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Module 3
Designing and
Implementing Tables
Module Overview
• Designing Tables
• Working with Schemas
• Creating and Altering Tables
Lesson 1: Designing Tables
• What is a Table?
• Normalizing Data
• Common Normalization Forms
• Demonstration 1A: Normalization
• Primary Keys
• Foreign Keys
• Working with System Tables
What is a Table?
• Relational databases store data in tables (relation)
Defined by a collection of columns (identified by name)
Contain zero or more rows
• Tables typically represent a type of object or entity
Employees, PurchaseOrders, Customers, SalesOrders
Consistent naming convention for tables is important
Tables are a security boundary
• Each row usually represents a single object or entity
One customer, one purchase order, one employee
Rows of Tables have no order
Normalizing Data
• Normalization is a process
Ensures that database structures are appropriate
Ensures that poor design characteristics are avoided
• Edgar F. Codd invented the relational model
Introduced the concept of normalization
Referred the degrees of normalization as "forms"
• Database designs should start normalized
Denormalization might be applied later to improve
performance or to make analysis of data easier
Common Normalization Forms
• 1st Form
Eliminate repeating groups in individual tables.
Create a separate table for each set of related data.
Identify each set of related data with a primary key.
• 2nd Form
Create separate tables for sets of values that apply to multiple
Relate these tables with a foreign key.
• 3rd Form
Eliminate fields that do not depend on the key.
Demonstration 1A: Normalization
• In this demonstration, you will see the common
normalization errors.
Primary Keys
• Candidate key can be used to uniquely identify a row
Must be unique and cannot be unknown
Can involve multiple columns
Should not change
Primary key is one candidate key
Most tables will only have a single candidate key
• Substantial ongoing debate surrounding natural vs.
surrogate keys
Natural key – formed from data related to the entity
Surrogate key – usually codes or numbers
Foreign Keys
• Foreign keys are references between tables
Foreign key in one table holds a candidate key for another table
Usually the primary key for consistency
Self-references are permitted such as an employee table that
references a manager who is also an employee
• Rows cannot be inserted in a referencing table that do not exist
in the referenced table
CustomerOrders cannot be entered for non-existent customers
A referenced key cannot be deleted or updated
• Multiple foreign keys might exist in a table
These can even reference the same table
Working with System Tables
• SQL Server provides a set of system tables
Should not be directly modified
• In SQL Server 2005, most were replaced by a set of
permission-based system views
• Some system tables in the msdb database are still useful
Lesson 2: Working with Schemas
• What is a Schema?
• Object Name Resolution
• Creating Schemas
• Demonstration 2A: Schemas
What is a Schema?
• Schemas are containers for objects
Stored Procedures
• Schemas are security boundaries
Permissions can be granted at the schema level to apply to all
objects within a schema
Simplifies security configuration
Object Name Resolution
• If the schema name is omitted, rules apply to how the
name will be resolved
Each user has a default schema (does not apply to Windows
Users with no defined default schema will have dbo as their
default schema
First search is in the user's default schema
If not found, the dbo schema is searched also
• Whenever referencing an object in a statement, users
should specify both the schema and the object name
SELECT ProductID FROM Production.Product
Creating Schemas
• Schemas are created using the CREATE SCHEMA command
• Schemas have owners
Objects contained within schemas also have owners
• Schema objects and permissions can be created in the same
statement as the creation of the schema
CREATE TABLE Article (ArticleID int IDENTITY(1,1)
ArticleContents xml)
GRANT SELECT TO Salespeople;
Demonstration 2A: Schemas
• In this demonstration you will see how to:
Create a schema
Create a schema with an included object
Drop a schema
Lesson 3: Creating and Altering Tables
• Creating Tables
• Dropping Tables
• Altering Tables
• Demonstration 3A: Working with Tables
• Temporary Tables
• Demonstration 3B: Temporary Tables
• Computed Columns
• Demonstration 3C: Computed Columns
Creating Tables
• Tables are created with the CREATE TABLE statement
• Columns need to be specified
• Nullability should be specified
• Primary Key should be identified
OwnerName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
HairColor nvarchar(10) NULL
Dropping Tables
• Tables are removed by the DROP TABLE statement
• Referenced tables (via foreign keys) cannot be dropped
• All permissions, constraints, indexes, and triggers are also
• Code that references the table is not dropped
Stored procedures
DROP TABLE PetStore.Owner;
Altering Tables
• Tables are modified using the ALTER TABLE statement
• ALTER TABLE retains permissions on the table
• ALTER TABLE retains the data in the table
• Add/Drop columns and constraints
• Enable/Disable constraints and triggers
ALTER TABLE PetStore.Owner
ADD PreferredName nvarchar(30) NULL;
ALTER TABLE PetStore.Owner
DROP COLUMN PreferredName;
Demonstration 3A: Working with Tables
• In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Create tables
Alter tables
Drop tables
Temporary Tables
• Session temporary tables are only visible to their creators in the
same session and same scope or sub-scope
Created with a # prefix
Dropped when the user disconnects or when out of scope
Should be deleted in code rather than depending on automatic drop
Are often created using SELECT INTO statements
• Global temporary tables are visible to all users
Created with a ## prefix
Deleted when all users referencing the table disconnect
( Number int PRIMARY KEY,
NumberSquared int
Demonstration 3B: Temporary Tables
• In this demonstration, you will see how to work with
temporary tables
Computed Columns
• Computed columns are derived from other columns or from
• Computed columns are often used to provide easier access to
data without denormalizing it
• Persisted computed columns improve SELECT performance of
computed columns in some situations
PetName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
DateOfBirth date NOT NULL,
YearOfBirth AS DATEPART(year,DateOfBirth) PERSISTED
Demonstration 3C: Computed Columns
• In this demonstration, you will see how to work with
computed columns
Lab 3: Designing and Implementing Tables
• Exercise 1: Improve the Design of Tables
• Exercise 2: Create a Schema
• Challenge Exercise 3: Create the Tables (Only if time
Logon information
Virtual machine
User name
Estimated time: 45 minutes
Lab Scenario
A business analyst from your organization has provided you
with a first-pass at a schema design for some new tables
being added to the MarketDev database. You need to
provide an improved schema design based on good design
practices and an appropriate level of normalization. The
business analyst was also confused about when data should
be nullable. You need to decide about nullability for each
column in your improved design.
The new tables need to be isolated in their own schema.
You need to create the required schema DirectMarketing.
The owner of the schema should be dbo.
When the schema has been created, if you have available
time, you need to create the tables that have been
Lab Review
• When should a table be declared as nullable?
• Could columns such as AddressLine1, AddressLine2,
AddressLine3 be reasonable in a normalized design?
• How would this differ from fields called PhoneNumber1,
PhoneNumber2, PhoneNumber3?
Module Review and Takeaways
• Review Questions
• Best Practices