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Forces Cause Change
• The student knows that forces
cause change. The student is
expected to:
–Identify that the surface of the
Earth can be changed by
forces such as earthquakes
and glaciers.
What is the most likely
cause of the damage that
you see in these
A. Wind
B. Volcano
C. Earthquake
D. Erosion
Correct Answer
• C. Earthquake
• The damage was formed when the
earth’s crust was violently shaken. The
crust was affected when the underlying
tectonic plates suddenly moved past
one another with great force.
Incorrect Answer:
• A. Wind
• This was not caused
by the wind. You can
tell in the photos that
the force came from
below, not above. If
the force was from
above, the destruction
would be more
Incorrect Answer:
B. Volcano
This was not cause
by volcanic eruption
no evidence of
molten lava.
Incorrect Answer:
D. Erosion
• Erosion is the pickup
and removal of
sediment caused by
weathering. It is a
gradual process and
the photos show
damage from a quick,
violent process.
These rock formations, called hoodoos, are
located in a canyon near a desert. Their
formation occurred over many thousands of
years. Which of the following is NOT a
cause of their formation?
B.Ultraviolet radiation
D.Extreme changes in
Correct Answer
• B. Ultraviolet
• UV radiation is
not a major
cause of
weathering of
the surface of
the Earth.
Incorrect Answer
• A. Wind
• Wind carrying
sand and small
rock particles is
a contributing
agent of
Incorrect Answer
• C. Rain
• Rain assists in
the breaking
down of rocks
into smaller
pieces. Rain
does contribute
to the formation
of the hoodoos.
Incorrect Answer
• D. Extreme changes
in temperature
• Extreme temperature
changes causes frost
action, the repeated
freezing and thawing
of water, which
physically breaks
down the rock.
One day this V-shaped valley may become a Ushaped valley. This will happen because the glacier
A.Cause acid rain
B.Completely melt each summer
C.Cause large earthquakes
D.Carry away rock and soil
Correct Answer
• D. Carry away rock and soil
• Glacier movement transports
sediment and removes rock and
soil from the valley during its
movement. This will lead to the Vshaped valley becoming a Ushaped valley.
Incorrect Answer
• A. Acid Rain
• Glaciers do not cause acid rain.
Incorrect Answer
• B. Completely melt each summer
• Glaciers do not completely melt
each summer.
Incorrect Answer
• C. Cause large earthquakes
• Glaciers do not cause earthquakes
What evidence do you see that glaciers have eroded
the Earth’s surface?
A. Rock fragments and sediments
B. Large sheets of ice
C. Uplift of nearby land masses
D. Formation of icebergs
Correct Answer
• A. Rock fragments and sediments
• As glaciers move, rock fragments and
sediments are carried by the glacier
and deposited a the sides or the front
of the glacier.
Incorrect Answer
• B. Large sheets of ice
• This is the definition of a glacier, not
evidence that the glacier eroded the
Earth’s surface.
Incorrect Answer
• C. Uplift of nearby land masses
• Glaciers compact land masses as the
weight of the glacier increases. Uplift
is caused by plate tectonics.
Incorrect Answer
• D. Formation of icebergs
• Icebergs form when the glaciers reach
the coast line and break off into the
sea. This is not erosion.
Photo Credits
• All photos were obtained from:
• “The photographs are not copyrighted
and may be viewed and downloaded
free of charge.”