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1. sternum
2. coccyx
3. metacarpals
4. patella
6. ulna
7. synovia
8. xiphoid process
9. epiphysis
10. periosteum
a. lower arm bone
b. fibrous membrane around bone
c. anklebones
d. lowest portion of sternum
e. end portion of long bone
f. fluid in joint cavities
g. hand bones
h. breastbone
i. kneecap
j. tailbone
1. collarbone
2. neck bones
3. upper arm bone
4. top of skull
5. shoulderblade
6. lower leg bones
7. lower arm bones
8. finger and toe bones
9. small fluid-filled sac
10. wrist bones
a. carpals
b. bursa
c. phalanges
d. ulna and radius
e. tibia, fibula
f. scapula
g. cranium
h. humerus
i. cervical vertebrae
j. clavicle
1. bone shaft
2. hard layer of bone tissue
3. fibrous membrane around bone
4. found in bone cavities
5. lining of bone cavity
6. ends of bones
7. contains little space
a. marrow
b. diaphysis
c. endosteum
d. epiphysis
e. compact bone
f. cancellous bone
g. periosteum
Vertebral column
1. first set of seven bones (neck)
2. next twelve vertebrae (ribs)
3. nest five vertebrae (inward curve of the
4. next four vertebrae (fuse together)
5. bottom five vertebrae (tail bone)
a. sacrum
b. lumbar vertebrae
c. coccyx vertebrae
d. thoracic vertebrae
e. cervical
1. cephalic
2. dorsal
3. caudal
4. ventral recumbent
a. dorsal recumbent
b. bending foot upward
c. posterior
d. superior
5. ventral
6. proximal
7. lateral decubitus
8. adduction
9. dorsiflexion
10. supine
e. prone
f. anterior
g. movement towards body
h. towards beginning of structure
i. lying on the side
j. inferior
1. straightening at joint
2. turning inward
3. turning around axis
4. bending at joint
5. from front to back
6. from back to front
7. away from the beginning point
8. vertical division into right and left
9. towards the middle
10. movement away from the body
a. rotation
b. flexion
c. posterior-anterior
d. medial
e. abduction
f. inversion
g. sagittal plane
h. extension
i. anterior-posterior
j. distal
a. abnormal lateral curvature
b. inflammation of a bone
c. bone tumor
d. bone death
e. abnormal posterior curvature
f. inflammation of bone marrow and bone
g. abnormal anterior curvature
h. muscle pain
i. inflammation of a joint
j. pain in a bone
1. myodynia
2. ostealgia
3. arthritis
4. kyphosis
5. osteomyelitis
6. lordosis
7. osteitis
8. scoliosis
9. osteoma
10. osteonecrosis
1. spondylolisthesis
2. subluxation
3. arthropathy
4. arthrolith
5. myoma
6. myelodysplasia
7. leiomyosarcoma
8. arthrodysplasia
9. myeloma
10. myelogenic
a. any joint disease
b. abnormal development of spinal cord
c. related to the production of bone marrow
d. bone marrow tumor
e. partial dislocation
f. muscle tumor
g. forward slipping of a lumbar vertebra
h. malignant smooth muscle tumor
i. defective joint development
j. calculus in a joint
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