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Ch. 5 Worksheet
Ch. 5-1 + 5-2 The Atom
1. What did Democritus contribute to the theory of atoms? ______________________________
2. Two of the four parts of Dalton's Atomic Theory are incorrect. Rewrite the two incorrect
statements so that they are true.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
3. Describe the contributions to atomic theory made by Thomson's experiments with a cathode
ray tube.
and Rutherford's work with gold foil.
4. Describe the structure of the atom using complete sentences. The terms electron, proton,
neutron, nucleus, mass, and charge should be included in your description (underline/highlight
these words in your paragraph).
5. What is the atomic number of an element? _________________________________________
In an atom, how are the number of protons and electrons related? ______________________
How is the number of electrons related to the atomic number? _________________________
6. What is the mass number of an atom? _____________________________________________
7. For each diagram, list the atomic number and mass number. A periodic table can be used to
find the symbol for each atom. Put a star on the isotopes.
Atomic number 1
Mass number 1
8. The composition of an atom can be represented with a chemical symbol using a superscript
and a subscript. Label the atomic number and mass number for the following chemical symbol.
This element can also be represented as gold - _________
___________ 79 Au
9. Atoms that have the same number of ___________ but different numbers of ____________
are called _____________. Write the superscript/subscript chemical symbols for the two
isotopes from question #7. ______________, _____________
10. What is an atomic mass unit (amu)? _____________________________________________
11. The atomic mass of an element is _______________________________________________
12. Below is an element as represented on the Periodic Table.
a. To the right label the atomic mass and atomic number.
b. Below state the number of protons, electrons, and
neutrons found in this element.
p+_________ e- ________ n° ___________
c. Explain why the atomic masses for most elements are not whole numbers.
Ch.5.4 Organizing the Elements
13. Who assembled the first periodic table? __________________________________________
14. The modern periodic table is arranged according to increasing ________________________
15. The horizontal rows are called _______________________. How many are there? ________
16. The vertical columns are called ____________ or ______________. How do all of the
elements in a vertical column compare? __________________________________________
17. Name two elements that have properties similar to those of calcium. _______ and ________
18. List four common properties of all elements that are metals.
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________
Use a periodic table to list the symbols of any five metals. ___________________________
19. List four common properties of nonmetals.
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________
List the symbols of any five nonmetals. __________________________________________
20. How do the properties of metalloids compare to those of metals and nonmetals? __________
Where are the metalloids found on the periodic table? _______________________________
List the symbols of all 7 metalloids. _____________________________________________
21. How many elements are there? __________________