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Segmented Worms Quiz Answers
1. True or False: Most segmented worms feed on dead organic matter.
true 2. True or False: The leech is a segmented worm that feeds on live blood.
true 3. What is a segmented worm? Give an example.
A segmented worm is a worm with a body plan of repeating segments, like the earthworm. 4. What is the role of the brain of an earthworm?
Earthworms’ brains allow them to sense and respond to light and touch. 5. How do earthworms enrich soil?
Earthworms feed on dead organic matter. Their wastes go back into the soil, adding valuable nutrients back into the soil. 6. Worm parapodia serve what function?
a) touch
b) locomotion
c) feeding
d) sight
7. Which best describes the digestive tract of an Annelid?
a) Incomplete digestive tract with two openings, intestines and a stomach.
b) Incomplete digestive tract with one opening, an esophagus and a stomach.
c) Complete digestive tract with two openings, an esophagus and intestines.
d) Complete digestive tract with one opening, an esophagus and intestines.
8. Which describes the segmented worm circulatory system?
a) a complete heart and blood vessels
b) five paired hearts and blood vessels
c) five two chamber hearts and blood
d) blood and blood vessels
9. Which worms have a body cavity?
a) flatworm and roundworm
b) roundworm and segmented worm
c) segmented worm and flatworm
d) all three phyla
10. Which worms have a complete digestive system?
a) flatworm and roundworm
b) roundworm and segmented worm
c) segmented worm and flatworm
d) all three phyla
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