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Roman Provinces and
The Growth of Rome under the Republic
The Growth of Rome
The Roman Province
Governed by a Roman Governor (often a former senior magistrate, like a
consul or praetor)
The governor had almost unchecked power, as an appeal to his decisions to
Rome was difficult and rare.
The governor had command of the army, oversaw taxation, administered
justice, and was the only one who could impose the death penalty
Taxes were typically auctioned to private collection groups of companies.
The governor could and would deal with any uprising or outside enemy using
the army
Even when Rome was a republic, the administration of the provinces was not
representative, but rather that of subjects
War and brutality
Almost the entire population of Carthage was killed
All the male population of Corinth was put to death; women and
children were enslaved
Caesar reportedly put 1,000,000 Gauls to death
Entire tribes or towns were often razed to the ground or enslaved
The earlier policy of Rome to acquire allies and often secure
loyalty with diplomacy seems to be forgotten in the years of
The brutality of the times would encourage dedication to the
ideals of mercy, love and non-aggression and thus fuel the spread
of early Christianity.