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‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬
News and Comment
The World's First Muslim Online Festival
The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Tatarstan website announced the beginning of the world's
first on-line Muslim festival held from the 1st to the 15th of August. During this time, 30 speakers from
around the world will speak on-line for festival participants. “The aim of the festival – education of the
Muslims to hear the speeches of the leading Muslim figures in the world. We will have speakers from Syria,
Australia, South Africa and other countries”, said Marcel Sabirov, president of the Union of Muslim Youth of
Russia, who is the main organizer of the festival. “It is planned that the festival will be attended by about 30
thousand people ... The festival will be online, as 80 percent of their free time young people spend on the
Internet while sitting at their computers, pads and so on,” he commented.
Recently, there have appeared a growing number of media reports carried out on the Russian sites of
state and even international events related to Islam. The events with such high-sounding titles are not even
held in the Islamic countries. What's the matter? Why would Russia, which is competing with other
countries in the fight against Islam and the persecution of the Muslims, have suddenly decided to do their
“education” ?!
In fact, this event is not significant for Islam in Russia and even more in the world, despite the fact that
a large number of participants from other countries announced. Moreover, this is the next performance, that
is playacted by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims and the Union of Muslim Youth in Russia. This is
evidenced by the scale of light: most of the media did not pay any attention to it, and those that did, gave a
scant and dry information. It is even ridiculous to mention about any resonance in the Islamic world. The
Muslims and especially young people, are more concerned with the real problems existing in the Islamic
Ummah in different parts of the world ... This is really evident in the social groups and the comments in the
network, where the events of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, China, etc. are being actively discussed. And this
shows their sincerity, because the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
«‫»مثل المؤمىيه في تىادّهم وتراحمهم وتعاطفهم كمثل الجسد الىاحد إذا اشتكى مىه عضى تداعى له سائر الجسد بالحمى والسهر‬
“The believers are like one body: when any limb aches, the whole body reacts with
sleeplessness and fever”. This very event is meant to distract the believers from exciting events and
concentrate them on the so-called traditional Islam, giving it weight with the help of such invited traditional
foreign leaders. When foreign scientists speak in the name of Islam, there appears a feeling that things are
not so bad, one forgets that the believers pray on the roads instead of the mosques and as if there are no
daily security operations in the Caucasus and “clean-up” operations in other regions. The deliberate
disregard and deliberate removal of attention from anxiety of the Ummah are double crime according to the
hadith of the Prophet (saw): «‫ لعامة المسلميه فليس مىا‬... ً‫“ »ومه لم يمس ويصبح واصحا‬Whoever wakes up and does
not think about the Muslims’ problems… is not from us!” If we go back to the purpose of the festival education of the Muslims – at what did look the organizers when banned all Islamic literature of the world
renowned famous scholars of Islam, which is the basis of education and knowledge?!
But it is no matter how much work the power to draw the believers away from the truth, and no matter
how the representatives of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Tatarstan help in this, the Muslims are
not in such a position to follow blindly the policies of Shaitan. Today, religious sincere young people are
ahead of them on the head in hard call for truth and monotheism.
Therefore, there is nothing for the high-sounding titles, and multiday speeches but words and
Allah (swt) said:
َ‫ّق وَأَوْ ُتمْ تَعْ َلمُىن‬
َ َ‫وَال تَلْبِسُىا ا ْلحَّقَ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَ َتكْ ُتمُىا ا ْلح‬
“And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]” [2:42]
Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Abdullah ibn Yahya
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