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Augmentin®Oral Preparations
Indication: Amoxicillin-clavulanate should be used
in accordance with local official antibioticprescribing guidelines and local susceptibility data.
 Contraindication: Co-amoxiclav is contraindivated
- In patients with a history of hypersensitivity to
beta-lactams, e.g penicillins and cephalosporins.
-In patients with a previous history of amoxicillinclavulanate-associated jaundice/hepatic
 Dosage and Administration: Dosage depends on
the age, weight and renal function of the patient
and the severity of the infection.
 Indication:
Treatment of essential
hypertension. Treatment of trenal disease in
patients with hypertension and type two
diabetes mellitus as part of an
antihypertensive drug regimen.
 Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to any
component of the product. Second and third
trimester of pregnancy.
 Dosage and Administration: The usual
recommended initial and maintenance dose is
150mg once daily with or without food.
 Indication:
For the management of
manifestation psychotic disorders. To control
nausea and vomiting. For relief of
restlessness and apprehension before
 Contraindication: Do not use in comatose
states or in the presence of large amounts of
central nervous system depressants.
 Dosage and Administration: Choropolzamine
HCl should generally not used in children
under 6 months of age except where
potentially lifesaving.
Zinnat® Tablets
 Indication:
It is an oral prodrug of the
bacterial cephalosporin antibiotic cefuxime
whichis resistant to most B-lactameses and is
active againts a wide range of Gram-positive
and Gram-negative organisms.
 Contradictions: Patients with known
hypersensitivity to cephalosporin antibiotics.
 Dosage and Administration: The usual course
of therapy is seven days range to 5 days.
Cefuroxime should be taken after food for
optimum absorption.
Flanax® Forte
 Indication:
Naproxen Sodium is indicated in
the relief of mild to moderately severe pain
with or without accompanied inflammation.
 Contraindications: It is contraindicated in
patients with history of hypersensitivity to
aspirin of any other NSAIDs.
 Dosage and Administrations: The
recommended dose is one tablet twice daily.
Diamicron® MR
 Indication:
For non-insulin-dependent
diabetes(type 2), in association with dietary
measures and with exercise, when these
measures alone are not sufficient.
 Contraindication: Diamicron®MR should not
be used in this case:
 -Allergy to this medicine or to other
medicines of the same group(sulfonylureas).
 Dosage and Administration: The usual daily
dosage 1 to 4 tablets per day as a single
dose. It is recommended that the drug be
taken at breakfast time.
 Indication:
Treatment of respiratory affections
characterized by thick and viscous
hypersecretion due to bronchitis, chronic
bronchitis and its exabertion.
 Contraindications: Known hypersensitivity to
acetylcysteine. Fluimicil granules and tablets
are contraindicated in patients suffering from
phenylketonuria due to the aspartame
 Dosage and Administration: 1 sachet of
FLUIMUCIL® 100 mg, 2 to 4 times a day,
according to age.
 Indication:
Treatment of coronary heart
disease. Chronic stable pectoris, treatment of
 Contraindication: It is must not be used in
cases of known hypersensitivity to nifedipine
or to any of the excipients.
 Dosage and Administration: As far as
possible the treatment must be tailored to
the individual. Depending on the clinical
picture in each case, the basic dose must be
introduced gradually.
Arcoxia/Arcoxia Ac
 Indication:
Relief of acute pain, treatment of
primary dysmenorrhoea, and treatment of
acute gouty arthritis.
 Contradiction: Active peptic ulceration or
active gastro-intestinal bleeding. Patients
who have experienced bronchospasm, acute
rhinitis, nasal polyps, angioneurotic oedema,
urticaria, or allergic-type reactions after
taking acetylsalicylic acid.
 Dosage and Administration: It is administered
orally , may be taken with or without food.
Celebrex ®
 Indication:
Symptomatic treatment of
osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, relief
of signs and symptoms of ankylosing
spondylitis, management of acute pain, for
the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.
 Contraindications: Patients who have
experienced asthma, urticaria or allergic-type
reactions after taking surgery.
 Dosage and Administration: Celecoxib should
be used with caution when treating patients
with moderate hepatic impairment.
Prepared by:
Justine Cris A. Cenizan
Crisanto Lacusong