Download FLATS… - Introduction to Music Theory

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
 Turn in homework (L18, L19, & L20)
 Music Sharing – Joey (XHS)
 ET5
 RQ5
 The piano keyboard
 Accidentals
 Flats, Sharps, & Naturals
 In class work: Composition #1
 Set time signature & rhythm
 Homework: L22, L23, & L24
 An accidental is a symbol that alters the pitch of a
given note.
 The most common accidentals are:
 Flats
 Sharps
 Naturals
 Other accidentals include:
 Double flats
 Double sharps
 Flats, sharps, and naturals are called “accidentals”.
 Flats lower the pitch of a note (by one ½ step).
 Sharps raise the pitch of a note (by one ½ step).
 A natural sign cancels out a previous sharp or flat.
 An accidental sign affects the notes written on the
line or space following it for that measure ONLY!
 A bar line cancels accidentals from the previous
measure, unless a note is tied across the bar line.
 The FLAT sign (b) before a notes lowers the pitch of
that note by one half step.
When speaking of flatted notes, the word “flat” comes
after the letter name, (ex. A flat). However, in written
music, the flat sign comes before the note.
When a flat sign is attached to a line note, the flat is
centered on the line.
When a flat sign is attached to a space note, the flat is
centered in the space.
A flat is in effect for an entire measure.
 The SHARP sign (#) before a notes raises the pitch of
that note by one half step.
When speaking of sharped notes, the word “sharp”
comes after the letter name, (ex. C sharp). However, in
written music, the sharp sign comes before the note.
When a sharp sign is attached to a line note, the sharp
is centered on the line.
When a sharp sign is attached to a space note, the
sharp is centered in the space.
A sharp is in effect for an entire measure.
 The NATURAL sign before a note cancels a previous
sharp or flat.
When speaking of natural notes, the word “natural”
comes after the letter name, (ex. B natural). However, in
written music, the natural sign comes before the note.
When a natural sign is attached to a line note, the
natural is centered on the line.
When a natural sign is attached to a space note, the
natural is centered in the space.
A natural is in effect for an entire measure.