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Nick Derrickson
BA371, Winter 2016
What is code, anyways?
◦ A set of computer
instructions that are written
to accomplish a specific
task or process.
◦ Written in human readable
form with a specific syntax
that is able to be converted
to machine-readable
◦ First appeared in the late 1980’s
◦ Used for report making, Unix system administration,
and graphics programming.
◦ Regarded in the industry as a versatile and powerful
tool, yet very inelegant.
◦ Hello World example
◦ use strict;
use warnings;
print "Hello, World!\n";
◦ Oraperl is used as an extension to Perl, which allows
access to Oracle databases.
Java & Javascript
◦ Java is an object-oriented language that was designed to run on all
platforms, regardless of the hardware architecture.
◦ Uses include Android apps and web applications for corporations.
◦ Hello World example:
◦ class HelloWorldApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!"); // Prints the string to the console.
◦ Javascript is a trimmed-down version of Java that was built primarily
for use in the browser.
◦ Code can be changed and will only go into effect when the page is
refreshed, as it is built into the HTML code of the website.
◦ Restricts access to server filesystem as a preventative measure.
Embedded Systems
◦ A computer system that has a dedicated function within
a larger system.
◦ Considered a major component in everyday
◦ Ex: mobile phones, microwaves, automotive safety
systems (ABS, TCS, ESC)
◦ Heavily used in consumer, commercial, and military
◦ Difficult to program due to their small size and limited
processing resources.
◦ Benefited by mass production and efficiency gains.
◦ Designed in 1991 by Guido van Rossum
◦ A widely used programming language focusing on simplicity and readability.
◦ Supports multiple paradigms (functional styles) of computer programming,
making it highly adaptable to suit the task at hand.
◦ The “Zen of Python” is an official list containing coding principles that the
company believes is important to the design of the language itself. Examples
include “Beautiful is better than ugly”, “Complex is better than complicated”, and
“If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea”.
◦ Hello World example:
◦ print 'Hello, world!'
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
◦ Typically used on a server as a scripting language for web
development, but can also be used as a normal
programming language.
◦ Can be included in HTML code, but is typically processed
using a PHP interpreter such as PhpStorm or Zend
◦ Hello World example:
◦ <?php
Print "Hello, World!";
◦ PHP code can contain images and graphical objects that
are interpreted and displayed on the webpage.
◦ Stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation.
◦ Used for transforming XML documents into other XML documents
as well as other formats, such as HTML and plaintext.
◦ Processes an XML source document and uses pattern-matching
alongside a fixed algorithm to create a new XML document.
◦ Created as a dialect of the LISP programming language.
◦ Used in larger organizations such as Walmart and Puppet Labs.
◦ Large focus on immutable data structures as well as creating
large multi-threaded programs.
◦ Hello World example:
◦ (println "Hello world")