Download Commitment Letter to Join the MHA Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative

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Commitment to Join the MHA Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative
The MHA Board of Trustees endorses the Massachusetts Healthier Hospitals Initiative, which is
a public campaign to demonstrate how hospitals are working to improve the health of their
patients and their communities in areas beyond direct healthcare services. One of the initiatives
involves the food challenge, through which hospitals are working to advance the development of
healthy and sustainable food systems that support prevention-based health care efforts. This
initiative also aligns with the Health Care Without Harm’s Healthy Food in Health Care Pledge.
It is estimated that up to 80% of all antibiotics consumed each year are given to poultry, cattle,
and pigs that do not have a diagnosed disease. This agricultural practice contributes to the growth
of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. To further curb the rise of drug-resistant bacteria, MHA is asking
members to commit to purchasing at least one meat product raised without routine antibiotics.
Antibiotic Stewardship Commitment
As a responsible provider of healthcare services, we are committed to the health of our patients,
our staff, and the local community. Food production and distribution methods such as using nontherapeutic antibiotics have adverse impacts on public health, including the rise of antibioticresistant bacteria. We recognize that to protect the health of all and to ensure the continued
efficacy of medications, we must stand against the inappropriate use of antibiotics in agriculture.
Therefore, we join the MHA initiative and commit to purchasing meat raised without nontherapeutic antibiotics.
Specifically, our institution is committed to:
 Transitioning to purchase at least one meat product that is free from non-therapeutic
antibiotics prior to January 1, 2016; and
 Working with our vendors, Group Purchasing Organizations, and/or food management
companies prior to January 1, 2016 to provide a variety of sources of meat raised free
from non-therapeutic antibiotics at a price manageable for the healthcare market
Hospital: ______________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: _________________________________ Title: __________________________
Phone: _________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Please fax or email this form to: Leanne Banks at (781-262-6117 or [email protected])