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Vocabulary : Célula=cell/ microscopio= microscope/ medir =to measure/
núcleo= nucleus/ información
genética=genetic information/ controlar=to control / paso=passage/sustancias químicas=chemicals / membrana
celular=cell membrane/ pared celular =cell wall/ citoplasma=cytoplasm/ cloroplastos=chloroplast / vacuolas=
vacuoles /tamaño=size/ micrómetro=micrometer/mitocondria=mitochondrion/orgánulos=organelles/ parásito
microorganismo= microorganism / microscópico= microscopic / protozoos =protozoon/ algas=
algae / bacterias = bacteria / perjudicial= harmful / beneficioso =useful / /descomponer materia orgánica
=decompose organic matter/ reciclaje=recycling/ enfermedad=illness/
Main ideas:
The cell
-A cell is the smallest part of a living being. We need a microscope to see it. The size of
cells is measured by a micrometer.
-There are some cells without a nucleus. They are prokaryotic cells. These are bacteria cells.
The rest of the cells are eukaryotic, and they have a nucleus.
-Animal cells and plant cells have some features (characteristics) in common: cell membrane,
nucleus and cytoplasm.-Cell membrane controls the passage of chemicals into and out of
the cell. Nucleus contains the genetic information of the cell and controls all chemical
activity.-Cytoplasm contains water and others substances and all of the organelles like
mitochondrion, vacuoles,….-Mitochondria is the organelle, which produces energy in the cell.
-Vacuole is the storage place. Chloroplasts are only in plants, and
these organelles contain the green pigment chlorophyll to do photosynthesis.-Cells of plants also
have: a cell wall, and a big vacuole. Cell wall protects and supports the cell –Animal cells have
small vacuoles but don’t have a cell wall nor chloroplasts..-.
Simplest living being
Protozoon .-They only have one eukaryotic cell. They are heterotrophic . Most of them live in
fresh or salt water. Some of them live inside of animal o cells, and produce illness, like
trypanosome that produces “the dream illness”.
Algae can have one cell, or many cells. Their cells are eukaryotic,.-They are autotrophic because
they have chlorophyll. They live in water. They produce the food in oceans.
-Bacteria are prokaryotic because their cells don’t have a nucleus.-They only have a cell. Some of
them are autotrophic because they do photosynthesis, others decompose dead organic matter
and others are parasites.
-Some bacteria are useful like autotrophic, because they make food for other living beings.
Other useful bacteria decompose dead organic matter, and they do the retraining of the matter.
Other bacteria are used by man in industry to make cheese, yogurt, wine, etc
Viruses aren’t living beings because they have to live in a cell. They produce illness