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Houston Astrological Society Events Calendar
Jan 29: Annual HAS Panel
Feb 10: Chinese New Year of the Fire
$20. ($10. for members) - Body, Mind & Soul Meet Up $5 - Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. of Houston
Ancient Chinese Astrology is based on 12 animal
What wonders and exciting adventures await signs combining five elements (Water, Fire, Earth,
us in 2016? When are the best (and worst) Wood & Metal) to form a 60 year cycle. This New
times to plan for major life events ahead? Year falls on February 8, 2016. Traditionally
How best can we navigate "The Mutable described as "Monkey Climbing the Mountain",
Dilemma" in play throughout the year? What the year of the Fire Monkey is always an exciting
tricks does the Monkey hold in store for us in and active year, full of surprises and unexpected
this Fire Monkey Year? Please join our panel events. Join us for an exploration into how to best
of Houston Astrologers, Gandhari Bouligny, utilize this energy for in 2016. Min Lynch will
Lori Earley, Kimberly McSherry, and Lilly share her delightful insights in a relaxed fun night,
Roddy for an engaging discussion of the mixing ancient Chinese Astrology traditions with
major transiting influences of 2016.
Western Astrology thought.
April 1: Solving the Astrological
Puzzle with Astronomy, Sacred
Geometry & Egyptian Images – a
Lecture with Naomi Bennett
$20. ($10. for members) - Body, Mind & Soul
Join us to hear Naomi Bennet talk about how
the ancient Egyptians were master sky
watchers and mathematicians who invented
horoscopic astrology. The discovery of fractal
geometry has a correlation to astrology’s
Trained as a chemist, Min Lynch has worked in
Information Technology for 18 years enjoying the
creative process of coding web & mapping
applications. Min began her formal astrological study
in 2011 and has completed a 2-year curriculum on
Western Astrology. She also studied Esoteric Astrology
and currently is exploring Evolutionary Astrology. Min
loves to ask life questions and has found astrology to be
a valuable tool in bringing self-awareness and
illuminating the soul's purpose. She currently serves on
HAS Board of Directors. In the Chinese Zodiac, she is a
wild Metal Boar.
design. Our fragmented texts don’t tell the
whole story but with the use of astronomy,
sacred geometry and Egyptian images; the
astrological pieces can be fitted together into
a complete picture for the basis of As Above,
So Below.
Naomi Bennett has practiced astrology since
1970 and is currently President of the Astrological
Society of Austin, TX. She has a B.S. in Psychology,
She teaches astrology as a branch of sacred
geometry and advises clients. She is author of
Foundations of Astrology, 2014. She was the USA
Chapter Chairperson at the 25th Krishnamurti
Institute of Astrology 2015 conference in Kolkata.
She also delivered an academic lecture for the
Sanskrit Department at the University of Delhi on
the astronomical basis of ancient astrology that
pertains to Western and Jyotish Astrology; and has
also spoken at the Arizona Astrological Society,
the AA Conference in UK and the Astrology
Restored Conference in Capetown, South Africa.
There will also be a workshop on Saturday.
May 20: The Mutable Dilemma –
Peter Pan Meets the Hulk
$15 ($10 Members) - Body, Mind & Soul
Planets in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius, and Pisces form stressful aspects
throughout 2016, with greatest intensity
occurring from the Grand Cross (first week of
June) through the T-square (first week of
September). The mutable signs describe
different ways of perceiving, or processing
information and mental stimuli. The Mutable
Dilemma describes the kind of tension and
2016 Houston Astrological Society (HAS)
April 13: Mars Retrograde? Smile When
You Say That, Stranger
Meet Up $5 - Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. of Houston
Mars Stations Retrograde approximately once
every 22-24 months, transiting in retrograde
motion for about 70 days. This year, it happens
April 17 at 8 Sagittarius - June 29 at 23 Scorpio. The
retrograde motion is an illusion of the planet
moving backwards in relation to its position with
the Earth and Sun. Retrograde effects can
sometimes reverse situations and change our
feelings or activities, or affect our ability to discern
information. Where is Mars Retrograde transiting
by house in your natal chart? Is it conjunct a natal
planet? Your ascendant, or midheaven? Bring
your natal chart and let’s have a lively discussion
about what we discover. Lilly Roddy will be our
presenter this month sharing her own insights and
special brand of humor to this seemingly
mysterious and somber event.
Lilly Roddy has been a professional astrologer for 30
years. Among her many accomplishments and
interests, she is a Reiki Master and teacher and a tai chi
practitioner for over 22 years with a 3rd degree black
belt. Lilly has had an interest in Metaphysics since 1979
and has studied numerology, crystals, gems, palmistry,
tarot and subtle energy perception. Her long term goals
are to bring astrology into more main stream businesses
and to help people to find their sense of purpose and
fulfillment. She has a BA from the University of Texas
in Sociology. Lilly also writes an astrological column for
OutSmart Magazine who named her Best Astrologer in
Houston. Look for her new weekly astrocast on
YouTube and ask her about her ongoing astrology
classes. Lilly can be reached at [email protected] or
conflict that results when one’s personal
perception collides with alternative and
incompatible perceptions of others, or with
“reality”, resulting in miscommunication,
misunderstanding, distortion of information,
and mixed messages. The positive potential is
that conflicting perceptions force us to
consider previously unknown alternatives
and options and teach us mental flexibility so
we can better adapt and adjust our thinking
as reality demands. In this lecture, Kimberly
will discuss the key players in this dilemma,
and offer some valuable insight into how to
navigate the rough cosmic seas from June
through September of this year.
June 8: The Moon – Tell Me, How Do
You Really Feel?
Meet Up $5 - Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. of Houston
Astrologically, the Moon is the ruling planet of
Cancer and is associated with a person's emotional
process, instinctual needs, unconscious habits,
rhythms, memories, moods and the ability to
emotionally react and adapt to events and others.
It is also associated with the mother, maternal
instincts or the urge to nurture, the home, the need
for security and the past, especially early
experiences and childhood. What does the moon
mean in your natal chart? How do the lunar cycles
affect us? Bring your natal chart and let's have
Kimberly McSherry has been a student of some fun finding out something we didn't know
Astrology and a professional educator since 1970. before. Understanding the moon is the key to
She received certification as a Gestalt Therapist understanding and sometimes finding one's inner
from The Gestalt Training Center of Houston in
home. Kim McSherry will be our guest presenter
1983. Kimberly is the co-founder (1980) and
for this topic.
current Director of The Houston Institute of
Astrology, offering an intensive 2-year curriculum
in the study of Astrology, based on The Mystery
School tradition. Her nontraditional education
includes extensive study with most of the greatest
names in Astrology, 5 years of extensive study and
travel with various Native American Elders, and
study of a vast array of metaphysical and
nontraditional psychological fields. Kimberly
currently teaches Astrology, offers private
astrological consultations, and practices Gestalt
Therapy. She can be reached at 713.932.9889, or
[email protected]
Sept 14: Venus and the Seven Deadly
Meet Up $5 - Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. of Houston
Desire is the intrinsic motivator of much human
activity. There is no more basic statement than "I
want." Desire not only shapes our perceptions
about what is valuable, but also influences the
actions of just how far we'll go to get it.
Astrological desire is signified by Venus.
Favorably known as the cosmic ruler of beauty,
July 22: An Introduction to
pleasure and money, this seemingly docile planet
Astrological Grammar with Maria
also governs the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. All energy
exits on a continuum, so it's really only a matter of
$20. ($10. for members) - Body, Mind & Soul degree which determines if and how you express
both the light and shadow aspects of your Venus
2016 Houston Astrological Society (HAS)
Have you ever tried to speak a foreign
language armed with only a dictionary? If
astrology is a language, then most of us do
just that. Astrologers spend a lot of time
trying to learn "key words" for our symbols,
but not a whole lot of time trying to
understand how those words are arranged to
form reliable outer world statements that we
can all agree upon. In this presentation, Maria
will give you an introduction to the linguistics
embedded in the chart. For a fuller
understanding of how to work her
grammatical system and the philosophical
underpinnings behind it, you can also attend
her full-day workshop on Saturday.
Maria Mateus has been a student of astrology
since she was a teen. She's open to all astrological
schools, but maintains a particular interest in
research, history, language, and ancient
techniques. She believes the key to understanding
all of astrology, is to understand the manner in
which language and mind reflect the world we live
in. In 2002, her desire to demystify the relationship
between inner emotional states and outer world
manifestations led her to embark on an
investigation that culminated in the development
of the LINCOS grammatical approach to
astrology. Maria has lectured at conferences and
workshops around the world and taught at the
International Academy of Astrology. She's written
for several astrological publications, translated a
modern introduction to traditional techniques (On
The Heavenly Spheres), and is currently
translating its sequel as well as working on her
own work on grammatical astrology. She holds a
Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the
University of Texas, and a Master of Arts in
astrology from Kepler College.
sign. As the saying goes, "It's the dose that makes
the poison." So what does your Venus sign desire?
Learn which of the cardinal vices your Venus sign
is most notorious for, and how you can best
capitalize on its saucy attributes.
With the majority of her career spent having the ear of
top executives, Maurielle Balczon cross-leverages
astrology with executive coaching methodologies to
catalyze people into manifesting their best aptitudes.
After years of utilizing various personality tests, skills
assessments and therapeutic techniques to better
understand herself and clients, astrology appeared as a
more decisive way of giving context to people and
events. Maurielle founded SignPaths for the reward of
helping high-performance individuals exceed their
own expectations. In addition, Maurielle is the
astrology columnist for Local Houston Magazine with
a readership of 72,000 people per month. She is also
creator of the Zodiac Necklace Collection- authentic
gemstone jewelry for each zodiac sign- which is carried
online and in-store at Body Mind & Soul. Maurielle is
an Honors graduate from the University of St. Thomas
with a BA in International Business and triple minors in
Economics, Spanish and Finance. She serves at several
professional organizations, including on the Board of
Directors for the Houston Astrological Society.
Nov 9: Mercury – Find Out the Scoop on
the Hottest Little Orb in the Solar
Meet Up $5 - Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. of Houston
Mercury is the ruling planet of both Gemini and
Virgo. In Roman mythology, he is the messenger
of the gods, noted for his speed and swiftness.
Echoing this, the scorching, airless Mercury circles
the Sun on the fastest orbit of any planet. Mercury
takes only 88 days to orbit the Sun, spending about
7.33 days in each sign of the zodiac. Astrologically
2016 Houston Astrological Society (HAS)
Oct 28: How I Approach a Reading –
with Robert Brown
$20. ($10. for members) - Body, Mind & Soul
There are as many ways to approach an
astrological reading as there are astrologers.
Robert Brown is a seasoned astrologer, with
not only technical savvy, but wisdom, insight
and psychic ability. He will share his
approach to reading a chart - from explaining
the Sun sign, rising sign, and Moon signs to
forecasting transits, career, financial, and
relationship matters, even optimal locations
to live. Additionally, he does an uncanny
reading of a spread of playing cards which
gives his clients a good picture of what will be
happening in their life in relation to relatives,
friends, and loved ones.
Robert E. Brown is a native Houstonian. He has
worked with his intuition since 1984 when he
began channeling for groups in Houston. His first
clients were at local psychic fairs and the Texas
Renaissance Festival. He has written his astrology
column “Writings in the Sky” for the Indigo Sun
Magazine since 1994. Robert has furthered his
metaphysical lifestyle through the study of
meditation and yoga. An avid seeker, he has
studied the teachings of some of the world’s great
spiritual teachers. “I am a big fan of Ammachi and
the Dalai Lama.” Robert feels astrology is an
ongoing study. He is always learning in order to
remain proficient at his craft.
2016 Houston Astrological Society (HAS)
speaking, Mercury represents the principles of
communication, mentality, thinking patterns,
rationality and reasoning, and adaptability and
variability. Mercury governs schooling and
education, the immediate environment of
neighbors, siblings and cousins, transport over
short distances, messages and forms of
communication such as post, email and telephone,
newspapers, journalism and writing, information
gathering skills and physical dexterity. Join us to
welcome Lori Earley as our guest presenter on this
topic. If you have your natal chart, you're welcome
to bring it to see how Mercury could be affecting
you. It's a great opportunity to see how differently
people's brains are wired.
Lori Earley earned her Master's degree in Oriental
Medicine from The American College of Acupuncture
& Oriental Medicine. She has a Master's of Biology, and
has conducted research in the fields of biology,
mycology and electron microscopy, and has published
two abstracts in the Texas Journal of Microscopy. Lori
was trained in cosmetic acupuncture under the Mei Zen
Cosmetic Acupuncture System. She founded the
Greater Houston Acupuncture Alliance and is a
columnist for The Indigo Sun. Lori became interested in
evolutionary astrology as a tool for understanding the
deep soul purpose of traumatic events. From there she
entered a 2-year program to become a Deep Memory
Process therapist where she is learning to work with
past life regression, soul retrieval and ancestral spirits.
She is looking forward to integrating this new
knowledge with the work she does with acupuncture
and herbal therapy in treating depression, anxiety,
insomnia, PTSD and physical, emotional, psychological
and spiritual pain. This year she will also complete her
certification with Dr. Mikio Sankey, father of Esoteric
Acupuncture, a new type of acupuncture that works on
the astral and spiritual levels.