Download Triangle Congruence - Sonoma Valley High School

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Monday, February 9, 2015
10:47 AM
Assignment: 6.1.1 # 4 - 8, 12, 13, 15
Conditions for
Side-Angle-Side (SAS)
Triangle Congruence
The triangles have two pairs of congruent sides
and the angle included by the two sides has the
same measure
SSS - Three pairs of corresponding side lengths that
are congruent
ASA - Two pairs of corresponding angles that are
congruent and the sides included by those angles
are also congruent
AAS - Two pairs of corresponding angles that are
congruent and pair of corresponding sides that are
also congruent (Triangle sum theorem states the
third pair of angles will also be congruent therefore ASA)
HL- Two right triangles with corresponding legs
that are congruent and whose hypotenuses are
also congruent (Pythagorean Theorem states the
third pair of sides will also be congruent - therefore
When trying to prove congruency, don't forget:
• parallel line relationships that result in congruent
angles (i.e. alternate interior angles)
• shared sides
• any other unmarked relationships (i.e. vertical angles)
Ch. 6 Page 1
angles (i.e. alternate interior angles)
• shared sides
• any other unmarked relationships (i.e. vertical angles)
Ch. 6 Page 2
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