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Rise of Civilizations
Downfall of Sumer
 3000
to 2000 BCE city-states at constant war
 Sargon
of Akkad
 Around
2350 B.C., Sargon from Akkad defeats city-states of Sumer
 Creates
first empire
 His
dynasty lasts about 200 years
 Babylonian
 Amorites
 Make
take control of region around 2000 B.C.
Babylon, on Euphrates River, the capital
 Babylonian
Empire at peak during Hammurabi’s rule (1792-1750 B.C.)
Hammurabi’s Code
Hammurabi creates a code of laws for the Babylonian Empire
282 laws on all aspects of life; engraved in stone and made public
Set different punishments depending on social class, gender
Goal for government to take responsibility for order, justice
Amorite rule for Fertile Crescent ends 200 years after Hammurabi
Seafaring Traders
The Minoan People
The Minoans, powerful seafaring people, live on Crete in Aegean Sea
Dominate trade in eastern Mediterranean from 2000 to 1400 B.C.
Culture influences others, especially Greeks
Unearthing a Brilliant Civilization
Excavations of Knossos, capital city of Minoan civilization, revealed:
Minoans were peaceful, athletic, lovers of nature and beauty
Women had major role, especially in religion
Sacrificed animals, and sometimes people, to gods
Archaeologists name civilization Minoa after King Minos
King Minos—legendary king who owned a minotaur
Minoan Culture’s Mysterious End
Earthquakes in 1700 B.C. caused damage, but Minoans rebuild
In 1470 B.C. major earthquakes and volcanic eruption
Minoans never recover from disasters
Invaders from Greece take Minoan lands
The Phoenician People
Phoenicians—powerful traders in wealthy city-states along Mediterranean
Skilled shipbuilders, seafarers; sailed around continent of Africa
Commercial Outposts Around the Mediterranean
Phoenicians set up colonies in western and central Mediterranean
Famous for red-purple dye produced from snail
Phoenicia’s Great Legacy: The Alphabet
Developed system of writing to record trade deals
Later developed into western alphabet
Trade Links Peoples
Land routes link Mediterranean world and Asia
Indian traders sail to Southeast Asia and Indonesia
Trade helps spread culture, ideas, religion
Origins of Judaism
Ancient Palestine
Palestine was region on eastern shores of Mediterranean
Hebrew people settled in Canaan, land promised to them by God
From Ur to Egypt
Torah, first five books of Hebrew Bible, tells early history of Hebrews
In Torah, God chose Abraham, a shepherd, to be father of Hebrew people
Abraham moves family and herds from Ur to Canaan around 1800 B.C.
Around 1650 B.C. Abraham’s descendants move to Egypt
The God of Abraham
Hebrews are monotheists, believing in one God only—Yahweh
Yahweh is all powerful, not a physical being
A mutual promise, covenant, is made between God and Abraham
Abraham promises to obey God, Yahweh promises protection
Hebrews Migrate to Egypt
At first Hebrews are honored in Egyptian kingdom; later become slaves
“Let My People Go”
Hebrews flee Egypt between 1300 and 1200 B.C.
Bible tells of God’s command that Moses lead this “Exodus”
A New Covenant
Moses receives Ten Commandments—become basis of Hebrew law
The Land and People of the Bible
Torah tells of Hebrews wandering Sinai Desert for 40 years
Arrive in Canaan form twelve tribes; judges provide leadership
A Hebrew Law
Women and men have separate roles, responsibilities
Law includes strict justice softened by mercy
Prophets arise later to interpret the law
They teach people to live moral lives
The Kingdom of Israel
Solomon Builds the Kingdom
Land that Hebrews believe God
promised them
David’s son Solomon becomes King;
makes Israel a trading empire
Canaan land is harsh; Hebrews expand
south and north
He builds a magnificent temple and
royal palace in Jerusalem
Saul and David Establish a
The Kingdom Divides
High taxes and forced labor lead
Jews in north to revolt
Hebrews threatened by Philistines to the
By 922 B.C. kingdom divides in two—
Israel in north, Judah in south
Only one tribe remains, Judah; Hebrew
religion called Judaism
200 years of conflict follow
From 1020 to 922 B.C. Hebrews (Jews)
unite; new kingdom called Israel
King David establishes Jerusalem as
The Babylonian Captivity
A Conquered People
In 738 B.C. Israel and Judah pay tribute (money for peace) to Assyria
By 722 B.C. Assyrians conquer Israel
In 586 B.C. Babylonians conquer Judah, destroy
Solomon’s Temple
Many surviving Jews exiled to Babylon
In 539 B.C. Persians conquer Babylon; 40,000 Jews return to Jerusalem
Temple and walls rebuilt; land later ruled by Persians, Greeks, Romans
Egypt’s Settlements
Arise along the 4,100-mile Nile River on narrow strip of fertile land
The Gift of the Nile
Yearly flooding brings water and fertile black mud—silt
Farmers build irrigation system for wheat and barley crops
Egyptian’s worship Nile as a god
Environmental Challenges
Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
Light floods reduce crops, cause
River area south of First Cataract is
elevated, becomes Upper Egypt
Heavy floods destroy property;
deserts isolate and protect Egyptians
Cataract—where boulders turn Nile
River into churning rapids
River area north, including Nile delta,
becomes Lower Egypt
Delta—land formed by silt deposits at
mouth of river; triangular
Egypt unites into a kingdom
King Narmer Creates Egyptian
Villages of Egypt ruled by two
kingdoms—Lower Egypt, Upper
King Narmer unites them around
3000 B.C.; makes Memphis capital
Establishes first Egyptian dynasty
Pharaohs Rule as Gods
To the Egyptians, kings are gods;
Egyptian god kings called pharaohs
Pharaohs control religion,
government, army, well-being of
Government based on religious
Builders of the Pyramids
Kings believed to rule even after death; have eternal life force, ka
Build elaborate tombs, pyramids, to meet needs after death
Pyramids made with blocks of stone, 2-15 tons each; 481 ft. high
Kingdom had leadership, government; economically strong
Egyptian Culture
Religion and Life
Egyptians believe in 2,000 gods and goddesses—polytheistic
Re is sun god, Osiris, god of the dead; goddess Isis is ideal woman
Believe in life after death; person judged by deeds at death
Develop mummification, process that prevents body from decaying
Book of the Dead contains prayers and spells, guides soul after death
Life in Egyptian society
Social Classes
Egyptian Writing
Society shaped like pyramid, from
Pharaoh down to farmers, laborers
In hieroglyphics writing system,
pictures represent ideas
Few people at top have great
power; most people at bottom
Paperlike sheets made from papyrus
reeds used for writing
People move into higher social
classes through marriage or merit
Women have many of the same
rights as men
Egyptian Science and Technology
Egyptians invent calendar of 365 days and 12 months
Develop system of written numbers and a form of geometry
Skilled engineers and architects construct palaces, pyramids
Egyptian medicine famous in the ancient world
Invaders control Egypt
Changes to Egyptian Society
Power of Pharaohs declines about 2180 B.C.; end of Old Kingdom
In Middle Kingdom (2040 to 1640 B.C.), some pharaohs regain control
Improve trade, dig canal from Nile to Red Sea, drain swamps for farms
Hyksos move into Egypt from Palestine; rule from 1630 to 1523 B.C.
Egyptian and Nubian Empires
About 1640 B.C., Asian warriors, the Hyksos, use chariots to conquer Egypt
Hebrews Migrate to Egypt
Hebrews move to Egypt from Canaan around 1650 B.C.
Egyptians resent the presence of Hebrews and Hyksos in Egypt
Expulsion and Slavery
Egyptians drive out the hated Hyksos
Hebrews lose protection of Hyksos; are enslaved
The New Kingdom of Egypt
Technological Changes
About 1570 to 1075 B.C. pharaohs create New Kingdom, a powerful empire
Army uses bronze weapons and chariots to conquer other lands
Hatshepsut’s Prosperous Rule
Hatshepsut—pharaoh whose reign most noted for her trade expeditions, not
Thutmose the Empire Builder
Thutmose III, Hatshepsut’s stepson, expands Egypt’s empire
Invades Palestine, Syria, and Nubia—region around the upper Nile River
Egypt most powerful and wealthy during reign of New Kingdom pharaohs
The Egyptians and the Hittites
An Age of Builders
Around 1285 B.C. Egyptians battle the
Hittites in Palestine
New Kingdom pharaohs built great
palaces, magnificent temples
Egypt’s pharaoh, Ramses II, and the
Hittite king sign a peace treaty
Valley of the Kings near Thebes is
home to royal tombs
Ramses II builds impressive temples
with enormous statues of himself
The Empire Declines
Invasion by Land and Sea
“Sea Peoples” (possibly Philistines) cause great destruction in Egypt
Libyan raids on villages and Palestine rebellions weaken empire
Egypt’s Empire Fades
Weakened empire breaks into smaller kingdoms
From around 950 to 730 B.C. Libyan pharaohs rule Egypt, erect cities
The Kushites conquer the Nile
Egypt and Kush
From 2000 to 1000 B.C., Egypt dominates kingdom of Kush in Nubia
The People of Nubia
Live south of Egypt near division of Blue Nile and White Nile
Nile River is a great trade route for goods and ideas
Nubians link Egypt and Mediterranean to African interior through trade
The Interaction of Egypt and Nubia
Egyptian culture influences Nubia and beyond to southern Africa
About 1200 B.C., Nubia gains independence but keeps Egyptian culture
Piankhi Captures the Egyptian Throne
In 751 B.C., Kushite king Piankhi conquers Egypt, ousts Libyans
Assyrians overcome Kushites and take Egypt
The Golden Age of Meroë
Kushites settle Meroë; join in trade with Africa, Arabia, India
The Wealth of Kush
Meroë becomes important center for iron weapons and tools
Iron products transported to Red Sea, exchanged for luxury goods
The Decline of Meroë
Meroë thrives from about 250 B.C. to A.D. 150, then declines
Aksum, 400 miles southeast, dominates North African trade
Has port on Red Sea, defeats Meroë in A.D. 350
The Assyrian Empire
Assyria uses military might to acquire empire across Southwest Asia
The Rise of a Warrior People
After invasions in Mesopotamia, Assyrians develop warlike behavior
Assyrian king Sennacherib brutally destroys enemies
Military Organization and Conquest
Glorified armies wear metal armor, copper helmets, leather protection
Use iron weapons, engineering skill, and brute force to conquer cities
Kill, enslave, or banish captive peoples to distant lands
The Empire Expands
Kings of Assyria
Defeat Syria, Palestine, Babylonia between 850 and 650 B.C.
Assyrian Rule
Creates central authority over local governors of dependent regions
Collects taxes and tribute from conquered lands
Assyrian Culture
Rulers build great cities, including capital at Nineveh
Carved sculptures of military campaigns and the lion hunt
King Ashurbanipal builds library of 20,000 tablets; Epic of Gilgamesh
Rebirth of Babylon under the
Early Warnings
Decline and Fall
Empire spread thin, cruelty earns many enemies, Ashurbanipal dies
Army of Medes and Chaldeans destroys Nineveh (612 B.C.); library survives
Rebirth of Babylon Under the Chaldeans
Chaldeans make Babylon capital of own empire
King Nebuchadnezzar builds legendary hanging gardens of Babylon
Builds tall ziggurats; astronomers make discoveries about solar system
Chaldean Empire falls to Persians; they adopt Assyrian inventions
The Persian Empire
The Persian Homeland
Persia (ancient Iran) has fertile land and minerals
Medes and Persians rose to power there
Cyrus the Great Founds an Empire
Starting in 550 B.C., Persian king Cyrus conquers neighboring lands
Governs with tolerance toward conquered peoples
Honors local customs, including religious ones
Allows Jews to return to Israel to rebuild temple of Jerusalem
Persian Rule
Cambyses and Darius
Cyrus’s son, Cambyses, conquers Egypt but rules unwisely
Darius seizes control, establishes stability; expands empire to India
Provinces and Satraps
Darius divides empire into 20 areas of local administration
Appoints satraps—governors—to rule each area
Build Royal Road to make communication within empire easier
Issues coins that can be used throughout the empire
The Persian Legacy
Persian thinker called Zoroaster develops new religion
Zoroaster’s Teachings
Life is a battleground between good and evil
One god will judge us by how well we fight for good
Zoroastrianism influenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Political Order
Through tolerance and good government, Persians bring political order
Preserve earlier cultures, find new ways to live and rule