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College of Veterinary Medicine
Extramural Funding
February 2011
Glenn Songer (PI)
Moleular Epidemiology of Clostridium Difficile Food Contamination: Links to Human CDI
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, NIFA, $1,250,000
Glenn Songer (PI)
Monoclonal Immunoprotectants for Select Agents Toxins (MAB-SAT)
Sponsor: MAPP Biopharmaceuticals, $551,000
Scott Hurd (Co-PI)
Subagreement for Building Functional Biosafety Systems
Sponsor: International Food Policy Research Institute, $149,864
Diana Peterson (PI)
Amygdalar Modulation of Processing Auditory Cortex
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, $133,200
Eldon Uhlenhopp (PI)
Serbia Animal Health Technical Assistance
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, FAS, $100,748
Derald Holtkamp (PI), Butch Baker, Jim McKean, Jeff Zimmerman (Co-PIs)
Development of a Model for Regional Control and Elimination of PRRS Virus in Iowa
Sponsor: Iowa Pork Producers Association, $94,000
Christine Petersen (PI), Doug Jones (Co-PI)
Leishmania Antigens Defined by Human Immune Responses
Sponsor: Infectious Disease Research Institute, $73,828
Dusan Palic (PI), Eric Rowe, Jim Roth, Kayoko Kimura, Darin Madson, Jim Noxon, Elizabeth May (CoPIs)
Effects of Epicor on Immune Response, Safety and Welfare of Dogs
Sponsor: VETCARA, $59,068
Dusan Palic (PI), Kayoko Kimura, Jim Roth (Co-PIs)
Immunomodulatory effects of Glucan Compounds Produced by Kitozyme
Sponsor: Kitozyme, $52,383
Jim Roth (PI)
FAZD Center Detailed Work Plans for Fiscal Years 2011 (Year 1) Create and Demonstrate the Secure Egg
Supply “Component” to the FAZD Dashboard
Sponsor: Texas A&M University, $37,000
Jesse Hostetter (PI), Doug Jones (Co-PI)
Use of an Implantable Device for In Vivo Detection Mycobacterium Avium Paratuberculosis (MAP) in
Asymptomatic Calves
Sponsor: Iowa Veterinary Medical Association, $25,000
March 2011
Michael Wannemuehler, Kyoung-Jin Yoon, (Co-PIs)
Exercise-Induced Immunomodulation in the Aged Mechanisms
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, $448,673
Jim Roth (PI), Danelle Bickett-Weddle (Co-PI)
Creating Printed Manuals of Training Modules and PowerPoints with Speaker Notes for Renewal Training
for the USDA-APHIS National Veterinary Accreditation Program
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, APHIS, $51,700
Greg Phillips (PI)
Summer Research Training of Veterinary Students
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, $34,263
Jim West (PI)
Susceptibility of Cattle with the E211K PRNP Allele to BSE
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, ARS, $25,000
Lisa Nolan (PI)
Animal Health and Disease Research
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, NIFA, $23,560
April 2011
Michael Cho (PI)
Characterization of Immunogenic and Structural Properties of HIV-1 Envelope
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, $863, 591
Locke Karriker, Suzanne Millman (Co-PIs)
Developing Validated and Objective Industry-Ready Tools to Assess Joint Pain Manifestation and
Lameness in the Sow
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, NIFA, $700,000
Suzanne Millman, Darrell Trampel (Co-PIs)
Assessment of Alternative Production Systems for Laying Hens to Safeguard Animal Welfare and
Sustainable Egg Supply
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, NIFA, $430,648
Derald Holtkamp (PI)
A Cross-Sectional Study of PRRSV Positive Swine Breeding Herd Sites to Evaluate Associations Between
Risk Factors and a Case Definition-Based Number and Severity of Clinical PRRS Episodes (Continuation)
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, $162,036
Dusan Palic (PI), Kayoko Kimura, Jim Roth (Co-PIs)
Immunomodulatory Screening of Yeast Compounds Produced by Kitozme (Phase II: Rapid In Vivo
Screening of the Selected Compounds Using Effects of Dietary Application on Neutrophil Function in
Sponsor: Kitozme, $95,448
Dusan Palic, Kayoko Kimura (Co-PIs)
Influence of Trace Mineral Status on Immune Function of Beef Cattle
Sponsor: Multimin, USA, $48, 945
Patrick Gorden (PI), Leo Timms (Co-PI)
Randomized Non-Inferiority Clinical Trail Evaluating Three Commercial Dry Cow Mastitis Preparations
Sponsor: University of Minnesota, $43,540
Derald Holtkamp (PI), Butch Baker, Jim McKean, Jeff Zimmerman (Co-PIs)
Development of a Model for Regional Control and Elimination of PRRS Virus in Iowa
Sponsor: Kansas State University, $31,250
Suzanne Millman (Co-PI)
A Comprehensive Assessment of Aviary Laying-Hen Housing System for Egg Production in the Midwest:
Aerial Emissions, Bioenergetics, Energy Use, Hen Welfare, Microbiological Quality, Indoor Environment
Sponsor: Iowa Egg Council, $30,000
Lisa Nolan (PI)
Research Support Agreement
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, ARS, $6,480
Darin Madson (PI), Locke Karriker (Co-PI)
Maximizing the Value of Diagnostic Submissions-A Novel Web-Based Instructional Module for Veterinary
Students Nationwide
Sponsor: American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation, $6,000
Doug Jones (PI)
Immune Responsive Vaccine Delivery Device
Sponsor: Morris Animal Foundation, $4,000
Jessie Trujillo (PI)
An Epidemiological Study of Mycoplasma Species Occurring in Cats from Shelters and Households
Utilizing a Novel Pan-Myco RealTime PCR Detection and Differentiation Assay
Sponsor: Morris Animal Foundation, $4,000
Claudia Baldwin (PI)
Assessment of Cost-Effectiveness of Oral and Systemic Topical Anti-Flea Medication Use in Animal
Sponsor: Morris Animal Foundation, $4,000
Christine Petersen (PI)
Disease Surveillance, Reduction and Prevention in Animal Shelters
Sponsor: Morris Animal Foundation, $4,000
Brett Sponseller (PI)
Analysis of Changes in Macrophage Function and Cytokine Milieu in Foals from Birth to Maturity
Sponsor: Morris Animal Foundation, $4,000
Claire Andreasen (PI)
Research Support Agreement
Sponsor: Department of Agriculture, ARS, $2,278
Suzanne Millman (PI)
An Investigation of the Behavioral Needs of Dogs Housed at Animal Shelters Due to Cruelty/Neglect
Versus Owner Relinquishment
Sponsor: Morris Animal Foundation, $2,000
May 2011
Michael Kimber (PI)
Cholinergic Receptors as Targets for Accelerated Anthelmintic Drug Discovery
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, $331,231
Qijing Zhang (PI)
MRCE for Biodefense and Emerging Infections Diseases- Career Development Project
Sponsor: Washington University, $93,706
Mark Ackermann (PI)
Optimization of the Ovine Model of RSV Disease: Effects of Colostrum-Deprivation and Intratracheal
Inoculation in RSV Memphis 37 Strain Disease Severity
Sponsor: Gilead Sciences, Inc., $41,456
Erin Strait (PI)
Pre-Licensing Laboratory Setting Study: Evaluation of Repeatability, Ruggedness, and Suitability of a
Proposed New Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae Diagnostic Test: “M. Hyopneumoniae DNA First Test” Kit
Sponsor: Veterinary Resources, Inc., $10,262