Download Application of Flexible Matrix Composites to Lower Leg Amputee Prosthetics

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Application of Flexible Matrix
Composites to Lower Leg
Amputee Prosthetics
Team Members: Jacob Robison, Logan Miller, Vamshi
Kammari, Ian Marcus, Trey Moore
Advisors: Dr. Michael Madigan, Dr. Michael Philen
The goal of this senior design project is to improve prosthetic
comfort and fit by applying a structure of flexible matrix
composites to the socket of prosthetic legs. Our hope is that
these tubes may be assembled into a liner for prosthetics to
account for volume change in residual limbs.
Key Features:
Flexible Matrix Composite (FMC)
Carbon based fibers encasing flexible tube
Angle of fiber determines behavior
Tubes assembled to make flexible structure
Structure can be pressurized to alter volume and
Computer model of pressurized FMC tube predicting
volume change
Fabricated single tube FMC and structures
Recommendation of optimal FMC structure for use in
transtibial prosthetic