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AP Biology
Unit 2: Cells
Key Vocabulary
Cells and Organelles
cell wall, central vacuole, centriole, chloroplast, chromosome, cilium (9+2),
cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum (ER),
eukaryote, flagellum (9+2), gap junction, Golgi body, lysosome, mitochondrion,
nucleolus, nucleoid, nucleus, organellle, plasma membrane, plasmodesma,
prokaryote, ribosome, rough ER, smooth ER, tight junction, tonoplast, vacuole,
Cell Membranes
active transport, ADP+P, ATP, concentration gradient, diffusion, equilibrium,
facilitated diffusion, entropy, exocytosis, fluid mosaic model, gated channel,
hydrophilic, hydrophobic, hyperosmotic solution, hypertonic solution,
hypoosmotic solution, hypotonic solution, integral protein, isotonic solution,
membrane potential, membrane protein, osmoregulation, osmosis, peripheral
protein, phagocytosis, phospholipid bilayer, plasmolyzed, pinocytosis,
semipermeable, solute, solvent, turgid, water potential
ADP+P, ATP, ATP synthase, byproduct, C3 plant, C4 plant, Calvin cycle,
CAM plant, carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide acceptor, carbon fixation,
chemiosmosis, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chloroplast, cytochrome, electron
transport chain, glucose, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P), H+ and e- acceptor,
H+ and e- donor, inner membrane, intermembrane space, light dependent phase,
light independent phase, light reactions, magnesium ion, NADP+, NADPH, outer
membrane, oxidation, photolysis, photon, photophosphorylation,
photorespiration, photosynthesis, photosystem I, photosystem II, product,
reactant, reduction, ribulose biphosphate (RuBP), rubisco, stroma, thylakoid,
thylakoid space
Cellular Respiration
acetyl CoA, ADP+P, aerobic, alcohol, anaerobic, ATP, ATP synthase, byproduct,
carbon dioxide, chemiosmosis, crista, cytochrome, electron transport chain,
faculative anaerobe, FAD, FADH2, fermentation, glucose, glycolysis, H+ and eacceptor, H+ and e- donor, inner mitochondrial membrane, intermembrane space,
Krebs cycle, lactic acid (lactate), matrix, mitochondrion, NAD+, NADH, outer
mitochondrial membrane, obligate aerobe, obligate anaerobe, oxidation,
oxidative phosphorylation, proton-motive force, pyruvate, reduction, substratelevel phosphorylation, tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), water
Cell Cycle and Mitosis
anaphase, cell cycle, cell plate, centriole, chromatid, chromatin, chromosome,
cytokinesis, G1 phase, G2 phase, homologous chromosomes, interphase,
karyotype, metaphase, mitosis, prophase, S phase, sister chromatid, spindle,
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