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The student will analyze the diverse
cultures of the people who live in
Southern and Eastern Asia.
Explain the differences between an ethnic
group and a religious group.
Ethnic Group
Religious Group
A group of people who share
cultural ideas and beliefs that
have been a part of their
community for generations.
The characteristics they may
have in common could
include language, religion,
history, types of foods, and a
set of beliefs, or celebrations.
A group of people who share
a belief system in a god or
gods, with a specific set of
rituals and literature. People
from different ethnic groups
may share the same religion,
though they may be from
very different cultures.
Compare and contrast the prominent religions in
Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism, Hinduism,
Islam, Shintoism and the philosophy of
Hinduism is a polytheistic
religion (worship many gods).
It’s the 3rd largest religion in
the world. It was founded & is
The Creator
The Preserver The Destroyer practiced mostly in India. It is
the oldest of the world’s major
Hindus consider cows sacred and
many Hindus are vegetarians.
The holy book is The
The Ganges River is also sacred.
Vedas. The “book of
knowledge” is a collection
Karma is the belief that a person’s
of prayers, hymns, and
actions determine their fate.
rituals of Hindu belief.
The caste system is a major part of Hinduism. It is a hierarchy of
social classes. The only way to break through to a new caste is
through reincarnation (rebirth in a new body). Hindus believe
that the type of life you lead (your karma) determines your next
Began in India around 500 BC &
spread to other parts of Asia.
Siddhartha Gautama was born into a
wealthy Hindu family. He left his
wealth & family to discover a way to
put an end to pain & suffering. He
founded Buddhism & became known
as Buddha, the “Enlightened One.”
Four Noble Truths
1. There is suffering in life
2. Suffering is caused by
greed and desire
3. Give up desire and end
suffering to achieve
Nirvana (perfect
4. Follow the Middle Way
to reach Nirvana
He believed that
greed & desire
kept people from
finding peace.
Buddha believed
was the key &
man could turn
evil into good.
The Middle Way (Eightfold Path)
•Try to recognize the truth
•Avoid evil actions and bad people
•Don’t day hurtful things
•Respect People and their things
•Don’t harm others
•Don’t think evil thoughts
•Avoid excitement or anger
•Work at meditation
Islam means
"submission", referring
to the total surrender of
one's self to God, and a
Muslim is "one who
submits (to God)".
Islam is a monotheistic religion originating with the teachings of
Muhammad, a 7th century Arab religious and political figure.
Islam is the second-largest religion in the world today (only
Christianity is larger), with an estimated 1.4 billion adherents, spread
across the globe. Followers of Islam are known as Muslims. Muslims
believe that God revealed the Qur'an; the sacred book of Islam, to
Muhammad and that he is God's final prophet. Muslims practice the
Five Pillars of Islam.
Shintoism was developed and is
still practiced in Japan.
Shintoism centers on reverence for the kami, divine
spirits, that Shinto followers believe live in nature.
These spirits are believed to live in beautiful places,
Shintoism means
animals and ancestors. Many Japanese believe
that these spirits live in the mountains and rivers of “way of the gods”
Japan, and homes have small altars where offerings
can be made to please the kami. Shintoism
stresses the importance of cleanliness and order.
The worship of nature has lead the Japanese to
perfect the art of creating small beautiful gardens;
areas of quiet and reflection, in a crowded world.
Philosophy of Confucianism
Confucius was born around 550 BC during a time
when the government was having trouble keeping
order and warlords controlled much of the country.
He became one of the most important scholars in
Chinese history. He believed that the key to peace
and social order was for people to behave with good
character and virtue.
Golden Rule of
“What you do
not like when
done unto
yourself, do not
unto others”
Confucius was not a religious leader or prophet. He saw
himself as a teacher and Confucianism is considered to be a
philosophy or ethical system based on morality or good
deeds, rather than a religion.
The literacy rate, or the number of people who can read
and write, has a large effect on a country’s standard of
living. Strong, productive economies require an educated
workforce. In many parts of the world, education is only
available to those who can afford it. Countries that make
education available to all citizens have a high literacy rate
and also a higher standard of living than those countries
which don’t provide education for it’s citizens.
A country’s standard of living can also be measured by
their GDP (Gross Domestic Product), or the total amount
of goods and services produced within that country in a
given year. Higher GDP in a country means better living
conditions for it’s citizens.
Moffitt, L, Mullins, E. (2009). Georgia CRCT Test Prep 7th grade Social Studies; Teaching the
Georgia Performance Standards (Preview Edition). Clairmont Press. Atlanta, GA.