Download In Rome they even had school! In Rome their schools had only one

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By Tenisha
In Rome they even had school! In Rome their schools had only one
room. And the poor children never went to school. Most boys went to school
and a few rich girls went too. Most times girls did not go to school because
they stayed home and knitted. Some girls were taught by their mothers. Then
they did not have paper so the Romans had to write on wax tablets with a
pointed stick called a “stylus.” The Romans also did arithmetic. Romans
had no calculators to help them with math. They used an abacus. The Roman
boys were expected to learn Greek. When boys were older, they could learn to
speak in public at the Forum. At the School started at dawn and went to
noon. Many Romans sent their children to school at the age of seven. School
began each year on the 24 th of March! The Romans also borrowed some of
the ancient Greek system of education.
When the kids got home from school they played with their pets, and
their toys and friends. Romans played hide and seek. A baby’s first toy was
usually a pottery rattle. Older kids toys were animals, see saws, swings, and
Girls played with dolls made of wool, clay or cloth. Lucky children
had a miniature chariots pulled by geese or goats. Balls were made out of
leather. They had hoops for jumping through. They also played jacks. Kids
played with wooden swords. Stick and ball games had no rules. They played
with javelins. They also played tic-tac- toe. The boys with war type games.
Believe it or not the Romans loved games!
Well boys and girls did not play or do the same things. When boys
were 14, he became an adult. The boys were taught to speak and discuss in
public. They wore a tunic and it went down to their knees. Both boys and
girls swam by holding onto bamboo floats. The tunic that boys and girls
wore was white. Children wore a special locket around their neck. It was
given to then at birth. It was called a bulla. Girls wore a bulla until they
got married. Girls in richer families learned how to read. Some of the girls
had private tutors. They wore a simple tunic with a belt that went down to
their waist.
Cox, Phil, Rox bee. Who Where The Romans ? London: Usborne, 1993.
Donn, Don and Lin. Daily life in ancient Rome .22 Mar.2005
<http://members. AOL. Com/ Donn class/Rome life. htm1>