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Dynamic Planet
School Name: ________________________________
Division C
Team #: _____________________________
1. The theory that the earth’s surface contracted and wrinkled over time due to
the sun and drying out was known as what theory?
a. The dehydration theory
b. The contraction theory
c. The shriveled theory
d. The paleo-withering theory
e. The paleo-contraction theory
2. Who first proposed the idea of continental drift?
a. Harry Hess
b. Alexander du Toit
c. Alfred Wegner
d. Fred Vine
e. Drummond Matthews
3. Who wrote “History of Ocean Basins” in 1962?
a. Harry Hess
b. Alexander du Toit
c. Alfred Wegner
d. Fred Vine
e. Drummond Matthews
4. Which of the following was NOT original evidence used to support the theory
of continental drift?
a. Continent Shape (South America & Africa)
b. Coal Belts
c. Paleoclimate Data
d. Paleomagnetisim
5. What was the main reason that Continental Drift theory was NOT widely
accepted when it was first put forward?
a. It was purposed by a meteorologist
b. It wasn’t possible to move a continent
c. There was no purposed mechanism
d. Oceanic crust and continental crust are different
6. Who published Our Wandering Continents in 1937 backing up the linking of
the Gondwana fragments?
a. Harry Hess
b. Alexander du Toit
c. Alfred Wegner
d. Fred Vine
e. Drummond Matthews
7. What is the driving process behind Continental Drift Theory?
a. Convection
b. Conduction
c. Subduction
d. Divergence
e. Convergence
8. What is the largest layer of the earth?
a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. Outer Core
d. Inner Core
e. All equal
9. What is the layer of the earth comprised of the crust and the upper mantle?
a. Lithosphere
b. Asthenosphere
c. Baythosphere
d. Geosphere
e. Plastisosphere
10. What is the layer of the earth in the lower mantle, that moves like a thick,
viscous material?
a. Lithosphere
b. Asthenosphere
c. Baythosphere
d. Geosphere
e. Plastisosphere
11. Which of the following is a liquid layer of the earth?
a. Crust
b. Outer core
c. Inner core
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
12. Which term is used to describe the measurement of land with relation to the
sea level?
a. Bathymetry
b. Pycnocline
c. Hypsometry
d. Halocline
e. Hyposemetry
13. What term is used to describe the depth of the ocean relative to sea level, or
“submarine topography”?
a. Bathymetry
b. Pycnocline
c. Hypsometry
d. Halocline
e. Hyposemetry
Please use the chart below to answer questions 14-17.
14. What percentage of the earth’s
surface area is found at an
elevation of 1000m or lower?
a. 20.8 %
b. 37.95 %
c. 51.75 %
d. 68.15 %
e. 91.45 %
15. What percentage of the earth’s
surface is found at a depth of
a. 4.8 %
b. 13.8 %
c. 23.3 %
d. 16.4 %
e. 20.8 %
16. What percentage of the earth’s surface is found above sea level?
a. 2.2 %
b. 4.5 %
c. 18.6 %
d. 29.1 %
e. 36.4 %
17. What percentage of the earth’s surface is found above 2000m of elevation?
a. 0.1 %
b. 0.4 %
c. 1.1 %
d. 2.2 %
e. 3.8 %
18. What stage in the Wilson cycle is identified by “involves uplift and
continental crust extension, resulting in the formation of rift valleys”?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
19. Which stage of the Wilson cycle is characterized by widening of basin and its
continued development into a major ocean flanked by continental shelves
and with the continual production of new, hot, oceanic crust along the ridge?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
20. Which stage of the Wilson cycle is described when this expanding system
becomes unstable and, away from the ridge, the oldest oceanic lithosphere
sinks back into the asthenosphere?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
21. What stage of the Wilson cycle involves the evolution of rift valleys into
spreading regions with thin strips of ocean crust between the rifted
continental sections?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
22. What stage of the Wilson cycle is represented by the image below?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
23. What stage of the Wilson cycle is represented by the image below?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
24. What stage of the Wilson cycle is represented by the image below?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
25. What stage of the Wilson cycle is represented by the image below?
a. Embryonic stage
b. Terminal stage
c. Young stage
d. Subduction stage
e. Mature stage
26. What type of boundary is found between the Nazca plate and the South
American plate?
a. Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent
b. Oceanic – Oceanic Divergent
c. Oceanic – Continental Convergent
d. Oceanic – Continental Divergent
e. None of the Above
27. What type of boundary is found between the Pacific plate and the Philippine
a. Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent
b. Oceanic – Oceanic Divergent
c. Oceanic – Continental Convergent
d. Oceanic – Continental Divergent
e. None of the Above
28. What type of plate boundary results in the formation of volcanic island arcs?
a. Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent
b. Oceanic – Oceanic Divergent
c. Oceanic – Continental Convergent
d. Oceanic – Continental Divergent
e. None of the Above
29. What type of plate boundary results in the formation of a trench?
a. Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent
b. Oceanic – Oceanic Divergent
c. Continential – Continental Convergent
d. Oceanic – Continental Divergent
e. None of the Above
30. What type of plate boundary results in the formation of a volcanic mountain
a. Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent
b. Oceanic – Oceanic Divergent
c. Oceanic – Continental Convergent
d. Oceanic – Continental Divergent
e. None of the Above
31. What force is responsible for normal faulting in rocks?
a. Compression
b. Tension
c. Shearing
d. Vertical subsidence
32. What force is responsible for reverse faulting in rocks?
a. Compression
b. Tension
c. Shearing
d. Vertical subsidence
e. Vertical uplifting
33. What force is responsible for left-lateral strike-slip faulting in rocks?
a. Compression
b. Tension
c. Shearing
d. Vertical subsidence
e. Vertical uplifting
34. What force is responsible for the process of subduction in rocks?
a. Compression
b. Tension
c. Shearing
d. Vertical subsidence
e. Vertical uplifting
35. What force is responsible for structural domes in rocks?
a. Compression
b. Tension
c. Shearing
d. Vertical subsidence
e. Vertical uplifting
36. What force is responsible for folding in rocks?
a. Compression
b. Tension
c. Shearing
d. Vertical subsidence
e. Vertical uplifting
37. What force is responsible for rifting in rocks?
a. Compression
b. Tension
c. Shearing
d. Vertical subsidence
e. Vertical uplifting
38. Which of the following aspects can determine the viscosity of magma?
a. Magma composition
b. Magma temperature
c. Dissolved Gas
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
39. What is the largest layer of the earth?
a. Crust
b. Asthenosphere
c. Lithosphere
d. Mantle
e. Outer Core
40. What is the term for a narrow continental rift, which does not evolve into
spreading ridge ocean basins?
a. Back Arc basin
b. Foreland basin
c. Aulacogens
d. Fore Arc basin
e. None of the Above
41. Which of the following is NOT a type of hysteretic damper?
a. Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVDs)
b. Friction Damper (FDs)
c. Tuned Mass Damper (TMDs)
d. Straddelingpendulum Dampers (swing)
e. Metallic Yeilding Dampers (MYDs)
42. What type of seismic engineering practice uses huge concrete blocks that
move in opposition to the resonance frequencies of the structure?
a. Dry Stone Walls
b. Hysteric Damper
c. Base Isolation
d. Tuned Mass Damper
e. Friction Pendulum Bearing
43. Which of the following is NOT an earthquake induced failure?
a. Soft Story Effect
b. Soil Liquification
c. Sliding Off Foundations Effect
d. Broken Roads Effect
e. Landslide Rock Fall
44. The Hawaiian Island chain is an example of …
a. a Volcanic Island Arc
b. an Aulacogen
c. a Hot Spot
d. a Ridge and Rise system
e. an Arc Basin
45. What type of earthquake occurs along a thrust fault that does not show
signs on the earth’s surface?
a. Doublet
b. Interplate
c. Intraplate
d. Blind Thrust
e. Megathrust
46. What type of earthquake occurs at subduction zones around destructive
convergent plate boundries?
b. Interplate
c. Intraplate
d. Blind Thrust
e. Megathrust
47. What type of earthquake occurs at the boundary between two tectonic
a. Doublet
b. Interplate
c. Intraplate
d. Blind Thrust
e. Megathrust
48. What type of plate boundary is found between the North American and
Eurasian plates?
a. Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent
b. Oceanic – Oceanic Divergent
c. Oceanic – Continental Convergent
d. Oceanic – Continental Divergent
e. None of the Above
49. Which of the following lava/magma types has the highest viscosity?
a. Basalt
b. Rhyolite
c. Andesite
50. Which of the following lava/magma types has the lowest viscosity?
a. Basalt
b. Rhyolite
c. Andesite
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