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Is the desire of people with
same history, language,
and customs to self rule.
Question #1
How did the Spanish – American War start
(hint USS Maine)
 Question #2
How did Industrialism impact imperalism?
(hint raw materials)
Is an economic system in which
people rely more on the use of
machinery and technology than
on animal or human power.
Is when one nation
extends its control to the
government and economy
of another nation.
The U.S. Emerges
Presidents McKinley & Teddy Roosevelt led the way
U.S. imperialism started in Latin America (Monroe
Spanish – American War - Background
Spain vs U.S. (& Cuban Rebels)
Cubans rebelled against Spanish control
U.S. newspapers stirred anger towards
Spain by publishing cruel stories
Pres. McKinley order USS Maine to
protect U.S. citizens in Cuba
“You Furnish the Picture and I’ll Furnish the war”
– William Randolph
Yellow Journalism
American newspaper
covered Cuban Revolution
in great detail
Newspaper tried to out
due each other with
shocking stories
Fueled the debate over
America’s role
Aboard the Maine, "taps" sounded at ten
minutes past nine. Captain Sigsbee describes
what happened next.
– I laid down my pen and listened to the
notes of the bugle, which were singularly
beautiful in the oppressive stillness of the
night. . . . I was enclosing my letter in its
envelope when the explosion came. It was
a bursting, rending, and crashing roar of
immense volume, largely metallic in
character. It was followed by heavy,
ominous metallic sounds. There was a
trembling and lurching motion of the
Capt. Charles D. Sigsbee,
vessel, a list to port. The electric lights
went out. Then there was intense
blackness and smoke. The situation could
not be mistaken. The Maine was blown up
and sinking. For a moment the instinct of
self-preservation took charge of me, but
this was immediately dominated by the
habit of command.
Explosion of the Maine
Feb 15, 1898
Explosion killed
260 officers
Spain denied
Images courtesy: How the Battleship Maine was destroyed by H.G. Rickover
Destruction of the USS Maine
Images courtesy: How the Battleship Maine was destroyed by H.G. Rickover
The Maine sticking out in
Havana Harbor
“Remember the Maine to Hell with Spain”
Great public
pressure led
to McKinley
Congress to
Declare War
Funeral of Dead – Havana Harbor
Declaration of War
WASHINGTON April 25, 1899.
– Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, First. That war be, and the same
is hereby, declared to exist, and that war has existed
since the 21st day of April, A. D. 1898, including said
day, between the United States of America and the
Kingdom of Spain.
– Second. That the President of the United States be, and
he hereby is, directed and empowered to use the entire
land and naval forces of the United States and to call
into the actual service of the United States the militia of
the several States to such extent as may be necessary
to carry this act into effect.
Approved, April 25, 1898.
• America blockade Santiago & 17,000
troops landed
•Teddy Roosevelt led the 1st Regiment
of U.S. Volunteer Cavalry
•Known as Rough Riders – collection
of former cowhands & college
• Men charged and captured the hill
turning the tide of the war
•Roosevelt said “I waved my hat and
we went up the hill with a rush,”
•2 days later the American navy
defeated the Spanish in Santiago
Textbook Activity
Read pages 302-305
Read and answer questions
It will replace low grade!
Homework Textbook Activity
Read pages 310-313
Answer focus reading questions
and vocab
Write out the questions
Teddy Roosevelt & Rough Riders
“It has been a splendid Little War”
- John Hay
450 Americans killed
Sec. of State John Hay
Lasted 4 months
Ended w/ Spanish defeat
5,000 Americans died
from disease contracted
in the Tropics
10,000 Africans
Americans served in
segregated units
Do you agree with Hay’s
statement about this war?
Why or Why not?
El Caney
"The houses of El Caney...vomited out a rain of
bullets over the enemy (Americans), who, in
order of companies, with their chests as their
only protection, fiercely to run over the village.
"The Americans, to tell the truth, fought that
day showing a determination and courage that
was really magnificent. With the first line
decimated, another one came to its
replacement, and one after another...but they
met heroes, and even with the houses riddled
with bullet holes by artillery and rifle fire, and
its streets obstructed by the wounded and
dead bodies, El Caney became a true volcanoe
(sic) vomiting lava, and a place impossible to
– Spanish Account of the Battle
Roosevelt & The Rough Riders
"We finished digging the trench soon after midnight,
and then the worn-out men laid down in rows an
their rifles and dropped heavily to sleep. About one
in ten of them had blankets taken from the
Spaniards....if the men without blankets had not
been so tired that they fell asleep anyhow, they
would have been very cold, for, of course, we were
all drenched with sweat, and above the waist had on
nothing but our flannel shirts, while the night was
cool, with a heavy dew. Before anyone had time to
wake from the cold however, we were all awakened
by the Spaniards, whose skirmishers suddenly
opened fire on us."
– Theodore Roosevelt
Fighting in the Philippines
• Commodore Dewey launched
a surprise attack on the
Spanish @ Manila Bay
• Filipino rebels led by Emilio
Aguinaldo helped America win
• Filipino thought they would be
given independence but
America kept Philippines as a
•Aguinaldo led a rebellion that
was crushed by the Americans
•Philippines independence 1946
A World Class Power
U.S. gained
– Puerto Rico
– Guam
– Philippines
Cuba gained its independence – America kept
naval base @ Guantanamo Bay
Making the U.S. a world power
1867 - Sec. of State William Seward bought
Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million
Called “Seward’s Ice Box”
People laughed at him until they found gold and
U.S. trade with Hawaii since 1790’s
1875 – Hawaii sugar to U.S. w/o tariff
U.S. got navy base @ Pearl Harbor
1890 – tariff was applied
American planters rebelled a/g Queen Liliuokalani
to make Hawaii a U.S. territory
1898 - President McKinley took control of the
Hawaiian islands
Important fueling station and port
Mark Twain – Anti-Imperialist
“I have read carefully the treaty
of Paris, and I have seen that we
do not intend to free, but to
subjugate the people of the
Philippines. We have gone there
to conquer, not to redeem. It
should, it seems to me, be our
pleasure and duty to make those
people free, and let them deal
with their own domestic
questions in their own way. And
so I am an anti-imperialist. I am
opposed to having the eagle put
its talons on any other land.”
—Mark Twain, New York Herald,
Oct. 15,1900.
Warm-Up Question
• What caused the U.S.
to Expand?
What caused the U.S. to Expand?
• Booming industries
– Need for new markets
• Worried about
competition for trade
w/ Europe
• Spirit of Nationalism
Sphere of Influence:
• An area where only one foreign
power has the right to trade.
Direct Rule:
• A governmental system where a
central government controls a
Indirect Rule:
• A governmental system that
allows a country to maintain its
traditions and customs while
another country makes all the
• A protected country or region
Panama Canal
• U.S. need to be able to
move their army from east
coast to west coast faster.
• Pres. T. Roosevelt decided
to build the Panama Canal
• Panama was part of
• U.S. helped Panama to win
• Rebels agreed to sign treaty
to build canal
you try to build this canal
there will not be trees enough
on the isthmus to make
crosses for the graves of your
laborers.” — French resident
in Panama to Ferdinand de
Lesseps, 1880s
Panama Canal
Work Book:
Page 145-148
Questions 1-4 page 149
Write the Question!
Will be Graded!
Must hand in at end of class!