constructions
• Interactive: Angle Constructions
• Interactive: Five Basic Constructions
• Interactive: Triangle Constructions
2. Unit 2: Right Triangle Trigonometry
A. Right Triangles
• Right Triangles
• Special Right Triangles
• Trigonometric Ratios
• Solving Right Triangles
• Angles of Elevation and Depression
• Topic Test
• Cumulative Exam
Edgenuity Remediation
Content Selection
Analytic Geometry Semester B:
1. Unit 3: Circles and Volume
A. Circles
• Introduction to Circles
• Tangents to a Circle
• Arcs, Chords, and Central Angles
• Inscribed Angles
• Secants, Tangents, and Angles
• Special Segments
• Arc Length and Area of a Sector
• Interactive: Circle Constructions
• Topic Test
B. Volume
• Volume
• Surface Area and Volume of Spheres
• Cross Sections of Solid Figures
• Similar Solids
• Topic Test
2. Unit 4: Extending the Number System
A. Real and Non-Real Numbers
• Operations on Rational and Irrational Numbers
• Properties of Exponents
• Simplify Radicals
• Add and Subtract Radicals
• Multiply Radicals
• Divide Radicals
• Quadratic Equations and Complex Numbers
• Polynomials
• Topic Test
3. Unit 5: Quadratic Functions
A. Creating Functions
• Model and Solve Problems with Multi-Step Equations
• Write and Solve Inequalities
• Write Function Rules
• Standard Form of a Linear Equation
• Parent Functions
• Vertical and Horizontal Translations
• Recursions and Special Sequences
• Operations with Functions
• Topic Test
B. Quadratic Functions
• Quadratic Functions
• Parabolas
• Complex Numbers
• Intercepts and Zeros
• Model Problems with Quadratic Functions
• Comparing Exponential, Linear, and Quadratic Growth
• Topic Test
C. Solving Quadratic Equations
• Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
• The Quadratic Formula and the Discriminant
• Quadratic Equations in Vertex Form
• Convert Between Standard and Vertex Form
• Topic Test
4. Unit 6: Modeling Geometry
A. Modeling Geometry
• Conic Sections: Parabolas
• Conic Sections: Circles
• Geometric Figures in the Coordinate Plane
• Topic Test
5. Unit 7: Applications of Probability
A. Probability and Sets
• Set Theory
• Venn Diagrams and Sets
• Random Behavior
• Mutually Exclusive and Independent Events
• Conditional Probability
• Probability and Two-Way Tables
• Topic Test
• Cumulative Exam