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World History Make Up Work: Mr. PAVLOVICH: Please attach this sheet to your work and write
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text to complete the following for the highlighted
or suggested sections:
1. Answer all blue Reading Check questions in
2. Answer all Section Assessment questions at the
end of the section.
Chapter 1 Studying the Ancient World
Section 1—Clues from the Past, p. 6
Section 2—Putting the Pieces Together, p. 10
Chapter 2 The Fall of Rome
Section 1—The Roman Empire, p. 24
Section 2—Fall of Western Roman Empire, p.30
Section 3—The Byzantine Empire, p. 36
Chapter 3 The Rise of Islam
Section 1—Geography and Life in Arabia, p. 54
Section 2—Origins of Islam, p. 59
Section 3—Islamic Beliefs and Practices, p. 66
Chapter 4 The Spread of Islam
Section 1—Early Expansion, p. 80
Section 2—Muslim Empires, p. 88
Section 3—Cultural Achievements, p. 94
Chapter 5 Geography of Africa
Section 1—Geography of Africa, p. 112
Section 2—Early Culture and Trade, p. 116
Chapter 6 West African Empires
Section 1—Empire of Ghana, p. 130
Section 2—Empire of Mali, p. 136
Section 3—Empire of Songhai, p. 142
Section 4—Historical & Artistic Conditions, p. 147
Chapter 7 China
Section 1—China Reunifies, p. 166
Section 2—Tang and Song Achievements, p. 170
Section 3—Confucianism and Government, p. 176
Section 4—TheYuan and Ming Dynasties, p. 180
Chapter 8 Japan
Section 1—Geography and Early Japan, p. 198
Section 2—Art and Culture in Heian, p. 204
Section 3—Growth of a Military Society, p. 212
Chapter 9 Middle Ages
Section 1—Geography of Europe, p. 230
Section 2—Europe after the Fall of Rome, p. 234
Section 3—Feudalism and Manor Life, p. 242
Section 4—Feudal Societies, p. 248
Chapter 9 The Later Middle Ages
Section 1—Popes and Kings, p. 260
Section 2—The Crusades, p. 264
Section 3—Christianity & Medieval Society, p.269
Section 4—Political and Social Change, p. 276
Section 5—Challenges to Church Authority, p. 282
Chapter 11 The Renaissance
Section 1—Origins of the Renaissance, p. 298
Section 2—The Italian Renaissance, p. 304
Section 3—The Renaissance beyond Italy, p. 312
Chapter 12 The Reformation of Christianity
Section 1—The Protestant Reformation, p. 328
Section 2—The Catholic Reformation, p. 334
Section 3—Effects of Reformation, p. 340
Chapter 13 The Scientific Revolution
Section 1—A New View of the World, p. 354
Section 2—Discoveries and Inventions, p. 359
Section 3—Science and Society, p. 364
Chapter 14 The Early Americas
Section 1—Geography and Early Cultures, p. 384
Section 2—The Maya, p. 390
Section 3—Maya Life and Society, p. 395
Chapter 15 The Aztec and Inca Empires
Section 1—The Aztec Empire, p. 410
Section 2—Aztec Life and Society, p. 416
Section 3—The Inca Empire, p. 422
Section 4—Inca Life and Society, p. 427
Chapter 16 The Age of Exploration
Section 1—Great Voyages of Discovery, p. 446
Section 2—The Columbian Exchange, p. 454
Section 3—Origins of Capitalism, p. 459
Chapter 17 Enlightenment and Revolution
Section 1—Ideas of Enlightenment, p. 474
Section 2—New Views on Government, p. 478
Section 3—The Age of Revolution, p. 484
World History Make Up Work: Mr. PAVLOVICH: Please attach this sheet to your work and write
which assignment your make-up work will be replacing in the space below.
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