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Planets study outline
Know the general character of the planets:
Craters, liquid flow, atmosphere & major components, motion (spin, axis
orientation, ...) volcanoes, moons, rings, surface features, possible internal
For instance:
Planets :
small, cratered, orbit slightly out of plane of ecliptic
Cloudy, hot, sulfuric acid/dense CO2 , greenhouse runaway. Slow
daily rotation (retrograde : pole inclined almost 180 deg.) Volcano
Oxygen in atmosphere, water, volcanoes, tectonics
canyon, dry riverbeds, volcanoes (largest in solar system-Olympus
Mons), dunes, water ice present, thin atmosphere, cratering
Bands, storms in atmosphere; largest planet, 4 large moons + more
Io volcanoes, small ring system, high wind velocity;
Rings, hazier atmosphere, many moons, Titan: largest moon in
solar system, has atmosphere; most flattening of all planets
Pole tipped into plane of ecliptic (90deg), moons still equatorial
orbit. Miranda with mixed features. Methane atmosphere
Methane atmosphere (blue), storm spots, several moons, ring arcs
small, irregular rock, moon Charon almost as big. Orbit very
elliptical, well out of ecliptic.
The characteristics and differences of Terrestrial & Jovian planets are:
Describe and define:
Asteroids –
Comets -
Principle of superposition
Erosional features :
Gravity effectsMode locking or resonance (moon, mercury, Kirkwood gaps)
Ring stabilization (shepherding satellites)
Plane of ecliptic (with angular momentum conservation)
Describe the evidence of the formation of the solar system provided by each of
the items listed here. Briefly describe the simplest whole picture which ties these
Shape of planets
Differentiation – internal, planet/moon systems
Orbit, rotation orientation
Molten cores
Atmospheres – Gravity-Temperature & chemistry, stripping, …
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