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International (refereed) journals
1. Debets R, Savelkoul H. Cytokine antagonists and their potential therapeutic use.
Immunol Today, 1994 15:455.
2. Verburg-Van Kemenade B, Weyts F, Debets R, Flik G. Carp macrophages and
neutrophilic granulocytes secrete an interleukin-l-like factor. Dev Com Immunol,
1995 19:59.
3. Prens EP, Debets R, Hegmanss JPJJ. T cells in psoriasis. Clin Dermatol, 1995
4. Debets R, Hegmans J, Troost R, Benner R, Prens E. Enhanced production of
biologically active interleukin-1 alpha and interleukin-1 beta by psoriatic
epidermal cells ex vivo: evidence of increased cytosolic interleukin-1 beta levels
and facilitated interleukin-l release. Eur J Immunol, 1995 25:1624.
5. Prens EP, Debets R. IL-1 in psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1996 99:523.
6. Prens EP, Debets R. Angiogenesis in psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1996
7. Prens E, Hegmans J, Chin A Lien R, Troost R, Debets R, Van Joost T, Benner R.
Increased expression of interleukin 4 receptors on psoriatic epidermal cells. Am J
Pathol, 1996 148:1493.
8. Van Haarst J, Verhoeven G, De Wit H, Hoogsteden H, Debets R, Drexhage H.
CDla+ and CDla- accessory cells from human bronchoalveolar lavage differ in
cytokine production and in allostimulatory potential. Am J Respir CeD Mol Biol,
1996 15:752.
9. Debets R, Savelkoul H. Cytokines and cytokine receptors. Med Inflamm, 1996
10. Debets R, Hegmans J, Deleuran M, 't Hooft S, Benner R, Prens E. Expression of
cytokines and their receptors by psoriatic fibroblasts. I. Altered IL-6 synthesis.
Cytokine, 1996 8:70.
11. Debets R, Hegmans J, Buurman W, Benner R, Prens E. Expression of cytokines
and their receptors by psoriatic fibroblasts. II. Decreased TNF receptor
expression. Cytokine, 1996 8:80.
12. Allaerts W, Jeucken P, Debets R, Hoefakker S, Claassen E, Drexhage H.
Heterogeneity of pituitary folliculo-stellate cells: implications for interleukin 6
production and accessory function in vitro. J Neuroendocrinol, 1997 9:43.
13. Hoijer M, Melief M, Debets R, Hazenberg M. Inflammatory properties of
peptidoglycan are decreased after degradation by human N-acetylmuramyl-Lalanine amidase. Eur Cytokine Netw, 1997 8:375.
14. Debets R, Hegmans J, Croughs P, Troost R, Prins J-B, Benner R, Prens E. The ILl system in psoriatic skin. IL-l antagonist sphere of influence in lesional psoriatic
epidermis. J Immunol, 1997 158:2955.
15. Van der Velden V, Naber B, Wierenga-Wolf A, Debets R, Savelkoul H, Overbeek
S, Hoogsteden H, Versnel M. Interleukin 4 receptors on human bronchial
epithelial cells. An in vivo and in vitro analysis of expression and function.
Cytokine, 1998 10:803.
16. Wei L, Debets R, Hegmans J, Benner R, Prens E. IL-l beta and IFN-gamma
induce the regenerative epidermal phenotype of psoriasis in the transwell skin
organ culture system. IFN-gamma up-regulates the expression of keratin 17 and
keratinocyte transglutaminase via endogenous IL-l production. J Pathol, 1999
17. Companjen A, Van der Velden V, Vooys A, Debets R, Benner R, Prens, E.
Human keratinocytes are major producers of IL-18: predominant expression of the
unprocessed form. Eur Cytokine Netw, 2000 11:383.
18. Sana T, Debets R, Timans J, Bazan J, Kastelein R. Computational identification,
cloning, and characterization of IL-1R9, a novel interleukin-l receptor-like gene
encoded over an unusually large interval of human chromosome Xq22.2-q22.3.
Genomics, 2000 69:252.
19. Brieland J, Jackson C, Hurst S, Loebenberg D, Muchamuel T, Debets R, Kastelein
R, Churakowa T, Abrams J, Hare R, O'Garra A. Immunomodulatory role of
endogenous interleukin-18 in gamma interferon-mediated resolution of replicative
Legionella pneumophila lung infection. Infect Immun, 2000 68:6567.
20. Debets R, Timans J, Churakowa T, Zurawski S, de Waal-Malefyt R, Moore K,
Abrams J, O'Garra A, Bazan J, Kastelein R. lL-18 receptors, their role in ligand
binding and function: anti-IL-1RAcPL antibody, a potent antagonist of IL-18. J
Immunol, 2000 165:4950.
21. Brieland J, Jackson C, Menzei F, Loebenberg D, Cacciapuoti A, Halpern J, Hurst
S, Muchamuel T, Debets R, Kastelein R, Churakova T, Abrams J, Hare R,
O'Garra A. Cytokine networking in lungs of immunocompetent mice in response
to inhaled aspergillus fumigatus. Infect Immun, 2001 69:1554.
22. Neighbors M, Xu X, Barrat F, Ruuls S, Churakova T, Debets R, Bazan J,
Kastelein R, Abrams J, O'Garra A. A critical role for interleukin 18 in primary and
memory effector responses to Listeria monocytogenes that extends beyond its
effects on interferron gamma production. J Exp Med, 2001 194:343.
23. Willemsen R, Debets R, Hart E, Hoogenboom H, Bolhuis R, Chames P. A phage
display selected Fab fragment with MHC dass I-restricted specificity for MAGEAl allows for retargeting of primary human T lymphocytes. Gene Ther, 2001
24. Debets R, Timans T, Homey B, Zurawski S, Sana T, Lo S, Wagner J, Edwards G,
Clifford T, Menon S, Bazan J, Kastelein R. Two novel IL-1 family members, IL-1
delta and IL-1 epsilon, function as an antagonist and agonist of NFκB activation
through the orphan IL-1 receptor-related protein 2. J Immunol, 2001 167:1440.
25. Sebestyén Z, Nagy P, Horváth G, Vámosi G, Debets R, Gratama JW, Alexander
DR, Szöllősi J. Long wavelength fluorophores and cell-by-cell correction for
autofluorescence significantly improves the accuracy of flow cytometric energy
transfer measurements on a dual-laser benchtop flow cytometer. Cytometry, 2002
26. Lamers C, Willemsen R, Luider B, Debets R, Bolhuis R. Protocol for gene
transduction and expansion of human T lymphocytes for clinical immunogene
therapy of cancer. Cancer Gene Ther, 2002 9:613.
27. Debets R, Willemsen, RA, Bolhuis RLH. Adoptive transfer of T-cell immunity:
gene transfer with MHC-restricted receptors. Trends in Immunol, 2002 23:435.
28. Willemsen RA, Debets R, Chames P, Bolhuis R. Genetic engineering of T cell
specificity for immunotherapy of cancer. Hum Immunol, 2003 64:56.
29. Schaft N, Willemsen RA, de Vries J, Lankiewicz B, Essers BWL, Gratama JW,
Figdor CG, Bolhuis RLH, Debets R, Adema G. Peptide fine-specificity of antiglycoprotein 100 CTL is preserved following transfer of engineered TCR alpha
beta genes into primary human T lymphocytes. J Immunol, 2003 170:2186.
30. Schaft N, Lankiewicz B, Gratama JW, Bolhuis RLH, Debets. Flexible and
sensitive method to functionally validate tumor-specific receptors via activation of
NFAT. J Immunol Methods, 2003 280:13.
31. Lamers CH, Sleijfer S, Willemsen RA, Debets R, Kruit WH, Gratama JW, Stoter
G. Adoptive immunogene therapy of cancer with single chain antibody [scFv(lg)]
gene modified T lymphocytes. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 2004 18:134.
32. Debets R, Willemsen RA, Kastelein RA. Anti-melanoma activity of human IL-1
family member 9. Immunology, 2004 88:43.
33. Willemsen R, Ronteltap C, Heuveling M, Debets R, Bolhuis R. Redirecting
human CD4+ T lymphocytes to the MHC class I-restricted melanoma antigen
MAGE-Al by TCR alphabeta gene transfer requires CD8alpha. Gen Ther, 2005
34. Willemsen R, Ronteltap C, Chames P, Debets R, Bolhuis R. T cell retargeting
with MHC class I-restricted antibodies: the CD28 costimulatory domain enhances
antigen-specific cytotoxicity and cytokine production. J Immunol, 2005
35. Lamers C, Gratama J, Pouw N, Langeveld S, van Krimpen B, Kraan J, Stoter G,
Debets R. Parallel detection of transduced T lymphocytes after immunogene
therapy of renal cell cancer by flow cytometry and real-time polymerase chain
reaction: implications for loss of transgene expression. Hum Gene Ther, 2005
36. Lamers C, Willemsen R, van Elzakker P, van Krimpen B, Gratama J, Debets R.
Phoenix-ampho outperforms PG13 as retroviral packaging cells to transduce
human T cells with tumor-specific receptors: implications for clinical
immunogene therapy of cancer. Cancer Gene Ther, 2006 13:503.
37. Schaft N, Lankiewicz B, Drexhage J, Berrevoets C, Moss DJ, Levitsky V,
Bonneville M, Lee SP, McMichael AJ, Gratama JW, Bolhuis RLH, Willemsen R,
Debets R. T cell re-targeting to Epstein-Barr virus antigens following T cell
receptor gene transfer: CD28-containing receptors mediate enhanced antigenspecific IFNgamma production. Int Immunol, 2006 18:591.
38. Lamers CHJ, Sleijfer S, Vulto AG, Kruit WHJ, Kliffen M, Oosterwijk E, Debets
R, Gratama JW, Stoter G. Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma with
autologous T-lymphocytes genetically retargeted against carbonic anhydrase IX:
first clinical experience. J Clin Oncol, 2006 24:e20.
39. Willemsen R, Sebestyén Z, Ronteltap C, Berrevoets C, Drexhage J, Debets R.
CD8 alpha coreceptor to improve TCR gene transfer to treat melanoma: downregulation of tumor-specific production of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10. J Immunol,
2006 177:991.
40. Pouw N, Westerlaken E, Willemsen R, Debets R. Gene transfer of human TCR in
primary murine T cells is improved by pseudotyping with amphotropic and
ecotropic envelopes. J Gene Ther, 2007 9:561.
41. Lamers CHJ, Langeveld SCL, Groot-van Ruijven CM, Debets R, Sleijfer S,
Gratama JW. Gene-modified T cells for adoptive immunotherapy of renal cell
cancer maintain transgene-specific immune functions in vivo. Cancer Immunol
Immunother, 2007 56:1875.
42. Thomas S, Xue SA, Gaspere MC, San José E, Hart DP, Wong V, Debets R,
Alarcon B, Morris E, Stauss HJ. Targeting the Wilms Tumor antigen 1 by TCR
gene transfer: TCR variants improve tetramer binding but not the function of gene
modified human T cells. J Immunol, 2007 179:5803.
43. Sebestyen Z, Magnuson M, Debets R, Willemsen RA. An oncolytic adenovirus
redirected with a tumor-specific T-cell receptor. Cancer Res, 2007 67: 11309.
44. Lamers CHJ, van Elzakker P, Luider BA, van Steenbergen SCL, Sleijfer S,
Debets R, Gratama JW. Retroviral vectors for clinical immunogene therapy are
stable for up to 9 years. Cancer Gene Ther, 2008 15:268.
45. Sebestyén Z, Schooten E, Sals T, Zaldivar I, San José E, Alarcón B, Bobisse S,
Rosato A, Szöllösi J, Gratama J, Willemsen R, Debets R. Human TCR
incorporating CD3zeta induce highly preferred pairing of TCR alpha and beta
chains following gene transfer. J Immunol, 2008 180:7736.
46. Lamers C, Elzakker P, Langeveld S, Sleijfer S, Debets R, Gratama J. Retronectinassisted retroviral transduction of primary human T lymphocytes under GMP
conditions: tissue culture bag critically determines cell yield. Cytotherapy, 2008
47. Willemsen, R, Chames P, Schooten E, Gratama JW, Debets R. Selection of human
antibody fragments directed against tumor T-cell epitopes for adoptive T cell
therapy. Cytometry A, 2008 73:1093.
48. Lamers CHJ, Willemsen RA, van Elzakker PMML, Gratama JW, Debets R.
Gibbon Ape Leukemia Virus poorly replicates in primary human T lymphocytes:
implications for safety testing of primary human T lymphocytes transduced with
GALV-pseudotyped vectors. J Immunother, 2009 32:272.
49. Bobisse S, Rondina M, Merlo A, Tisato V, Mandruzzato S, Amendola M, Naldini
L, Willemsen RA, Debets R, Zanovello P, Rosato A. Reprogramming T
lymphocytes for melanoma adoptive immunotherapy by T cell receptor gene
transfer with lentiviral vectors. Cancer Res, 2009 69:9385.
50. Govers C, Sebestyén Z, Willemsen R, Debets R. T cell receptor gene therapy:
strategies for optimizing transgenic TCR pairing (review). Trends in Molecular
Medicine, 2010 16:77.
51. Wooldridge L, Clement M, Lissina A, Edwards E, Hewitt R, Gostick E, Cole D,
Berrevoets C, Debets R, Miles J, Burrows S, Price D, Sewell A. MHC class I
molecules with superenhanced CD8 binding properties bypass the requirement for
cognate TCR recognition and nonspecifically activate CTLs. J Immunol, 2010
52. Pouw N, Treffers-Westerlaken E, Kraan J, Jonker M, Wittink F, ten Hagen T,
Verweij J, Debets R. Combination of IL-21 and IL-15 enhances tumour-specific
cytotoxicity and cytokine production of TCR-transduced primary T cells. Cancer
Immunology Immunother, 2010 59:921.
53. Coccoris M, Straetemans T, Govers C, Lamers C, Sleijfer S, Debets R. T cell
receptor (TCR) gene therapy to treat melanoma: lessons form clinical and
preclinical studies (review). Exp Opinion Biol Ther, 2010 10:547.
54. Pouw N, Treffers-Westerlaken E, Mondino A, Lamers C, Debets R. TCR geneengineered T cells: limited T cell activation and combined use of IL-15 and IL-21
ensure minimal differentiation and maximal antigen-specificity. Mol Immunol,
2010 47:1411.
55. Bendle G, Linnemann C, Hooijkaas A, de Witte M, Jorritsma A, Bies L, Kaiser A,
Pouw N, Debets R, Song J-Y, Haanen J, Schumacher T. Lethal Graft-versus-Host
Disease in mouse models of T cell receptor gene therapy. Nat Medicine, 2010
56. Strijbos MH, van Krimpen BA, Debets R, Kraan J, Sleijfer S, Gratama JW,
Lamers C. mRNA levels of CD31, CD144, CD146 and von Willebrand factor do
not serve as surrogate markers for circulating endothelial cells. Thrombosis &
Haemostasis, 2010 104:318.
57. Hawkins RE, Gilham DE, Debets R, Eshhar Z, Taylor N, Abken H, Schumacher
TN. Development of Adoptive Cell Therapy for Cancer: A clinical perspective.
Human Gene Ther, 2010 21:665.
58. Schroten C, Kraaij R, Veldhoven J, Berrevoets C, den Bakker M, Ma Q, Sadelain
M, Bangma C, Willemsen R, Debets R. T cell activation upon exposure to patientderived tumor tissue: a functional assay to select patients for adoptive T cell
therapy. J Immunol Methods, 2010 359:11.
59. Lamers CH, Willemsen R, van Elzakker P, van Steenbergen-Langeveld S,
Broertjes M, Oosterwijk-Wakka J, Oosterwijk E, Sleijfer S, Debets R, Gratama JW.
Immune responses to transgene and retroviral vector in patients treated with ex
vivo engineered T-cells. Blood, 2011 117:72.
60. Roszik J, Sebestyén Z, Govers C, Yakir Guri, Ápád Szöõr, Pályi-Krekk Z, Vereb
G, Nagy P, Szöllősi J, Debets R. T cell synapse formation depends on antigen
recognition but not CD3 interaction: studies with TCR:zeta, a candidate transgene
for TCR gene therapy. Eur J Immunol, 2011 41:1288.
61. Govers C, Sebestyén Z, Berrevoets CA, Venselaar H, Debets R. T cell receptor
fused to human CD3ζ: intact CD3ζ transmembrane domain prevents TCR mispairing, whereas complete CD3ζ directs functional TCR expression. The Open
Gene Therapy Journal, 2011, 4:11.
62. Straetemans T, Coccoris M, Berrevoets C, Treffers-Westerlaken E, Scholten C,
Schipper D, ten Hagen T, Debets R. T cell receptor gene therapy in human
melanoma-bearing immune-deficient mice: human but not mouse T cells
recapitulate outcome of clinical studies. Human Gene Ther, 2012, 23:187.
63. Straetemans T, van Brakel M, van Steenbergen S, Broertjes M, Drexhage J,
Hegmans J, Lambrecht B, Lamers C, van der Bruggen P, Coulie P, Debets R. TCR
gene transfer: MAGE-C2/HLA-A2 and MAGE-A3/HLA-DP4 epitopes as
melanoma-specific immune targets. Clinical and Developmental Immunology,
2012, 2012:1.
64. Gilham D, Debets R, Pule M, Hawkins RE, Abken H. CAR-T cells and solid
tumors: tuning T cell to challenge an inveterate foe (review). Trends in
Molecular Medicine, 2012, 18:377.
65. Govers C, Berrevoets C, Westerlaken E, Broertjes M, Debets R. MagneticActivated Cell Sorting of TCR-engineered T cells, using tCD34 as a gene marker,
but not pMHC multimers, results in significant numbers of functional CD4 and
CD8 T cells. Hum Gene Ther Methods, 2012, 23:213.
66. Lamers C, Debets R. Genetically modified T lymphocytes: more than just direct
effectors. Immunotherapy 5:691, 2013.
67. Lamers C, van Elzakker P, van Steenbergen S, Luider B, Groot C, van Krimpen
B, Vulto A, Sleijfer S, Debets R, Gratama J. Long-term stability of T cell
activation and transduction components critical to the processing of clinical
batches of gene-engineered T cells. Cytotherapy, 2013, 5:691.
68. Lamers C, Sleijfer S, van Steenbergen S, van Elzakker P, van Krimpen B, Groot
C, Vulto A, den Bakker M, Oosterwijk E, Debets R, Gratama J. Treatment of
metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma with CAIX CAR-engineered T cells: clinical
evaluation and management of on-target toxicity, Mol Ther, 2013, 21:904.
69. Schaft N, Coccoris M, Drexhage J, Knoop C, de Vries J, Adema G, Debets R. An
altered gp100 peptide ligand with decreased binding by TCR and CD8a dissects T
cell cytotoxicity from production of cytokines and activation of NFAT. Frontiers
Immunology, 4:270, 2013.
70. Kunert A, Straetemans T, Govers C, Lamers C, Mathijssen R, Sleijfer S, Debets R.
TCR-engineered T cells meet new challenges to treat solid tumors: choice of
antigen, T cell fitness and sensitisation of tumor milieu (review). Frontiers
Immunology, 4:363, 2013.
71. Reuß S, Sebestyén Z, Heinz N, Loew R, Baum C, Debets R, Uckert W. TCR-
engineered T cells: A model of inducible TCR expression to dissect the
interrelationship between two TCRs. Eur J Immunol, 44:265, 2014.
72. Kleijn A, Kloezeman JJ, Treffers-Westerlaken EJ, Fulci G, Leenstra S, Dirven
CMF, Debets R, Lamfers M. Therapeutic efficacy of the oncolytic adenovirus
Delta24-RGD in glioma depends on virus-induced tumor-specific immunity.
PLoS ONE, 27:e97495, 2014.
73. Liu NQ, De Marchi T, Timmermans AM, Beekhof R, Trapman-Jansen AM,
Foekens R, Look MP, van Deurzen CH, Span PN, Sweep FC, Brask JB,
Timmermans-Wielenga V, Debets R, Martens JW, Foekens JA, Umar A. Ferritin
Heavy Chain in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Favorable Prognostic Marker
that Relates to a CD8+ Effector T-cell Response. Mol Cell Proteomics, 13:1814,
74. Balvers RK, Belcaid Z, van den Hengel SK, Kloezeman J, Wakimoto H, Hoeben
RC, Debets R, Leenstra S, Dirven C, Lamfers M. Locally-delivered T-cell-derived
cellular vehicles efficiently track and deliver adenovirus delta24-RGD to
infiltrating glioma. Viruses, 6:3080, 2014.
75. Govers C, Sebestyén Z, Roszik J, van Brakel M, Berrevoets C, Szöőr A,
Panoutsopoulou K, Broertjes M, Van T, Vereb G, Szöllősi J, Debets R. TCRs
Genetically Linked to CD28 and CD3ε Do Not Mispair with Endogenous TCR
Chains and Mediate Enhanced T Cell Persistence and Anti-Melanoma Activity. J
Immunol, 193:5315, 2014.
76. Lamers C, van Steenbergen S, van Brakel M, Groot C, van Elzakker P, van
Krimpen B, Sleijfer S, Debets R. TCR-engineered T cells to treat solid tumors: T
cell activation and expansion conditions revisited to yield T cells with preferred
phenotype and function. Hum Gene Ther Methods, 6:345, 2014.
77. Kleijn A, Kloezeman J, Treffers-Westerlaken E, Fulci G, Leenstra S, Dirven C,
Debets R, Lamfers M. The therapeutic efficacy of the oncolytic virus Delta24RGD in a murine glioma model depends primarily on antitumor immunity.
Oncoimmunology. 2014 3:e955697.
78. Klaver Y, Kunert A, Sleijfer S, Debets R, Lamers C. Adoptive T cell therapy: a
need for standard immune monitoring (review). Immunotherapy, 2015 7:513.
79. Straetemans T, Berrevoets C, Coccoris M, Treffers-Westerlaken E, Wijers R, Cole
D, Dardalhon V, Sewell A, Taylor N, Verweij J, Debets R. Recurrence of
melanoma following T cell treatment: continued antigen expression in a tumor
that evades T cell recruitment. Mol Ther, 2015 23:396.
80. Onderdijk AJ, Baerveldt E, Kurek D, Kant M, Debets R, Prens E. IL-4 downregulates expression of IL-1b and IL-6 and up-regulates expression of GATA-3 in
resident epidermal cells in psoriasis: a novel and cell type-restricted route of
action of a Th2-type cytokine. J Immunol, 2015 195:1744.
81. Saeed M, van Brakel M, Zalba S, Schooten E, Koning G, Debets R, ten Hagen T.
Targeting melanoma with immunoliposomes coupled to anti-MAGE A1 TCR-like
single chain antibody. Int J Nanomedicine, 2016 11:955.
82. Debets R, Donnadieu E, Chouaib S, Coukos G. TCR-engineered T cells to treat
tumors: Seeing but not touching? Sem Immunol, 28:10.
83. Siddiqui I, Erreni M, van Brakel M, Debets R, Allavena P. Enhanced recruitment
of genetically modified CX3CR1-positive human T cells into
Fractalkine/CX3CL1 expressing tumors: importance of the chemokine gradient. J
Immunother Cancer, 2016 4:21.
84. Lamers CHJ, Klaver Y, Gratama JW, Sleijfer S, Debets R. Treatment of metastatic
Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) with CAIX CAR-engineered T-cells - a complete
study overview. Biochemical Society Transactions, 2016 44:951.
85. Klaver Y, van Steenbergen SCL, Sleijfer S, Debets R, Lamers CHJ. Plasma IFN-γ
and IL-6 levels correlate with peripheral T-cell numbers but not toxicity in RCC
patients treated with CAR T-cells. Clinical Immunology, in press.
86. Kunert A, van Steenbergen-Langeveld S, van Brakel M, da Silva M, Coulie P,
Lamers C, Sleijfer S, Debets R. MAGE-C2 specific TCRs, in combination with
epigenetic drug treatment of target cells, yield tumor-selective therapeutic T cells.
J Immunol, 2016 197:2541.
87. Lamers CH, Wijers R, van Bergen CA, Somers JA, Braakman E, Gratama JW,
Debets R, Falkenburg JH, Cornelissen JJ. CD4+ T-cell alloreactivity towards
mismatched HLA-class II alleles early after double umbilical cord blood
transplantation (dUCBT). Blood, 128:2165, 2016.
88. Lolkema M, Debets R, de Wit R. Prostate cancer and immune monitoring: are we
heading towards better selection of patients and treatment strategies? Eur Urol, in
89. Smid M, Germán Rodríguez-González F, Sieuwerts AM, Salgado R, Prager-Van
der Smissen WJC, van der Vlugt-Daane M, van Galen A, Nik-Zainal S, Staaf J,
Brinkman AB, van de Vijver MJ, Richardson AL, Fatima A, Berentsen K, Butler
A, Martin S, Davies HD, Debets R, Meijer-Van Gelder ME, van Deurzen CHM,
MacGrogan G, van den Eynden GGM, Purdie C, Thompson AM, Caldas C, Span
PN, Simpson PT, Lakhani SR, van Laere S, Desmedt C, Ringnér M, Tommasi S,
Eyford J, Broeks A, Vincent-Salomon A, Futreal AP, Knappskog S, King T,
Thomas G, Viari A, Langerod A, Børresen-Dale AL, Birney E, Stunnenberg HG,
Stratton M, John A. Foekens JA, W.M. Martens JWM. Breast cancer genome and
transcriptome integration implicates specific mutational signatures with immune
cell infiltration. Nat Commun, 7:12910, 2016.
90. Manzo T, Sturmheit T, Basso V, Petrozziello E, Hess Michelini R, Riba M,
Freschi M, Elia AR, Grioni M, Curnis F, Protti MP, Schumacher TN, Debets R,
Swartz MA, Corti A, Bellone M, Mondino A. T cells redirected to a minor
histocompatibility antigen instruct intratumoral TNF-α expression and empower
adoptive cell therapy for solid tumors. Cancer Res, in press.
91. Govers C, van Brakel M, Gerry A, Bennett AD, Pumphrey N, Liddy N,
Minderhout A, van Steenbergen-Langeveld S, Verweij J, Jakobsen BK, Debets R.
CDR3α mutations in gp100/HLA-A2 TCR with minor affinity-enhancement
demonstrate improved T cell function without gain in self-reactivity. J Immunol,
under revision.
92. Pouw N, Treffers-Westerlaken E, Sebestyen Z, Wittink F, Verweij J, Debets R.
IL-21 results in de-differentiation of primary T lymphocytes. PLoS ONE, under
93. Willemsen R, Ronteltap C, Sebestyen Z, Bolhuis R, Debets R. Identical singlechain TCR with distinct non-variable signaling elements have distinct
specificities. Gene Ther, under revision.
94. van Caeneghem Y, Demunter S, Goetgeluk G, Weening K, Verstichel G, Bonte S,
Taghon T, Leclercq G, Kerre T, Debets R, Abken A, vandekerckhove B. Antigen
receptor-redirected T cells derived from hematopoietic precursor cells lack
expression of the endogenous TCR/CD3 receptor and exhibit specific antitumor
capacities. Ms, submitted.
95. Bins S, Basak EA, el Bouazzaoui S, Koolen SLW, Oomen-de Hoop E, van der
Leest CH, Sleijfer S, Debets R, van Schaik RHN, Aerts JGJV, Mathijssen RHJ.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in signaling molecules downstream of PD1 are
associated with adverse events in nivolumab-treated patients. Ms, submitted.
Contributions to books
Debets R, Van Joost T, Benner R, Prens EP. Psoriatic epidermal cells release
elevated levels of immunoreactive and biologically active interleukins 1 and 6:
modulation of corticosteroid treatment. In Bemard BA and Schroot B (eds.)
Pharmacol Skin: From Molecular Biology to Therapeuties. Kärger, Basel
1993 5:158.
Gratama JW, Debets R, Willemsen RA. Cancer Immunity. In Nijkamp FP,
Pamham MJ (eds.) Principles of Immunopharmacology. Birkhäuser Verlag,
Basel 2005 12:9.
Cheadle, EJ, Sheard V, Hombach A, Chmielewski M, Riet T, Berrevoets C,
Schooten E, Lamers C, Abken H, Debets R, Gilham D. Chimeric antigen
receptors for T-cell based therapy. Chapter in Antibody engineering: methods
and protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana press, New York, NY,
2012 907:645.
Debets R, Schumacher T. TCR-engineered T cells. In Hawkins R (ed.) Cellular
Therapy of Cancer: Development of Gene Therapy Based Approaches,
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