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Track 1 – Part II
What can The European
Library do for researchers ?
The European Library Conference
Madrid, December 2012
Overview of TEL
services at moment
Bibliographies records from 48 National
More metadata from 19 research
Portal links to both digitised content and
non-digital content
Basic API allows querying of database
Linked Data set released next year
Future Strategic
 Focus on researcher – humanities and social
science in short term
 Working much more with research libraries as
well as national libraries
 Need to provide a service for both end users but
bear in mind library requirements
 What can TEL provide that your library cannot ?
Maintain focus on
bibliographic data
 Continue to improve quality of current
 Provide more links to digitised versions of
 Incorporate more bibliographic data
 Add data from outside national and
research libraries
Aggregate collectionslevel metadata
 Focus on special collections descriptions
 Link to digitised and non-digitised
 Improving quality of collections level
metadata with in partnership with libraries
 Improve interface for searching collections
 Enrich metadata; entity extraction; improve
subject headings
Aggregate digitised
primary resources
 Primary resources – books, newspapers,
manuscripts, documents (special collections)
 Ingest digitised collcetions (not just metadata)
 Provide new interfaces on aggregated content
 Continue to allow users to link back to holding
 Expose text for new data / text mining in digital
humanities and other fields
Focus on secondary
 Secondary sources – journals, monographs,
grey literature, theses
 Provide discovery service for academic output
 Ingest metadata and full text from Open Access
repositories in universiteis
 Ingest metadata on articles from publishers
 Undertake innovative work on citation analysis
and other methods using full text
Audience ?: Arts, Humanities,
Social Sciences
 Focus on particular audiences to ensure
targetted audience
 Work with researchers in these subjects to
tailor services
 Work with existing data services in these
 Work with learned societies, research
consortia in these subjects
 Undertake new projects with these groups
Audience ?: Science,
Technology, Medicine
 Focus on particular audiences to ensure
targetted audience
 Work with researchers in these subjects to
tailor services
 Work with existing data services in these
 Work with learned societies, research
consortia in these subjects
 Undertake new projects with these groups
Audience ?: Students
and Researchers ?
 Undertake better understanding of student
 Focus services around those student
Work Cross Domain
 Work with archives, museums as well as
 Work with publishers and other relevant
 Understand researcher needs for a crossdomain service better, especially in terms
of interoperability
 Provide a research service not just based
on library content but archives, museums
Enhanced marketing
 Promote not just the collections but the
institutions with the collections
 Promote library’s collections outside their
home country
 Promote The European Library outside
Other possibilities …
 You may have other ideas …. ?
 You may have undertaken ideas that you can
share with others
 Discuss in groups of x??
 Write headline ideas on post it notes (as many as
you want
 There are no limits and very few bad ideas !
 Big ideas (broader strategies) AND small ideas
(short-term goals)
 Put them all on sheet on the wall
Other possibilities …
 Provide more multi lingual access
 Focus more on underpresrented European
 Develop mobile version
 Scrap portal – much more focus on APIs
 Or develop specific tools and services for different
 Build network of experience
What can we do to prepare the
library of the future for
researchers ?
Work Cross Domain / Enhanced marketing /
Students and Researchers / Science,
Technology, Medicine / Arts, Humanities,
Social Sciences / Focus on secondary
resources / Maintain focus on bibliographic
data / Aggregate collections-level
metadata / Aggregate digitised primary
And now …
 Select top 10 ideas on post it notes
 Place them on second sheets on wall,
according to cost and impact
 Select one person to speak for two minutes
on your choices 