Download STPK Illness Procedure - Sir Thomas Playford Kindergarten

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Sir Thomas Playford Kindergarten
Illness Policy
Link to National Quality Standards
Each child’s health needs are supported
Effective hygiene practices are promoted and implemented.
Steps are taken to control the spread of infectious diseases and to manage injuries and illness, in
accordance with recognised guidelines.
At Sir Thomas Playford Kindergarten, we aim to try to prevent the spread of infection to other children.
For this reason infectious diseases will be handled according to the guidelines in the Department of Health
and Community Services “Staying Healthy in Child Care” website.
If symptoms occur while the child is in care and indicate that the child may be contagious or if a fever
occurs, parents/guardians will be contacted and asked to collect their child as soon as possible.
Children with the common cold will be admitted to the Centre, but will be excluded when/if the child becomes
feverish or seems unwell and not coping with child care.
Fever is when the temperature of the body rises to above 37.5 °C. A normal temperature range for a child is usually
up to 37.5 °C.ALL children with a temperate/ fever must be excluded from our centre for 24 hours. 24-hourexclusion after a temperature means the temperature has stayed at the 'NORMAL LEVEL' around 36 - 37c for 24
hours without paracetamol or any other administered agent.
Parents/guardians will be contacted and asked to collect their child from the Centre if their child vomits and/or has
diarrhoea twice in the same day or at the Director’s discretion. The child will not be able to return to the Centre until
all vomiting and/or diarrhoea has ceased for a period of 24 hours and the child has been eating his/her usual diet. A
doctor’s clearance is required for the child to return to the Centre.
Parents/guardians will be contacted if their child has a discharge coming from his/her eyes and will need to collect
their child as soon as possible. Treatment is required for a minimum of 24 hours and no discharge present before
returning. A Medical Clearance Certificate will be given and we ask that a doctor’s opinion be sought.
Measles, Meningococcal infection, Parvovirus, Pertussis, Roseola, Chickenpox, Cold Sores, Giardia, Bronchitis,
Rubella, Whooping cough and any other infectious disease not listed must all be excluded from our centre for the
times required on the “Staying Healthy in Child Care” website.
Any child having a known contagious illness must not be brought to the Centre until a doctor has certified that the
child is no longer contagious. This is the purpose of the Medical Clearance Certificate and the reason we ask for a
doctor’s opinion and in relation to requirements as stated in Staying Healthy in childcare.
If there is any doubt as to whether a child is fit to be brought to the Centre, the staff should be contacted prior to
bringing the child to the Centre for advice.
Becoming sick at Kindergarten
The staff at Sir Thomas Playford Kindergarten will:
1. Make your child comfortable in a quiet area away from other children
2. Check your child’s temperature(with a forehead thermometer), if above 37.5 °C staff will ensure the
child stays hydrated and ring the parents/guardians immediately. If parents/guardians cannot be contacted
the emergency contacts will be phoned.
3. If a child shows any signs of any of the other infectious diseases listed above the parents/guardians
immediately. If parents/guardians cannot be contacted the emergency contacts will be phoned.
4. If the child becomes seriously unwell and the parents/guardians or emergency contact cannot be
reached an ambulance will be phoned and a staff member will stay with the child until
parents/guardians are with the child.
Review and Evaluation
Evaluation of the effectiveness of this policy and associated procedures will occur through analysis of
accident and incident reports, staff meetings, during annual hazard checks and annual reviews of the
Signed:............................................................Governing Council Chairperson Date:
Signed:............................................................Director , Date:
Policy Review Date: 10/6/2019
Please sign and return the acknowledgment slip
Illness Policy Acknowledgment Slip
I have read and agree to the Illness Policy at Sir Thomas Playford Kindergarten .
Child’s Name: ____________________________________
Parents / Guardians Signature:_________________________________________