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(景山誠二 p1)
Lwembe R, Lihana RW, Ochieng W, Panikulam A, Mongoina CO, Palakudy T, de Koning H, Ishizaki A,
Kageyama S, Musoke R, Owens R, Songok EM, Okoth FA, and Ichimura H. Changes in the HIV Type 1
envelope gene from non-subtype B HIV-1-infected children in Kenya. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 25:
141-147, 2009.
Miyashita M, Agdamag DM, Sasagawa T, Matsushita K, Salud LM, Salud CO, Saikawa K, Leaño PS,
Pagcaliwagan T, Acuna J, Ishizaki A, Kageyama S, Ichimura H. High-risk HPV types for uterine abnormal
cervices of female commercial sex workers in the Philippines. J Med Virol, 81: 545-551, 2009.
Ishizaki A, Cuong NH, Thuc PV, Trung NV, Saijoh K, Kageyama S, Ishigaki K, Tanuma J, Oka S, Ichimura
H. Profile of HIV-1 infection and genotypic resistance mutations to antiretroviral drugs in treatment-naïve
HIV-1–infected individuals in Hai Phong, Viet Nam. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 25: 175-182, 2009.
Hosaka N, Ndembi N, Ishizaki A, Kageyama S, Numazaki K, and Ichimura H. Rapid Detection of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 group M by a Reverse Transcription-Loop-Mediated Isothermal
Amplification Assay. J Virol Methods, 157: 195-199, 2009.
Kageyama S, Agdamag DMD, Alesna ET, Abellanosa-Tac-An IP, Corpuz AC, Telan EFO, Que ER, Leaño
PSA, Jereza LD, Emphasis YEE, Prasetyo AA, Tanimoto T, and Ichimura H. Tracking the Entry Routes of
Hepatitis C Virus as a surrogate of HIV in an HIV-low prevalence country, the Philippines. J Med Virol,
81:1157-1162, 2009.
Agdamag DM, Kageyama S, Leaño PS, Solante RM, Telan EF, Que ER, and Ichimura H. Prediction of
Response to Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B with Pegylated Interferon in the Philippines. J Med Virol, 82:
213-219, 2010.
Taminoto T, Cuong NH, Ishizaki A, Chung, PTT, Huyen, HTT, Trung, NV, Kageyama S, Thue, PV, and
Ichimura H. Multiple routes of hepatitis C virus transmission among injection drug users in Hai Phong,
Northern Vietnam. J Med Virol, 82: 1355-63, 2010.
Telan EFO, Samonte GMJ, Abellanosa-Tac-An EP, Alesna ET, Leaño PSA, Emphasis YEE, Tsuneki A,
Matsumoto K, and Kageyama S. The Early Phase of an HIV Epidemic in a Population Exposed Previously
to HCV in the Philippines. J Med Virol, 83: 941-947, 2011.
Sato H, Kageyama S, Yamamoto H, Kurokawa M, Aoki E, and Shiraki K. Glycyrrhizin renders cells
resistant to apoptosis induced by human and feline immunodeficiency virus. J Trad Med, 28: 139-148,
10. Prasetyo, AA, Dirgahayu, P, Sari, Y, Hudiyono, H, Kageyama, S. Molecular epidemiology of HIV, HBV,
HCV, and HTLV-1/2 in drug abuser inmates in Central Javan prisons, Indonesia. J Infect Dev Ctries,
15:453-467, 2013.
11. Tsuneki, A, Itagaki A, Tsuchie, H, Tokuhara, M, Okada, T, Narai, S, Kasagi, M, Tanaka, K, and Kageyama,
S. Reduced Replication Capacity of Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Virus during The 2010-2011 Winter Season
in Tottori, Japan. J Med Virol, 85: 1871-1877, 2013.
12. Telan EFO, Samonte, GMJ, Palaypayon N, Abellanosa-Tac-An IP, Leaño PSA, Tsuneki A, and Kageyama S.
Possible HIV Transmission Mode among At-Risk Populations at an Early Epidemic Stage in the Philippines.
J Med Virol, 85: 2057-2064, 2013.
13. Katsumoto, T, Itagaki, A, Inaga, S, Naguro, T, Tsuneki, A, and Kageyama, S. Progeny Virions Forming
Large or Small Plaques in MDCK Cells Infected with Influenza Virus Strains: Scanning Electron
Microscopic Observations. J Electr Microsc Technol Med Biol, in press.