Download Abstract Template for PFMC 12

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A. First1,*, B. Second1, and C. Third2
research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
Please use this template to generate your abstract. The text font for the abstract
should be Arial. The page size should be chosen as A5. The top margin is 3.0 cm, left
– 2.5 cm, right – 2.5 cm, the bottom margin is 3.0 cm. The text must be written in
clear English.
The title must be in Arial, 13pt, boldface, centred. It is followed by one blank line
(10pt). This is already included in the formatting of this text. Authors should be written
in Arial 12pt, centred. The corresponding author should be marked with star (*).
Please use lower case letters as superscripts following each name if more than one
affiliation is required. The Author line is followed by one blank line (12pt). The
affiliation(s) appear in Arial, 12 pt, italic, centred. Please start with a new line for each
affiliation. Leave one blank line (12pt) between the affiliations and the text body.
The body of the abstract must be typed in 12 pt Arial, left and right flush with
single line spacing. If necessary, references [1] can be used [2, 3]. The contact
information of the corresponding author should appear in the last lines. The abstract
must not exceed one page.
Abstracts must be submitted not later than 25 January 2017.
[1] A.U. Thor, J. Nucl. Mater 111, 222 (1999)
[2] Author1, Author2, and Author3, Nucl. Fusion 11, 222 (2000)
[3] Author1, Author2, Author3, et al., Phys. Scripta 111, 222 (1999)
*Corresponding author: [email protected](A. First)
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