Download TED Talk Studio Days Overview

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Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate their
understanding of how the critical elements
of personal finance relate to their own lives
through their financial plan.
Students will develop their own story
related to personal finance through a TEDstyle talk to share with an audience.
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Lesson Tasks
Create a financial plan based on the template for
ages 25, 45, and 65
Understand elements of an effective TED talk
Develop an TED talk idea into an outline and script
Create effective TED talk slides
Understand the importance of rehearsals for the
style of a TED talk
Present a TED talk to a broader audience
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Unit 3 Essential Question
“How can learning about money
help me plan for the life I want?”
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Financial Plan Project
You have learned fundamental aspects of
personal finance including creating a
budget, managing cash flow, saving for a
large purchase and using interest to your
In a TED talk format, you will highlight what
you found the most compelling about
personal finance as it relates to your own
personal story.
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
What Are Studio Days?
Studio Days are the times you will have to
develop, create, and rehearse your TED
Each Studio Day will provide you with a task
and the background information for why a
TED talk has such a specific format.
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
What Is Presentation Day?
On Presentation Day, you will be ready to
share your TED talk with a broader
Your TED talk will demonstrate how you
have brought together the critical elements
of personal finance through your own story.
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Studio Days
Studio Days
Studio Day 1
Get familiar with the format of a TED talk
Studio Day 2
Develop your idea through an outline and script
Studio Day 3
Create effective slides
Studio Day 4
Rehearse your talk with a variety of audiences
Presentation Day 5
Give your TED talk to a broad audience
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Studio Day 1
Your task is to
watch three short
TED talk videos and
identify what you
see based on your
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Studio Day 2
Your task is to
develop your idea
and structure your
TED talk through
your outline and
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Studio Day 3
Your task is to
create your slides
based on your
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Studio Day 4
Your task is to
rehearse your TED
talk focusing on the
5-7 minute timeline
and getting
feedback from
multiple audiences.
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
Presentation Day 5
Inhale. Exhale. Do it
like you practiced.
notice that the actual
TED talks are not
refined movies…they
are real people
sharing real stories.
Be sure to check the
rubric for complete
grading criteria.
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
How does the essential question fit in with
the TED talk?
What are the Studio Days?
How will I be evaluated on my
understanding of the content in Unit 3?
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days
How does the essential question fit in with the TED talk?
In a TED talk format, you will highlight what you found
the most compelling about personal finance as it relates
to your own personal story.
What are the Studio Days?
Studio Days are the tasks that will guide you through the
process for creating your TED talk based on the “official”
TED style format.
How will I be evaluated on my understanding of the
content in Unit 3?
You will be evaluated based on the project rubric.
Adapted in partnership with ©2015 Educurious Partners--All rights reserved
UNIT 3 Studio Days