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Looks a Lot Like Earth
Is there life beyond planet Earth? Astronomers
revealed a new lead in the search for extraterrestrial
life last Tuesday. For the first time, they have
discovered a planet outside of our solar system that
could possibly sustain life. The planet, named Gliese 581c,
was found by a European Southern Observatory
telescope located in La Silla, Chile. "It's a significant
step on the way to finding possible life in the universe,"
says Michel Mayor, one of the 11 European astronomers
on the team that discovered the planet.
The planet has Earth-like temperatures, even though
the star it closely orbits, known as a red dwarf, is much
smaller than our sun. Astronomers do not yet know if
there is liquid water on Gliese 581c. "Liquid water is
critical to life as we know it," says Xavier Delfosse, an
astronomer on the discovery team.
is located 120 trillion miles from Earth, but that
won't stop scientists from studying it for signs of life.
"This planet will most probably be a very important
target of the future space missions dedicated to the
search for extraterrestrial life," says Delfosse. "On the
treasure map of the universe, one would be tempted to
mark this planet with an X."
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Open Response:
Pretend you are a very well known scientist who has just
discovered life on Gliese 581c. The press is on their way to
your house. A podium is set up outside and they are
waiting for you to give a speech in which you will share
what kind of impact YOU THINK finding this other life will
have on our planet?