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Domperidon voor postoperatief
nausea en braken,
of toch maar niet?
Minne Casteels
Leuven, 5 oktober 2013
Domperidon is geïndiceerd (SPK Motilium® 01/2013):
bij volwassenen voor het verlichten van de symptomen
van misselijkheid en braken, epigastrisch gevoel van
‘volheid’, bovenbuikklachten en regurgitatie van de
bij kinderen (jonger dan 12 jaar en onder 35 kg) voor
het verlichten van de symptomen van misselijkheid en
• in België zijn de orale en rectale vormen van domperidon
vergund sinds 1978
vanaf 1980: publicaties over EPS
door FDA nooit vergund geweest (min. 2 pogingen)
1985: IV-vorm van markt gehaald door VHB-houder na
aantal reports van plotse dood/aritmie
heel aantal publicaties over studies in postoperatief braken
en nausea maar blijkbaar geen indicatie in SKP
FDA Warns Against Women Using Unapproved Drug, Domperidone, to Increase Milk
June 7, 2004…….
The Agency also is issuing an Import Alert which alerts FDA field personnel to be on
the lookout for attempts to import this drug so that it can be detained and refused
admission into the U.S. if appropriate………………………
The agency is concerned with the potential public health risks associated with
domperidone. There have been several published reports and case studies of cardiac
arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and sudden death in patients receiving an intravenous
form of domperidone that has been withdrawn from marketing in a number of
FDA 17/09/2013
….. However, FDA recognized that there are some patients with severe gastrointestinal motility
disorders that are difficult to manage with available therapy, who may benefit from domperidone
and in whom domperidone’s potential benefits outweigh its risks. FDA currently allows patients 12
years of age and older with various gastrointestinal (GI) conditions to be treated with domperidone
through the Expanded Access to Investigational Drugs program. These conditions include
gastroesophageal reflux disease with upper GI symptoms, gastroparesis, and chronic constipation.
Patients must have failed standard therapies to be eligible to receive domperidone. This program
facilitates access to investigational drugs, (such as domperidone) for patients with serious diseases
or conditions when there is no comparable or satisfactory alternative therapy to diagnose, monitor,
or treat the patient’s disease or condition.
• In februari 2004 is de SKP van deze geneesmiddelen
aangepast om het risico van verlenging van het QTc-interval
weer te geven.
• In 2008 werd meer informatie omtrent het risico van verlengd
QTc-interval en het cardiale risico toegevoegd aan de
• In 2010 werden twee nieuwe epidemiologische studies
gepubliceerd die handelen over het risico van ventriculaire
(hart)aritmieën of plotse cardiale dood en een mogelijk
verband met domperidon.
• Begin 2011 heeft het FAGG deze studies grondig
geanalyseerd en voorgelegd aan de werkgroep van het EMA,
verantwoordelijk voor de geneesmiddelenbewaking
(Pharmacovigilance working Party, PhVWP).
Summary Assessment Report of the PhVWP October 2011
Domperidone - Risk of cardiac disorders
Key message
Domperidone should be used at the lowest effective dose
in adults and children because of its use may be
associated with an increased risk of serious ventricular
arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death, particularly in
patients older than 60 years or in patients taking daily
doses of more than 30 mg.
Domperidone Article-31 referral – Notification EMA
• Domperidone is commonly used across Europe. Belgium
is the Reference Member State (RMS) for the innovator
product Motilium since 2003.
• Domperidone is indicated in adults for the relief of the
symptoms of nausea and vomiting, epigastric sense of
fullness, upper abdominal discomfort and regurgitation of
gastric contents and in children for the relief of the
symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
• In the mid 1980s a possible association of QTprolongation, and cardiac adverse events, was identified
when high and rapidly administered intravenous doses of
domperidone were used as an anti-emetic during cytotoxic
treatment in cancer patients.
• On recognition of this possible association, the intravenous
formulation was voluntarily withdrawn worldwide by the
Marketing Authorisation Holder, and no intravenous
formulations have been manufactured since 1985.
Domperidone Article-31 referral – Notification EMA 8/3/2013
• Over the last years, cardiovascular events including risk of
QT-prolongation, arrhythmia, sudden death have been
discussed by the Pharmacovigilance Working Party
(PhVWP). This led to changes to the product information
agreed by the PhVWP in October 2011. The MAH of the
innovator was also requested to conduct a
pharmacoepidemiological study and a thorough QTc study.
Domperidone Article-31 referral – Notification EMA 8/3/2013
• Since then, new cases of cardiotoxicity related to
domperidone have been reported. Some of these are
included and assessed in the PSUR Work Sharing
procedure covering the period January 2009 to January
2012 and for which Belgium acts as P-RMS. In this
assesment report, Belgium, notably, proposed to contraindicate the use of domperidone in patients who have
existing prolongation of cardiac conduction intervals,
particulary QTc, patients with significant electrolyte
disturbances or underlying cardiac diseases such as
congestive heart failure.
Domperidone Article-31 referral – Notification EMA 8/3/2013
• Furthermore, in 2012 a procedure referred to in article 45
of Regulation 1901/2006/EC, as amended, was performed
and a conclusion was reached that high-dose paediatric
regimen of domperidone was no longer considered as
acceptable and therefore the section 4,2 paediatric
posology of the SmPC should be modified.
Domperidone Article-31 referral – Notification EMA 8/3/2013
• In light of the above, Belgium considers that it is in the
interest of the Union to refer domperidone-containing
medicinal products to the Pharmacovigilance Risk
Assessment Committee and requests that it gives its
recommendation under Article 31 of Directive 2001/83/EC
on whether the balance of benefits and risks is positive for
these products in the approved indications and whether
the marketing authorisation for medicinal products
containing domperidone should be maintained, varied,
suspended or withdrawn.
Domperidone Article-31 referral – Notification EMA 8/3/2013
Postoperatief nausea en braken
• geen enkel schema reduceert risico op nausea en braken
tot 0
• geen sluitende studies
• 4 grote risicofactoren:
perioperatieve opioïden
• in UZ Leuven:
alizapride – dexamethasone –ondansetron
niet volgens vast protocol
Domperidon voor postoperatief braken en nausea???
• preventie en behandeling van nausea en braken na een operatieve
ingreep gedurende de 24 uur die volgen op de inductie van de algemene
anesthesie bij risicopatienten met een verlaagde emetogene drempel
• symptomatische behandeling van nausea en braken van verschillende
oorsprong, bij volwassenen en kinderen, met name: nausea en braken
ten gevolge van een anesthesie of een chirurgische ingreep; nausea en
braken te wijten aan chemotherapie en radiotherapie.
domperidon (bij volwassenen)
• het verlichten van de symptomen van misselijkheid en braken,
epigastrisch gevoel van ‘volheid’, een vervelend gevoel in de bovenbuik,
regurgitatie van de maaginhoud
Domperidon voor postoperatief braken en nausea???
o benefit: weinig evidentie voor gebruik bij postoperatief
o risk?
vooral: domperidon kan/mag geen comfortmedicatie zijn
• voorschriftplicht logisch en noodzakelijk
• cave interacties
• cave risicopopulaties
Wat bij gewijzigde benefit/risk verhouding,
gewijzigd SKP, waarschuwingen Ema…..?
• (herhaalde) communicatie naar
artsen/apothekers/verpleging (zeker wanneer het gaat
over farmaca die op “verpleeglijstje” staan)
• nood tot aanpassing van interne schemata/protocols
wanneer benefit/risk gewijzigd blijkt:
o doelpopulatie
o voorschriftplicht arts
o wijziging max. dosis….
verantwoordelijkheid van MFC- artsen- (klinische)
Domperidone should be restricted to patients in whom its
benefit is proven to justify the risk.
Availability without prescription and advertising as an innocent
relief is incorrect and unsafe, and needs to be reconsidered.