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Date Due _______
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Selected Music Title: ____________________________________________________
Rhythm is the organization of sound and silence into durations of time. Rhythm is
related to human pulse and human movement through time.
1. What meters/time signatures are used in your solo? Write all of them below. Write
how many beats are in each meter under them and what type of note receives one beat.
2. Write the tempo indications that you find in your music below, followed by the
meaning of the word. Use a music dictionary from the library or internet if necessary.
3. At the beginning of the line below write your time signature. Then write the specific
note types used in your piece on the line below and write the duration under each note.
4. At the beginning of the line below write your time signature. Then write the specific
rests used in your piece on the line below and write the duration under each rest.
5. On the line(s) below write the notation and counting of any repeating rhythmic patterns
you find in your music.
6. On the line(s) below write the notation and counting of any new or unusual rhythmic
patterns you find in your music.
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