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Food for Thought: Taking a Closer
Look at Nutrition and Cancer
Messages in the Media
Cancer Connections
July 23, 2016
Jocelyn Lutkus RD, CSO, LDN
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
• Eating Right Shouldn’t Be Complicated
Sugar and Cancer
• Sugar is converted into a substance called
acetyl CoA which fuels healthy cells and
cancer cells alike1
- Cancer cells more active than normal
• No carbohydrate consumed, acetyl CoA is
still produced
- Breakdown of fat/protein
- Cancer cells can’t process breakdown of
fat/protein as well1
Sugar and Cancer
• Investigating the idea that cancer may respond more to insulin in
bloodstream released from eating high carbohydrate foods2
• Insulin is considered a growth factor which can turn on other
reactions and cancer cell growth2
• Increased sugar intake can lead to weight gain2
- Increased weight/obesity can lead to inflammation, release of
hormones (ex: insulin) which promote cell growth
- Higher weight can lead to more insulin available in the
- Inflammation and promotion of cell growth can lead to cancer
Sugar and Cancer
• Critical look:
- How does a cell determine sugar from a piece of cake or an apple?
- Excess sugar can lead to weight gain
• Higher weight can increase risk for various types of cancer
• Bottom line: Everything in moderation
- Save the piece of cake for special occasions, not every day
- Try to choose less refined sugars
- Use the Plate Method3
The Plate Method
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
Artificial Sweeteners & Cancer
• Synthetic substances as an alternative to sugar
• Types of artificial sweeteners:
- Asparatame (NutraSweet®/Equal®)
- Saccharin (Sweet n’ Low®)
- Sucralose (Splenda®)
Artificial Sweeteners & Cancer
• Aspartame4
- The Food and Drug Administration says aspartame is "one of the
most exhaustively studied substances in the human food supply,
with more than 100 studies supporting its safety.“
- Animal studies
• Showed increased incidence of cancer in mice exposed to 4000 g/kg/day
- Human studies
• Study suggested increased rate of brain tumors in 80’s linked to aspartame
• National Cancer Institute showed evidence that tumors spiked in the 70’s and
often in population >70, a group exposed to the least amount of aspartame
• Aspartame was introduced in the early 80’s
• NCI looked at 500,000 people and cancer incidence; no higher levels found in
those who drank beverages with artificial sweeteners vs those who did not
Artificial Sweeteners & Cancer
• Aspartame4
- Critical look:
• FDA set acceptable daily intake (ADI) for
humans at 50 mg/kg/day (on average
drinking 19 cans of diet soda daily or
using 107 packets of sweetener)
• ADI set to be 100 times less than the
amount which could cause health
Artificial Sweeteners & Cancer
• Saccharin5
- In 1977, a study was published linking exposure of rats to saccharin caused bladder
• FDA removed saccharin from market
- Again, rats had been exposed to very high doses of saccharin
• Additional studies found that rats form a substance in their urine when exposed to high levels of
saccharin that can lead to damage to the lining of the bladder and encourage cancer cell growth
• Humans have not been observed to have the same reaction as rats
• Saccharin reintroduced in the early 2000’s
Artificial Sweeteners & Cancer
• Sucralose (Splenda)6
- Relatively new sweetener
- Some studies show health concerns regarding consumption
• Insulin resistance
• May consume more calories, crave sweet foods
- Because it is newer, long term effects unknown
Artificial Sweeteners & Cancer
• Bottom line:
- Research indicates consumption of aspartame and saccharin are safe at
typical levels of consumption
- Some choose to eliminate these substances from their diet altogether out of
caution. Also OK!
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
Alkaline Diet
• An alkaline diet is based off the idea that your body breaks down food and
leaves behind a residue or “ash”. This can be defined as acidic or alkaline. 6
• Proponents of the diet propose that cancer thrives in an acidic environment,
therefore they aim to switch their body to an alkaline environment through the
foods they eat.
Alkaline Diet
• Critical look:
- Blood pH is tightly regulated and is slightly alkaline at 7.46
• Kidneys and lungs work to keep it tightly regulated
• Shifts in blood pH can be due to major medical conditions, not able to be affected by something you ate
- Urine pH may be affected by diet6
• Cancer cells are not affected by urine pH, but blood pH
• Bottom line:
- Plant-based diet can have many health benefits
- Choose more plant-based foods for overall health
- Many “acidic” foods are also nutritious
• Whole grains, blueberries, beans, nuts
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
Juicing and Cancer
• Many people start juicing to dramatically increase their intake of
fruits and vegetables
• Often extract the juice to drink but leave behind the pulp
- Pulp has fiber and other nutrients that aren’t consumed
• Bottom line: Juicing can be part of a healthy regimen, as long as it
complements your intake of fruits and vegetables
- By eating whole fruits/vegetables, you also eat fiber and other
nutrients lost with juicing
- May be beneficial for those with eating difficulty
- Try to eat a protein source if drinking more than 4-6 ounces
• Cheese, yogurt, egg, handful of nuts, peanut butter
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
• Eating Right Isn’t Complicated
Supplements & Cancer
• Various “miracle cures” by using various herbs, vitamins, minerals
• Not regulated by the FDA
- Unsure if they may interact with treatment
- Unsure of effectiveness
- Unsure of purity
- Unsure of truthful amounts on the label
• American Institute for Cancer Research “recommends against relying on
supplements to protect against cancer”. 7
Supplements & Cancer
• Critical look: 7
- Certain nutrients may be better absorbed through whole foods versus in a pill
- Fiber, other nutrients may act together to help increase absorption versus in a
pill alone
- Often lack trials/evidence that they may not interfere with treatment or other
• Bottom line: Discuss any supplement use with your MD and/or dietitian
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
• Eating Right Isn’t Complicated
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
Separating Fact from Fiction in the Media
• Information can often be skewed or sensationalized in the
- May not provide an accurate picture
- May not provide the whole picture
• Nutrition is an ever-evolving science
• People’s bodies are different and may respond differently to
different environments/exposures to certain foods
Separating Fact from Fiction in the Media
• When reading or listening to a news story ask yourself:
- Is the information reported based on one study?
• Decisions need to be made based on totality of evidence
Separating Fact from Fiction in the Media
• When reading or listening to a news story ask yourself:
- Is the information reported based on one study?
• Decisions need to be made based on totality of evidence
- Was this a lab study (cells in a petri dish)/animal study/human study?
• Animal studies may help us understand some ways nutrients interact in the body, but not
always exactly the same
Separating Fact from Fiction in the Media
• When reading or listening to a news story ask yourself:
- Is the information reported based on one study?
• Decisions need to be made based on totality of evidence
- Was this a lab study (cells in a petri dish)/animal study/human study?
• Animal studies may help us understand some ways nutrients interact in the body, but not
always exactly the same
- How big was the sample size?
• The bigger the sample size the better
• Reduces likelihood that cause was through chance alone
Separating Fact from Fiction in the Media
When reading or listening to a news story ask yourself:
Is the information reported based on one study?
Was this a lab study (cells in a petri dish)/animal study/human study?
The bigger the sample size the better
Reduces likelihood that cause was through chance alone
What type of study was it?
Animal studies may help us understand some ways nutrients interact in the body, but not always exactly the same
How big was the sample size?
Decisions need to be made based on totality of evidence
Gold standard is a double-blind, randomized, control trial
This allows for comparison between a “treatment” versus “no treatment”
This accounts for a potential for a researcher to intentionally or unintentionally skew data based on their own bias
• Often costly, time-consuming, may be unethical
• Next best is human prospective cohort studies
• Large groups of people observed over time for development of diseases/medical conditions
What else did they look at?
Could another factor influence?
People who carry lighters are at an increased risk for lung cancer
Talk to a Registered Dietitian
• Registered Dietitians have received unique training
- Only those who have completed at least 4 years of undergraduate coursework, a 1 year supervised
practice, and completed a comprehensive exam to ensure competency may call themselves dietitians
Receive training in rigorous courses such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, metabolism
Take classes in statistics to learn how to decipher results of studies
Uniquely trained to take complex scientific information and translate it to the general public to
provide easy-to-understand, evidence-based information
Adhere to a strict code of ethics
• Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist
• College educated vs weekend seminar
• Buyer beware
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
How to Evaluate a Nutrition Message
• When listening to a nutrition message, ask yourself:
- Does this person have something to sell/gain by presenting this message?
• Someone promoting a supplement that they sell
• Make sure they are unbiased
- Does this sound too good to be true?
• Anything claiming a cure should be a red flag
- Where is the evidence?
• Are there studies cited that can be reviewed?
• Review popular nutrition & cancer claims
- Sugar and cancer
- Artificial sweeteners and cancer
- Alkaline diet
- Juicing and cancer
- Supplements and cancer
• Learn how to decipher fact from fiction
- How to evaluate science in the media
- Signs of bogus claims
• Eating Right Isn’t Complicated
Eating Right Isn’t Complicated
Resources for Nutrition and Cancer Risk
• American Institute for Cancer Research
• Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
• International Food Information Council
1. Klement, R and Kammerer U. Is there a role for carbohydrate restriction in the treatment and
prevention of cancer? Nutr Metab (Lond). 2011; 8: 75.
Jocelyn Lutkus RD, CSO, LDN
[email protected]