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9 Power Problems and Their UPS Solutions
Normal Sine Wave
Cause and Results
(1) Power Outage A total loss of utility power
Can be caused by a number of events: lightning Standby
strikes, downed power lines, grid over-demands, Line-interactive
accidents and natural disasters.
(2) Power Sag
Short term low voltage
Triggered by the startup of large loads, utility Standby
switching, utility equipment failure, lightning
and power service that’s too small for the Online
demand. In addition to the crashes, sags can damage hardware.
(3) Power Surge Short term high voltage
With voltages above 110% of nominal, surges Standby
can be triggered by a rapid reduction in power Line-interactive
loads, heavy equipment being turned off, or by Online
utility switching. The results can potentially damage hardware.
(4) Brownout
Reduced line voltage for
Can be caused by intentional utility voltage Line-interactive
extended periods of a few reduction to conserve power during peak demand Online
minutes to a few days periods or other heavy loads that exceed supply capacity.
(5) Electrical High frequency waveform Can be caused by either RFI or EMI interference Line-interactive
Line Noise
that piggybacks on the line generated by transmitters, welding devices, SCR Online
waveform driven printers, lightning, etc.
(6) High Voltage Instant and dramatic
Can be caused by lightning strikes and can send Online
increase in line voltage
line voltages to levels in excess of 6,000 volts. A spike almost always results in data loss or
hardware damage to unprotected systems.
Version 15, 10/07
(7) Frequency
A change in frequency Variation stability
Resulting from generator or small co-generation Online
sites being loaded and unloaded. Frequency variations can cause erratic operation, data loss, system crashes and equipment damage.
(8) Switching Transient
Normal duration is shorter than a spike and generally falls in the range of nanoseconds.
Instantaneous high voltage
increase impressed on the power line waveform
(9) Harmonic
Distortion of the normal
line waveform, generally transmitted by nonlinear loads.
Switch-mode power supplies, variable speed Online
motors and drives, copiers and fax machines are examples of nonlinear loads. Harmonic
distortion can cause communication errors, overheating and hardware damage.