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Lab Chapter 14:
Analysis of Variance
Lab Topics:
• One-way ANOVA
– the F ratio
– post hoc multiple comparisons
• Two-way ANOVA
– main effects
– interaction effects
• To test hypotheses about the mean on one
variable for three or more groups
• Sample hypotheses:
– “There are differences in the average income of
sociology, social work, and criminology majors.”
– “There are differences in the recidivism rate of
persons convicted of burglary, larceny, forgery,
and robbery.”
One-Way ANOVA (cont.)
• The hypotheses:
– research hypothesis: at least one group has a
different mean
– null hypothesis: all groups have the same mean
• inferential statistic: F ratio
– non-directional hypotheses
ANOVA: df = (K – 1 and N - K)
– degrees
of freedom:
One-Way ANOVA (cont.)
• Post hoc multiple comparison tests
• Tukey, Tukey’s b, and Bonferonni most
common tests
– One-way ANOVA can only tell you if F ratio is
significant but not which groups are significantly
different form one another
– Post hoc tests can identify pairs of groups that
significantly differ
– If F ratio for model not significant, post hoc test
not needed
One-Way ANOVA Example
• Were there significant differences by region in
the average willingness to allow legal abortion
among 1980 GSS young adults?
• DV: Willingness to allow abortion (I-R level)
• IV: Region (nominal level – 4 groups)
1. State the research and the null hypothesis.
research hypothesis: There were regional differences in
average willingness to allow legal abortion.
null hypothesis: There were no regional differences in
average willingness to allow legal abortion.
One-Way ANOVA Example (cont.)
2. Are the sample results consistent with the null
hypothesis or the research hypothesis?
Analyze | Compare Means | One-Way ANOVA
(Use Post-Hoc to request Multiple Comparison Test)
Requesting Sample
Means and Post Hoc
Multiple Comparisons
Sample Means for Each Region
One-Way ANOVA Example (cont.)
3. What is the probability of getting the sample results if
the null hypothesis is true?
4. Reject or do not reject null hypothesis.
p = .000 < α = .05, Reject null hypothesis, there is a significant
difference. Which groups are different?
5. See post-hoc multiple test (next slide)
• Tests hypotheses about the mean on one
dependent variable for groups created by two
or more independent variables (or factors)
• Nominal or ordinal level variables entered as
“fixed factors”
• Tests for significant…
– interaction effects
– main effects
More on Two-way ANOVA
• “Fixed Factors” are at the nominal or ordinal
level of measurement and have a limited
number of discrete categories
• Note: Two-way ANOVA can also employ IV’s at
the I-R level as covariates
– In this case the process is known as ANCOVA
(Analysis of Covariance) and the I-R variable is
entered into the dialogue box as a covariate.
– However, this is a much more complex analysis
and we will be using multiple regression for
models that have both nominal/ordinal and I-R
level variables
Two-Way ANOVA Example
• questions:
– Was there a significant interaction effect of marital
status and gender on hours worked among 1980
GSS young adults?
– If the interaction wasn’t significant, did marital
status and gender have significant individual net
• Analyze | General Linear Model | Univariate
• (Use Plots and Post-Hoc to request Subgroup
Means and a Plot of Subgroup Means)
Producing a Two-Way ANOVA
Subgroup Means
and a Plot of
Subgroup Means
1. overall model: significant
2. interaction effect: significant
3. main effect: not needed
Answering Questions with Statistics
Chapter 14
Means and
More on Two-Way ANOVA
• If interaction is significant, then interpret it
along with means and plot.
– This indicates that the IV’s are not acting
separately from one another in their effect on the
DV. Main effect becomes irrelevant.
• If interaction is not significant, interpret main
– This indicates that IV effects on DV are
independent of one another and that there is no
significant interaction of the two IV’s in the
1. overall model: significant
Effects of Married 2. interaction effect: not significant
and Sex on
3. main effects
Number of
– MARRIED: significant
Children (DV)
– SEX: significant