Download 29. SOMSO Ear Model (green stand)

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Document related concepts
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I. External Ear – Pinna or Auricle
II. Middle Ear
III. Inner Ear
1. Helix of the pinna
2. S
3. Anti-helix
4.Crus or anti-helix
5. Triangular fossa
6. Tragus
7. Anti-tragus
8. Intertragic notch
9. Lobule
10. External acoustic/auditory canal
11. Tympanic membrane
12. Fibrous ring of tympanic membrane
13. Tympanic arteries
16. Internal carotid artery (exiting carotid canal)
17. Internal acoustic meatus
18. Stylomastoid foramen
19. Styloid process
20. Mandibular fossa
21. Internal carotid artery (entering carotid
22. Middle ear
23. Eustacian tube
24. Opening of Eustacian tube in nasopharynx
25. Malleus
a. Head
b. Manubrium
26. Incus
a. short process
b. long process
27. Stapes
28. Lenticular process of incus
29. Posterior mallear fold
30. Tensor tympani muscle
31. Vestibule of inner ear
32. Oval window
33. ?
34. Round window
35. Horizontal (Lateral) semicircular canal
a. ampulla
36. Superior semicircular canal
b. ampulla
37. Posterior semicircular canal
c. ampulla
38. Cochlea
39. Vestibular membrane ?
41. Scala vestibuli?
42. Saccule
43. Utricle
44. Crista of semicircular canal (in ampulla)
45. Vestibulocochlear nerve
46. Vestibular nerve
47. Cochlear nerve
48. Facial nerve
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