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Notes PArt 1- 4, Megacities video, crowne plaza notes
Parts 1- 2 : 2 MC
Parts 3 - 4: 2 MC , 2 fill in the blank , 1 short answer
Megacities video + Crowne Plaza + soil lab : 1 short answer, 2 fill in the blank
PART 1 -2
1. Total fertility rate (TRF) is?
a) A birth rate for a region on the basis that its age composition is the same as the whole
b) The average number of births per women of child-bearing age.
c) The number of births per thousand women aged 14-29 years.
d) The number of births per 1000 women of any specified year’s groups.
PART 3 - 4
1. Which of the following is most likely to lead to desertification? C
a. Eutrophication
b. Use of organic fertilizers
d. Ozone depletion
2. What is Lithosphere?
a) the rigid outer part of the earth; consists crust and upper mantle
b) the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth or another planet occupied by
living organisms
c) all the waters on the earth’s surface (ex. Lakes, seas) and sometimes including the
water over the earth’s surface (ex. Clouds)
3. What 3 things does the soil structure depend on ?
1. Explain how Crowne Plaza helps the environment.
2. The four Megacities studied in the video are:
PART 1 -2
1. Total fertility rate (TRF) is?
a) A birth rate for a region on the basis that its age composition is the same as the whole
b) The average number of births per women of child-bearing age.
c) The number of births per thousand women aged 14-29 years.
d) The number of births per 1000 women of any specified year’s groups.
PART 3 - 4
1. Which of the following is most likely to lead to desertification? C
a. Eutrophication
b. Use of organic fertilizers
d. Ozone depletion
2. What is Lithosphere?
a) the rigid outer part of the earth; consists crust and upper mantle
b) the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth or another planet occupied by
living organisms
c) all the waters on the earth’s surface (ex. Lakes, seas) and sometimes including the
water over the earth’s surface (ex. Clouds)
3. What 3 things does the soil structure depend on ?
Soil texture, dead organic matter, and earthworm activity
1. Explain how Crowne Plaza helps the environment.
Rooftop gardens
Heating system
Glass ceiling
Water sprinkling
Automatic AC turn off
2. Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Dhaka,