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Photo: Naturegirl 78, Flickr Plants of the Taiga Plains Sphagnum Moss Sphagnum girgensohnii Appearance This moss variety is a vibrant green or slightly yellowish colour with upright stems that are star shaped and flat topped and form a carpet of branches that cluster in bunches of 4 to 5. Range & Habitat This type of sphagnum moss can be found throughout BC but it is most common in the northern areas in lower elevations and also in areas of bogs and swamps with shaded forest area. It is also found all around the world where there is shrubby tundra habitat. Lifecycle The Sphagnum Moss does not reproduce with seeds but with spores instead. Animal Uses This moss provides a great place for nesting and bedding for birds. Human Uses The Sphagnum Moss was widely used to treat wounds for infection and for baby care and personal hygiene by First Nations prior to European colonization. Medicinally, it can also be used in ointments to treat skin diseases like eczema, acne and psoriases by distilling the moss to extract a tar. It can also be mixed with pitch to fill the wood in canoes and it was used alone to line fir pits, fill pillows and mattresses and as moisture for cooking. Status COSEWIC: Not listed CDC: Yellow More Information